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Everything posted by Sora2

  1. All kh13 members add as a friend hehhehe I want to collect you all :D

    1. WakingDawn96


      The Product is also not yet including the limited edition special Chespin/Oshawott Master X.

    2. Sora2


      Right KK13mon

      ...... Obey me ....... please :D together we can take over and defeat DChuich
    3. Demyx.


      I deny your friend request. You shall not collect me.

    4. Show next comments  72 more
  2. I have a MIND :D

  3. LOL KH.13 WAR nomura forget the keyblade war WE got the kh13 war that be sooooo coooool ....... I call Kingdom Hearts and X-Blade
  4. EASY Boy: Son 1 , Son 2 and so on Girl: Son 3 , Son 4 and so on
  5. I want to be the Master HAHHAAHA TAKE OVER WORLD
  6. Really hmm ok interesting cause I thought soras dual weld keyblade was from ven since nomura says he can weld one.
  7. Its different way which means master dumb (xehanort) was dumb for giving up his body when he did not have to ... so much for great planning . I think Nomura thought we forgot about it ... unless master dumb wanted to give his body in a gamble to obtain a even more sexier body One where he did not have old man features
  8. I killed shrinky cus i'm sexy sounds about right I'm sexy and a killer, which is true since all killers are SEXY .......................................
  9. Ansem so I can spam the word darkness in every line and also say dark and get AWESOME long hair and be a big battleship
  10. Sora2

    Vocaloid Help

    No problem I messed with them it was fun and a pain tell me if you need a hand
  11. In my pants In my world In your room (hehehehe) In the club In JAPAN In Nomura's brain to steal the whole Kingdom Hearts story In Kingdom Hearts In Bleach In Naruto In DChuch's room In Aaron's room In the fresh prince of bel air In my head In your head In 300 In Rush Hour In this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig. In your soul lies the power to kill
  12. Sora2

    Vocaloid Help

    Right some don't use english its in japanese so its japanese aplhabet. E.g. its A,I,E,O,U style go to this link for a list of the japanese alphabethttp://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ZC-V9rl5tjk/T9zNoCbBciI/AAAAAAAACDE/RyzpGgamy6k/s1600/japanese_alphabet.gifits the A,I you use in the program and combine em to create english words so Wa - Ke would be wake but it sounds different so you have to get the right sounding letters.. anything else pm me
  13. Sora has crazy combos in Kingdom Hearts..... That may hurt link if its close up... Then Sora as summons and drives and a lot of other unfair crap.. Worst Case If sora is losing ... He has a gummi ship to give him that extra WEISS POWER
  14. Can I be evil evil evil like a evil monkey?
  15. From what I know if you want wireless you need a NIC (Network Interfae card)card but if you do not want wireless you do not need it. Just geta NIC card and if you do not know what one is wikiepdia it .
  16. Well it all depends on what you will use the computer for. Like I know gamming but what time are the games. Like are the games using super graphics, super processor. So instead of a pc tell us what you will play and use it for. Another thing is it just pure games or will you do other things to like burn dvds. One thing I do not know crap loads about pcs but I do know hard drive space... If you put films,anime and games on it well it can get filled fast.. I got around 4.5 Terabytes in my pc... Best way to save money is to decide on what type of pc...
  17. Or you can download the model and then do what ever you want like tell the police
  18. Stay there forever :Pconcerts (music and vocaloids)food shoppingfilms e.g anime cinemasight seeing other sight seeing (wink wink)and a lot more
  19. Right now I would wait due to two main reasons: 1.Its a new product even though its made by microsoft it may have bugs with it like the iphone signal. 2. It may be cheaper later because of christmas. Now the thing is what do you need a laptop or tablet for. The thing is if it is just surfacing you can get something cheaper.So instead of saying your interested in it tell us what you want from a tablet or laptop. The thing is you can buy it but make sure your 100% sure you want it and will use it. If it is just games and surfacing the web I think a laptop its more powerful but there are some tablets which will do gamming so thats another thing what type of gammming are you on about? Sorry for the long post
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