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oath of oblivion

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Everything posted by oath of oblivion

  1. ...PLEASE TRY IT BEFORE YOU GET AN OPINION. Do you have an iphone, ipod, android, or ipad? go to the app store and download the free app Rage Of Bahamut! #1 game on the App Store with over 1 MILLION players! This game is a fun card game that's very easy to learn. I tried this game out because I read some positive reviews. And after playing this game for a week, I have to say that the reviews had merit. The game is a little slow at first but really picks up later. The community is friendly and you don't need to spend money to feel like your worth anything. Feel free to use my referal code when you finish the tutorial its mku58341 . We both get a rare card and in game currency which helps a lot. Good luck also if you want to add me send support to username djlyh96. I'll help you along and give you advice... looking forward to playing with you!
  2. no no no sora should always be the hero! ( I can't quote on my phone)
  3. in your opinion which one is better / looks better? (no spoilers please)-( I realize most people have not played it)
  4. does anyone else think kingdom hearts is to restricted? I am just asking because I think if the kingdom hearts series had as much time put into it as final fantasy then kingdom hearts would surpass ff. I know they have been making versus 13 but kingdom hearts have been substantially forgotten about when you compare kingdom hearts with final fantasy. I am just saying kingdom hearts 3 should be completely epic, super cinematic, and more than double the playtime of dream drop distance because of the long wait/amount of side games between 2&3 and it needs to grow up a little bit... because I really do not like the idea of dream eaters its just too colorful... and it should be a little more serious. anyway I would love to get some feedback/ other peoples opinions. thanks!
  5. OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!! our house got broken into!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just now the cops are on the way *heart beats really fast*tha alarm went off and scared the shit out of me and i heard glass break so i turned off my room lights and ducked(hid) and heard gun shots(my grandfather shot his foot/leg/arm)and im in my room with the door locked scared as hell

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. oath of oblivion

      oath of oblivion

      his name was harley gresham and he was taken to prison ...age 23....male....(im still shaken up a lot)(cant relax,too scared still)

    3. P50L


      -holds head and pats- it'll be ok...it's over.....just think of peace, and forget what happened....-pats head-

