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  1. I know this topic is old and all, but I feel i must address this. This user whom you say loved you, perhaps realized he couldn't be anything more. Its best that he is gone, and I know your upset, because I know this kind of hurt in real life. the reason why you shouldnt worry is because he has figured out what he has done is wrong. But remember if you are reading this, forgiveness is a golden thing, maybe hes thinking about you right now, and regrets doing all the things he said to your, maybe he realizes he hurt you. I hope you have a happy birthday persianrose.
  2. You were such a good talker, I stayed up late that night.... now you hate me, now you cry, because you think I didnt care. Im talking about a girl I knew, I made up all these fantasies in my head and talk with her about my dreams. She liked them and she wanted to become a part of them. And I made a false promise to be there for her. Why and how could I ever do that? I hardly knew who she was. My first encounter with the truth is when she called me. it was almost anonymous out of nowhere. But also dangerous. I couldnt talk. and I was scared. I told her to go away. She obviously didnt like that. a girl I never seen before or heard from. I had only met her online. so she messaged me saying she was sorry, I dont quite remember but I wasnt able to use a compueter for a while so I thought about her, and asked myself "what have I done"? I went back online and there she was online. but I ignored her hoping she had forggotten me. I trampled her like a fallen Rose please forgive me, but how can she she probably is living a better life, and just despises me now. I made an epic mistake and am truely sorry, but she will never forgive me. Having that in my heart hurts. We couldve been friends, and I ignored her.....
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