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Everything posted by Sora2

  1. curse you ok then...................................................Most Helpful:Sora2Most Funny:Sora2Most Creative:Sora2Best Artist:Sora2Best Troll:Sora2Most Likely to Succeed:Sora2Most Likely to Become First Male Mod (Males only!):Sora2Most KH Savvy:Sora2Most Smartest:Sora2Most Friendly;Sora2Most Weird:Sora2Best Whore (Whores only, only one vote):DChuichBest Avatar:Sora2Most Improved:Sora2Sexiest:Sora2Best Member 2012:Sora2Hows that
  2. hmmm I vote for myself for all parts Since I am .... me :Psince there is no rules against it heheheheheheheheheheeheheheh
  3. Hello and yes we are nice talk to me if you want otherwise I kill you nAH i just .... do something
  4. It is a cool anime,howeversomeparts ar crap............ I like blue exorcist better...
  5. Sora2

    Old members

    27 aprill 2011 but started comming to this site around 2010
  6. Aizen ............................................................. Aizen is cool
  7. omnipotent omnipotent omnipotent omnipotent omnipotent omnipotent omnipotent omnipotent omnipotent omnipotent omnipotent omnipotent omnipotent omnipotent omnipotent omnipotent be mine one
  8. Right from what I remember you do not know. after its all about going to aizen not to sure if the manga says anything but you can check this place: http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Ashido_Kan%C5%8D
  9. Just look at the jpop and kpop charts heres a link of what I look at http://www.jpopasia.com/
  10. have a firewall such as comodo firewall, have a good anti-virus I have NOD32. Also I use no script with firefox. This helps stop virus getting on from websites. Once you download a video scan it with your anti-virus. If the file is small enough you can use thishttps://www.virustotal.com/. It uses different scanners to scan files.
  11. yo have fun i know u will
  12. its the power of kingdom hearts . it makes us mad in a nice way
  13. well the other nameless replicas could be in on it to:P just think of anyone with golden eyes
  14. nomura says sora is always in kingdom hearts so sora will not die.. so that leaves everyone else i think riku may die but then nomura do something like diz where you think his dead
  15. its going to be crap almost all live action sucks and if its not japanese it sucks more dragon ball evolution
  16. since the start of time .. nah since it came out
  17. I said kingdom hears is ok and some say its number 1 but others have other opinions...
  18. Ok no backspace ...... copy and paste ... done
  19. your saying on a kingdom hearts fan site with kingdom hearts fans saying games are better hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm somehow i think most memebers would laugh Kingdom hearts is a good game for some other games are better but for some kingdom hearts is number 1
  20. I would just kill heartless and hang out with sora and everyone else.... Also say this 24/7 This world has been connected. Tied to the darkness... soon to be completely eclipsed. There is so very much to learn. You understand so little.
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