    4. oath of oblivion

      oath of oblivion

      thanks....cant go to sleep tho

  6. A business man has this girlfriend who is addicted to sex. He really loves her, and of course hes a guy so he doesn't mind it. Well because hes a business man he has to travel a lot for his job, so he had to go on a trip, but he was afraid his girl would cheat on him. So he went to an adult store in search of something for her to use. A clerk came up to him and asked him what he was looking for, he explained his situation and the clerk told him that he had just the perfect thing for him. He led the business man to the back of the store and pulled out a wooden box. He explained "alright, inside this box is a voodoo dick. All you gotta do it say voodoo dick whatever it is you want it too and open the box. Like this: Voodoo dick the door,"he opened the box and the dick jumped out and went over and started humping the door. "To get it back in all you gotta do is say voodoo dick back in the box." and the dick got back in. So the man bought it and took it home. He explained to his girlfriend that all she had to do when she got horny was tell the dick "voodoo dick my pussy" and it would do it. So he left and went on his trip. Not long after his girl got horny so she opened the box and said "voodoo dick my pussy" it jumped out and started giving it too her. Well after hours and hours of doing it, she realized she didnt know how to make it stop. So after trying and trying she got into her car and decided to go to the hospital, on the way she swerved all over the road. A passing cop saw this and pulled her over. The woman explained the situation and the cop scoffed and said "Hah...voodoo dick my ass" If a blonde and a brunette fell off a building, who would hit the ground first? Answer: The brunette - the blonde would have to stop for directions! The assistant asked the blonde if she would like her pizza cut into six pieces or twelve. "Six please" she said, "I could never eat twelve!" A person went into the office kitchen one morning and found a new blonde girl painting the walls. She was wearing a new fur coat and a nice denim jacket. Thinking this was a little strange, he asked her why she was wearing them rather than old clothes or an overall. She showed him the instructions on the tin, "For best results, put on two coats A blonde and a redhead went to the bar after work for a drink, and sat on stools watching the 6 O'clock news. A man was shown threatening to jump from the Brooklyn Bridge, and the blonde bet the redhead $50 that he wouldn't jump. Sure enough, he jumped, so the blonde gave the redhead $50. The redhead said, "I can't take this, you're my friend." But the blonde insisted saying, "No. A bet's a bet." Then the redhead said "Listen, I have to tell you that I saw this on the 5 O'clock news, so I can't take your money." The blonde replied "Well, so did I, but I didn't think he would jump again!" A dumb blonde was really tired of being made fun of, so she decided to have her hair she would look like a brunette. When she had brown hair, she decided to take a drive in the country. After she had been driving for a while, she saw a farmer and a flock of sheep and thought, "Oh! Those sheep are so adorable!" She got out and walked over to the farmer and said, "If I can guess how many sheep you have, can I take one home?" The farmer, being a bit of a gambler himself, said she could have a try. The blonde looked at the flock and guessed, "157." The farmer was amazed - she was right! So the blonde, (who looked like a brunette), picked one out and got back into her car. Before she left, farmer walked up to her and said. "If I can guess the real color of your hair, can I have my dog back?" A blonde asked someone what time it was, and they told her it was 4:45. The blonde, with a puzzled look on her face replied, "You know, it's the weirdest thing, I have been asking that question all day, and each time I get a different answer." what did the digital clock say to the grandfather clock? Look grandpa! No hands! COMMENT!!!!
  7. There once was a little fat boy named billy. Billy was little but never had a curfew. But one night he had to sleep extra early like 7:00 p.m. When he was about to go to sleep he hears noises from his parents room. He looks thru the crack in the door and sees them DOING IT. He gets angry like uber angry and goes to his room to hatch a plan. later his parents hear noises in billys room. the dad goes to his room to check it out then he sees billy doing it with his grandma. then the dad all like WTH WTF OMG BILLY. Billy goes like ITS NOT FUNNY WHEN ITS UR MOMMY IS IT NOW. so there was a little girl named daisy, one day she went to her mom and asked why her name was daisy. her mom said that because when she was born, a daisy petal fell on her head and so she was named daisy. daisy's sister rose, came in the room later and asked the same question. her mother replied, because when you were born, a rose petal fell on your head, so we named you rose. the last of the children comes in and says " eh uh nana uh eh un na" the mom answers " whats that brick?" a lady was prego with triplets. while prego she got shot 3 times (i know thats not funny) she later gave birth to 3 healthy babies...one boy and two girls one day the 1st girl was going pee and a bullet fell out so she went to her mom and said "mommy i was going pee and a bullet fell out' the 2nd girl was going pee and a bullet fell out so she went to her mom and said 'mommy i was going pee and a bullet fell ou' the boy went pee and a bullet come out so he went to his mom and said 'mommy i was going pee...' she cut him off and said 'i know you were going pee and a bullet fell out' so he the boys says 'no mommy..i was going pee and i shot the dog!' What's the quietest place in the world? The complaint department at the parachute packing plant One day a hippie gets a ride on a public bus and sees a hot young nun. He sits down next to her and promptly asks if she would like to have ***, to which she immediately says no and walks off the bus. The bus driver leans over and says “Hey guy I know how to get that nun to have *** with you…” Naturally the hippie asks, and the bus driver tells him that every night at midnight the nun goes to an old graveyard to pray for god to forgive her for her past, and that he should dress up like god and tell the nun she will be forgiven if she has *** with you. The hippie gives his thanks and runs to the nearest costume shop. Later that evening the hippie gets ready for his big night and drives down to the graveyard and sees the nun praying, on her knees. He says “Behold, I have heard your prayers and you shall be forgiven if you have *** with me!” The nun agrees but asks if they can have anal *** in order to keep her virginity. The hippie agrees and once they are finished the hippie jumps back and pulls off his mask and says “Surprise, its me the Hippie!” The nun jumps up and pulls off her mask and says “Surprise, its me the bus driver!” Why do black people have white palms? Because there is a little bit of good in everyone I am a percussionist and my section kept making mistakes, The conductor got really mad and proceeded to say, " When your too stupid to play an actual instrument, they give you two sticks put you in the back and call you a percussionist," After this, my friend said, " Yeah, and when you can't hold on to both sticks, they put you upfront and call you a conductor." Obama, his wife, and Oprah were all flying to DC on a private jet. Obama goes "you know, I could throw a one-thousand dollar bill out the window and make someone very happy!" Then his wife said "well speaking of which, I could throw 10 hundred dollar bills out thewindow and make 10 people very happy." So Oprah goes "well, I could throw 100 10 dollar bills out and make 100 people very happy." The pilot rolled his eyes and looked at the co-pilot and said "They think they're so smart. You know I could throw all their asses out and make 52 million people very happy!"
  8. haha change in rules...harm 3 heal 2 heal axel harm xaldin Xemnas:5 Xigbar:6 Xaldin:1 Zexion:5 Saix:5 Axel:16 Marluxia:7 Roxas:8 Xion:7
  9. huh i just met someone on here i really like but shes only on around 6-8 and not talking to her makes me sad... and this story makes me sadder
  10. http://youtu.be/9xH0xorgUoI COMMENT on how long you lasted
  11. little red riding was walking to her granmothers house and a big wolf jumped out in front of her wolf: im gonna rape you!!! red: no, your gonna follow the story and EAT ME!
  12. actually many people dont know this.... thats why im putting it here
  13. In the cutscene prior to the battle of 1000 heartless, Sora, Donald, and Goofy wield their basic weapons (Kingdom Key, Mage's Staff, and Knight's Shield, respectively). However, when the fight starts, they(sora) carry their(HIS) equipped weapon.
  14. yes he was talking about mx being thrown out but thats the point of it being a hidden referance http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.gif :angry: http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.gif ..... why do people not get that
  15. yes you are kinda right but you know it is a referance because nomura (or whoever) could have chosen any other way to say that.... i mean come on"seek out the darkness" isnt a coincidence dude wtf go away...srry but terra saying "you'll be shown the door" is definitly put there for a reason and you have to be a mentally messed up person to say its not and asd i said before you know it is a referance because nomura (or whoever) could have chosen any other way to say that or it could have not been there at all since it was a part of the secret ending
  16. sups...anyways i was playing bbs and i noticed these Ansem, Seeker of Darkness, made from the heart of Master Xehanort, is referenced twice in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep. First, Master Xehanort asks Terra to "Seek out the darkness that upsets the balance", similar to Ansem's title, and second, Terra tells Master Xehanort in Blank Points that "You're gonna get shown the door, old man", referencing Ansem's fate at the end of Kingdom Hearts. COMMENT PLEASE
  17. i would like to see..... none of them
  18. srry but i have literaly peen praying i can go i will be willing to fly cause ive got about 250 for spending... http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-neutral.png
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