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Everything posted by Sora2

  1. I liked re:chain but coded should be fun when I play it
  2. I have a 100's yu-gi-oh cards the superior product http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXuHzcd8vVw
  3. Banned becuase you never gave me any cake
  4. The games about cards and shield points . Like yugioh that's why i called it 2.5
  5. Nice one LOL kh.13 got someone married .. does that mean DChiuch's the grandfather of your chlid now
  6. YOU love it LOL len should be in it
  7. NEVER dobut the power of the net (OURAN HIGH SCHOOL HOST CLUB )
  8. Np and yeah just becareful Its easy to use
  9. Yep MMD and PMD editor is for pc PMD is japanese but you can have english patch and miku is in english Just google Kagamine len mmd and you get crap loads of models
  10. LOL (I got all thoooose models for MMD :D Also this is a good song the orignal
  11. LOL :D :D :D :D Should use PMD editor and MMD Miku dance to make some len videos
  12. and ?!!?!?!? still rocks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGeW9YaiVSw
  13. Only with rin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwozsLeKqwM P.S love how when len comes fans scream (rins not loved here )
  14. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  15. I'lll KILL DISNEY btw one thing can beat miku and thats
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