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Everything posted by Sora2

  1. not really just a room for fake heartless to be made
  2. ................. Really thats a simple question Ace dying and Whitebeared. Ace I really do not care about but ................. WHITEBEARD Rocks.
  3. Nothing you can do everyone dies but you have time to enjoy life and spend it with the people you care about. Even if you may hate life think about the people who love you and how they feel. E.g if your parents see you all sad and gloomy it hurts them and thats why parents try and cheer you up. Ok. First Hitler done bad shit years on people still make shit about him. If your big you do be remembered e.g. people like Martin Luther King others to. Secondly if we did not have emotions we are droids and we would not have the joy of experiencing first love and happiness. Even though life is a bitch loved ones die and you work our butt of to live the time to have with them lasts forever. If someone died once in a while you think of them keeping them alive. For some idols and god is a replacement who do not have family and have something else to help them carry on. Thirdly having kids is good (once you old enough and can look after them) you give them a chance to live and experience shit you have. You guide them and to be honest kids help you wanting the best. We want money and fame so our family and friends can be looked after even when we die. We look after our kids and when were old and cannot look after ourself our kids do. Friends go but family stay forever. Hell Look at kingdom hearts for how Sora is the key of everyone . Stop seeing the shit side to life and live you may die tomorrow but in till enjoy life and do not be a arse to people
  4. Well i have not beatean any FM but I got kingdom hearts 2 FM with an english patch and same with birth by sleep so once I have time I will beat kingdom hearts 2 , kingdom hearts 2 FM and birth by sleep FM Now if only i could get kh 1 fm english patch then I will laugh in Nomuras face
  5. Yo welcome and most of all have fun we are all nice and do not bite but Always does
  6. yo welcome and have fun
  7. nah any kingdom hearts character could be alive or dead for example sora,riku or yen sid
  8. The title says it all if a character died which one would make you kill nomura
  9. keyblade master to beat yen sid and mickey for not working and letting sora do all the hard work
  10. Give it a chance you may just be not liking her for now. The annoying feeling is if you break up with her and later like her again and want her because you do not have her. So basically this is a major choice you can break up with her but risk later trying ot et her again to be crushed or you can give it a chance to find out if you do or do not like her
  11. Sora2


    Welcome and I hope you have a good time
  12. think it leads to the heart of the world. because in the old old game trailer for kh 1 sora seals it.
  13. Well that part even though he could not do anything in kingdom heart 2 he still beated himself up so he feels failure. Sora is a simple guy and that feeling of failure is how he sort of fails. too big of a failure may change the character too much. He thinks if he got thier sooner he could of seen her and all that crap.
  14. I DID i like the songs and it was unique in till aqua did it
  15. He does feel it but never acutally fails. Kingdom Hearts 2 "so its my fault" when he say this after he finds out kairi was in twilight town and he lost her. Also he sort of got a beaten in chain of memories by larxene when he donlad heals him. He also fails when you fight leon in kh 1 for the first time no matter if you win or lose. Also then cloud if you lose you do not have to win then theres the race with riku you can lose that. Sora is cool he feels failure but never fails too much he is like Chuck Norris ;P
  16. how old are you. Also if you love her just carry on being her friend if you are. If she dumps her boyfriend then you move in
  17. well it all depends what you want from headphones. beats are mostly bass and other makers are different. for example I have Roccat Kave Solid 5.1 Surround Sound Gaming Headset for my pc because I play games and surround sound is cool, however because of my sound card and my pc in hear ear headphones die very fast for me. so I have two one for my mp3 and one for my pc. My mp3 headphones are shure s215 All down to two things for headphones. 1. Price how much you willing to spend 2. What you want from headphones
  18. who is the first avatar character??? Thanks
  19. I like that sora fighting while Eddie Murphey tells joke and gets beaten by the heartless:P alongside goofy
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