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Everything posted by Sora2

  1. Just use MusicBrainz Picard https://picard.musicbrainz.org/
  2. Every time I think about PETA I have a debate if I would rather have a giant Douche or Turd for a mascot (reference to South Park).
  3. This is Yu-Gi-Oh in a nutshell Let us all try to get the page number over............
  4. I can play that game too wat yes times something greater than infinity (Yugi style)
  5. YOOOO long time no see how have you been mate :D

  6. YOOOO long time no see how have you been mate :D

    1. catmaster0116


      Hello, i've been well thanks, yourself?

    2. Sora2


      Same old ... same old

  7. How have you been :D

  8. Yaoi = Awesome Yaoi = Kingdom hearts 3 Imagine the HD RikuXSora all the love being shared around
  9. To be honest I really do not give a firetruck Also can you blame them with how Nomura is showing them to ................. KH 2 when riku and sora meeted .. Sora was on his knees and then in DDD sora was very close when riku saved him ...... I think Nomura is saying this as a easter egg "If you want sora and riku to be lovers go for it and if you sora to be with kairi go for it along as you give me your money I am happy" Let the yaoi fans have fun a long has they are not grabbing you and forcing you to watch it .... firetruck it .. also DDD had some yaoi
  10. I laugh because he end up with keyblades being throwed at him
  11. Just use google chrome you can play it iwth that
  12. Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck I win
  13. Sa Showtime da :P

  14. Heheheheheh I know ........not that I watched it .. .welll not yet anyway .. Cary on the awesome work.
  15. TBF how do you measure someones smarts ... Smart people can adept to different thinggs e.g different real world situations such as your car has a flat wheel you got no spare what do you do. A knowledgeable person has a lot of knowledge from reading books or other stuff . Just because your smart does not mean your knowledgeable and just because your knowledgeable does not mean your smart i rather just put everyone in a fight and win is the smartest person
  16. So he went back in time killed aku and then went forward in time and used the blood of aku to create three girls and was created by a monkey........................................................................ thats nomura mindfiretruck level
  17. Because they take you for a spin like girls and leave you with nothing
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