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Everything posted by Sora2

  1. LOL lets tell Dchicuh to buy a Kh.13 House and only members are allowed in
  2. The Doctors real name is ................... (whisper whisper)
  3. Sora2


    The world is full of idioits just chill and watch the fireworks Who brought the fireworks and also think to yourself what Makes You Happy
  4. MY GOD ITS A FIGHT so we need a good song HERE
  5. Question wih your blender did skills did you follow a tutorial or just mess around Also with coding here is a coding playlist that will help you http://www.burgzergarcade.com/hack-slash-rpg-unity3d-game-engine-tutorial
  6. Name sora2 ... age sora2...... gender sora2............. favoruite food ... sora2.....favourite colour Black
  7. /Sadly I have seen all ............................ CREEEPY
  8. This is too mad lets just lock this and BURN IT with fIRE joke
  9. Well he was inside soras heart soooooooooooooooooooooooooo techinallly he did and theres roxas also and xion
  10. well I got it from net LOLOLOL TAYLOR
  11. nah black winged ones more sexier
  12. Yep more sexy people the better the party https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMyOg8-BKlo
  13. nope Kingdom Hearts whack whack keyblade darkness darkness whack whack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzqaeKTqWCI
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