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Everything posted by AxelLuvver8

  1. omg i havent been on here in forever! :D...

  2. i like trains....

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tails


      I like chocolate milk!!!

    3. Oishii


      Strawberry milk is better...

    4. MarluXia777


      "I got you a pie" " what flavour is it" "pie flavour"


  3. i have a huge obsession with kh. my mom get annoyed when i randomly recite lines that the organization says. anybody else have the same kind of life?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AxelLuvver8
    3. AxelLuvver8


      that happens

    4. Lu Xun

      Lu Xun

      you know you can just delete it, right?

  4. dont worry. im obsessed too... :P

    1. AxelLuvver8


      im just like you. exept im not up till 4 in the morning saying random lines, and i dont own as many games as you do. and im not much of a fan of riku.. go axel!! xD

    2. AxelLuvver8


      oops. i meant to just comment.. not post a whole thing. imma retard...

  5. i got home from a cruise a few weeks ago, and the first few things that happend...

    1) i got smacked in the face by a two year old.

    2) i tripped over a chair.

    3) i got bit by a giant dog.

    and 4) i come home to my dad throwing a fit over my brother throwing crap around the room.

    i have a great 7 day cruise, and i come home to what? CRAP!!

  6. ohmigosh! penelope?!? hiiiiiii!!

  7. demyx, no i did not...

    namine, if you are namine, then why is your name tera?

    and hi.. dmeyx

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