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Everything posted by AlucardSuccessor

  1. For the first time ever, I think I'm going to have to agree with Kooky here. Although your father had a more or less good reaction, he only wants what's best for you. He's thinking of all the possible routes life may take. That's something we used to call "real-time tactics" back in the days.
  2. Umm... this might've contained improper material to be shown so they probably cute the main post but left the thread for some reason...
  3. Please tell me you're not making a Code Geass fanfic... Please tell me.... This is just too much for my mind to take on.... And if you're trying not to get sued by using Bitanima instead of Britannia, good job making it obvious But meh, doesn't seem like it so good job.
  4. Well.... That was a pretty good reaction. I've seen parents react worse(seen a friend of mine come out of the closet in front of his mom and dad and his father beat the crap out of him when they got home) One thing that lead him to think you don't know your sexuality: you said you lied at some parts right? Well, I'm not saying you did wrong by lying, I lie to my parents about those sorts of things too. But it comes with a price. Yours was your father thinking you're still too unexperienced in these things to truly know. But either way, not going to rain on your parade. Congrats dude.
  5. The Earth is still spinning? Well, I'll be damned! ....http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png
  6. Who said it has to be difficult? I entered puberty, like, about 3/4 years ago and didn't really have any hormonal changes. Yes, I admit I am crap and whatever every single day but it's not like I'm going nuts about it(maybe that's why my friends call me nuts, because I don't have any of their weird pubescent habits). Besides this girl isn't saying she feels like crap or anything, she says she's depressed. Any good listener knows the difference between the two. Either way, my point is, nobody says it has to be in an extended period of time. If you're a masochist or whatever, and you like to keep putting yourself in a situation that only hurts your brain and body even more, fine. But you can get easily over it. I know you try to speak from experience but not everyone is the same. This girl might get over it fast, or not. Depends on which advice she takes: 1. Face that it's hormonal change and keep feeling like crap. 2. Take her mind off of such complicated matters and get on with her life, laughs and happiness included.
  7. Eh, you'll grow over it. I talk from personal experience. Just clothe yourself in something you really like(for me it was anime, video games and RPing) and it'll be over in a flash before you know it.
  8. Probably he'll work more seriously on the Youndaime Gaiden he gave us a sneak peek a few months ago... Either way, stop consuming Skittles/Redbull/Monster/Gatorade/whatever the hell kids use these days to get a high. Masashi is still LONG WAY before he ends Naruto. Yes, the world will be saved and whatever, but after this whole thing, we still have to watch the battle between "brothers" aka Sasuke vs Naruto (which Naruto will win at the end, killing Sasuke and claiming to have destroyed all the sources of hatred in the world).
  9. You're fault for talking back to every statement I say... Some people don't know how to shut up(like me right now )
  10. 16 here and my parents don't even get to look at whatever games I'm playing... I play "The Godfather" for PSP and when they ask I just say "A game..." and continue playing. They've understood that, by now in this day and age and with all the influences, there's nothing they can do from stopping me from playing bloody games or whatever. Even Disgaea, which is for 12 year olds, contains extreme words (like in 4 there's this character who calls anyone who insults the main character "bastards" or calls his own female teammates "biotches" when they start going into a tea cup party about the main character's love relationships). But either way, CoD isn't that much fun, so you don't have to feel left out. AC or Bioshock are, though, for people who like that sort of thing.
  11. Digimon of course... I love that in Digimon, they can easily switch between stages, not like Pokemon, where they only change once in a while and never go back to the original stage. That is the best I can say about Digimon, since it gives out a little humanity in the digimon(no being, monster or human, can maintain a state of ultimate strength for more than 10 years). Besides Digimon have more variety, both in quantity, as their numbers escalate to WAY more than the current FULL Pokedex(with full I mean every Pokemon of every season of games and animes) and in ways of changing, going from normal Digivolution, through Armor Digivolution, Side-Digivolution, De-Digivolution, DigiXrosing, Warp Digivolving, etc etc. Digimon games are not as good as recent Pokemon due to lack of HUGE fandom, but if the numbers were to increase, I bet all my life, lunch money, clothes, games and whatever that it would be even better than Pokemon. The system of Digimon games is even better than Pokemon. You can De-Digivolve your own digimons so they can reach higher levels or go into different Digivolutions, i.e. you can have 1 digimon that can go into 4 different digimon lineages and you can go back and forth with them choosing whichever you like.
  12. Well, I was going to add "no offense intended though" but now you just made me change my mind
  13. That's what I like to call "people who don't pay attention to what they read".
  14. Did he say it was a death threat? No. He said it was a normal, creepy threat. So no harm done. CASE CLOSED.
  15. ^This. Once I went to see my older sister in her room and she was crying. I asked what was wrong.(she isn't the type to cry easily) She didn't say anything and pointed towards the screen. I replayed the last video she had seen. It was a video of a group of Brazilian kids burning their dog alive. The only thing I have to say is: My father and mother were needed to restrain me, or else I would have completely smashed my sister's laptop. But one thing we have to have in mind. To be able to call ourselves "sane and right" we have to have people who are logically called "insane and wrong". A play needs a balance between good and bad actors. If there were only good actors, no one would understand anything and would get extremely bored. Same thing with the world. If there aren't any nutty people doing what they do, how can we say who's right and who's wrong? Who's sane and who's insane? For order to be born, we have to have anarchy. A balance of ONLY GOOD is a bad thing.
  16. Well, I don't really like to use threats, seen as actions are more explanatory, but since you won't do anything bad and it's just a joke, I'll tell you something. Threaten his gut. That almost always works. Something in the lines of "I'll rip your freaking guts out punk! That is, if you have any!"
  17. Meh, most girls do go for the macho look but they quickly get over that stage(probably because those guys are just jackasses). From what I understand from girls(which is practically a null thing, because they change their mind every freaking 5 seconds), girls like a guy who has the maturity to: 1. be presentable; 2. don't crack dirty jokes every 10 seconds; 3. admit you're wrong at some point; 4. take up your own crap; 5. and don't throw it onto others; 6. be at the very least a bit interesting(conversational-wise); 7. know how to show your feelings(not too much though); 8. be serious once in a while(kind of involved with point number 2); 9. eh, it helps if you have an athletic body, sometimes. My point being, you have to act like your age. Girls like a man, not a boy who's always running away from things(but remember, being courageous ISN'T being always in a fight with someone or going head first into some crazy situation). They like someone dependable, who they can trust with serious and non-serious matters. (now if only I could use my own advice )
  18. I meant homophobic in the malevolent kind of way... In these subjects I only speak of worst case scenarios... So yeah they have total right and duty of being called old programs, if they hate and make fun of people who are only aware of what they really are.
  19. Yeah. You would always be good with God Of War, since it's basically what you're asking for. Although I still prefer Daxter(currently 99% on it, attempting to go 101%) and Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters.
  20. Talking besides the point that your family thinks you're a disgrace(which is what everyone is ONLY talking about, going away from the HUGE paragraph at the end), if that mentor is as kind and understanding as you say, look her in the eyes and explain what you feel. If she just makes fun of you, then that means she isn't that kind of person. But I think Ran-sama wouldn't lie, so you should tell her. When you're alone is fine if you like privacy about this sort of thing.
  21. Every 12/3 year old boy who's already aware of himself and the world around him... http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png Kinode, here goes my advice, which is a recap of what everyone said. Hint hint hint... blah blah blah. Talk talk talk. Here goes my real advice: If you're close enough, go up to him and declare yourself. That's the only way things will get better(per se). If afterwards he tells everyone and they start acting weird, don't mind them and have the guts to take it in, there is much fish in the sea, besides anyone who is homophobic in this day and age are what I call "old, not updated program". If you aren't that close yet, just befriend more with him and follow with the advice anyways.
  22. Although I kind of agree with khgirl here, believe it will be a one time only, what they did is inexcusable. They could've talked to you and warned you of the dangers of being put in chat and al that and THEN, if you so chose to, they would take you away from it. I remember at the age of 12 being a homophobic, like most people in my group. But that isn't called for here. People think that age, gender, sexual orientation, status, clothing, connections or whatever are what's important. They shouldn't have done that! If they boast about free right to come out of the closet, then rejected a person who is well aware of his sexuality, even though he still a pre-pubescent, is simply the pits! I don't encourage rising up against them, but if you ever meet anyone of your age that is about to join the website, just warn him of their hypocrisy and that they shouldn't join.
  23. Make-up is a decision. Never too much, but never too less, for girls who like to wear it. Confidence is something most people don't have, in this world we live in, this "stage" where we play our roles clumsily. Some are better actors/actresses than others, getting main roles due to their beauty. What guys who don't like girls who wear make-up are trying to say, in their shy way, is that, no matter what you wear, if you at least show your true face, your true "role" in this world, we won't judge you. One time. Only time without make-up is enough. I wouldn't mind falling in love with a girl who wears make-up, as long she at least let's me see her face clean without any products in it. (cus really? who wants to kiss someone who's wearing things that could kill you by ingestion? )
  24. I haven't seen the movie, but I've read the original comic book(30 chapters ftw). This'll be a fun day for my V-obsessed friends...
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