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About coolfresh1224

  • Birthday 06/12/1994

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    Mediocrity at it's finest
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  1. TL;DR AtW made the hole. The twilight town kids patched it to keep heartless away.
  2. So the kingdom hearts 3 trailer has just been released for this year and many of kh13.com’s brightest minds are deciphering the many things of worth in the trailer. Inch by inch taking apart every piece they can and will develop theories that really help the rest of the fan base understand what going on. This next theory is about a wall. So while we were all sitting on our thumbs I believe that Nomura was strengthening the lore of kingdom hearts astronomically. Don’t believe me? The only place you have to look is the one place that I feel like hasn’t been looked at enough: Twilight town. Or more particularly twilight town’s glaring flaw. a giant hole that leads to a FOREST in the MIDDLE OF A SHOPPING DISTRICT. From a city planners point of view this town must be a nightmare. Anyway after you’ve cleared the forest you enter a clearing where you see a giant random mansion in the middle of a forest that everybody in town knows about but nobody really visits. This has always been how twilight town is and while it really doesn’t make sense, we’ve always accepted it. But there’s something wrong. The hole in the wall of twilight town is missing in the trailer. I know what you’re thinking, “so what this doesn’t matter” and you’re absolutely right. It would under normal circumstances but let’s put this into some perspective. What do we know about that hole? 1. It led to an ambiguously owned mansion. 2. Ansem the wise made a copy of the whole town to hide Roxas including but not limited to the hole. 3. It’s there for almost every kingdom hearts game T.T. appears in. 4. It’s been covered in the trailer. 5. Literally nothing else There are a ton of reasons this could not be the case so let’s get the stupid ones out of the way first Skeptic kh13 user (hereafter Skeptic): “but unfortunately named user of kh13.com , the game is still in development. Of course not all of the areas are done being rendered and the engine was changed so they’re probably just behind on making everything.” Unfortunately named user of KH13.com (hereafter me): well if that were the case then why would this have been a design choice that has persisted for almost two years now? SKEPTIC:? ME: So in the D23 trailer that was released forever ago Sora is kicking ass right outside of the wall where the hole should be, but if you look carefully, it’s not there. Skeptic: but doesn’t that information still cohere to my theory that this is just temporary. Me: You’re sorta right but mostly wrong again, fool, but in order to prove that let’s talk about color palettes and why they matter when you’re making a game trailer. Game trailers are almost exclusively about getting the best looking shot for all the cool things the protagonist of the game can do. It is imperative to getting people to buy your game, even more so than showing off story in a trailer. If you were making a game wouldn’t you want the hero to look like as aesthetically pleasing as possible by any means necessary? But, during the D23 game play trailer it’s safe to assume that they were on kind of a time crunch because if you look at the color palette of the ship it’s primarily three colors: orange, yellow and gold. And what’s the color scheme of twilight town as a whole: orange, yellow and Gold. And this doesn’t make very much sense at all. WE LITERALLY SEE IN THAT TRAILER THAT THERE ARE OTHER WORLDS THAT ARE BUILT. At the very least a small portion of Hercules’ world was done at the time of D23 and with a cool color palette like the one provided in the rock titan boss area would have been a perfect place to show off an attack with that color scheme. But Nomura insisted that it be in a place that was familiar but different. It totally matches the themes of kingdom hearts up until that point but more on that later. Skeptic: but even so, isn’t it more probable that Nomura just wanted to use twilight town BECAUSE everyone knows about it and not because it’s different? It’s completely likely that what actually happened was they started the original kingdom hearts on luminous showed that trailer at D23 and when things got a bit heavy they switched engines and started working from a new engine, they still had to rebuild the worlds from scratch and this is what happened T.T. is unfinished in both versions of it. Me: wow you are stuck on trying to prove me wrong but let’s look at the line of events. Assuming that kingdom hearts 3 has been in development at least since spring of 2013 and was being worked on using the luminous engine until October of last year when they switched from luminous to unreal engine 4. The original kh3 announcement trailer couldn’t have taken very much time to make so lets’ assume they started making the game, say, earlier that year. THAT’S STILL BETWEEN 18-21 MONTHS OF DEVELOPING ON A DIFFERENT ENGINE. SKEPTIC: EVEN SO… why am I yelling…. Even so if they started development in the spring of 13 they would have only had 8 to nine months to show off something like what the did for D23 together. Wouldn’t it mean you’re trying to compare two games that were practically completely different games while they’re in their alpha phases basically ME: No, it wouldn’t. in about the same amount of time, an entire game play trailer was released featuring 4 worlds. What more, I’m no game designer but I’m fairly certain they didn’t have to throw everything away when they switched engines meaning at any point they could have unpatched the hole. And what’s more nomura goes out of his way to show us this wall by actually making sora flow (mote? Would flowmote be the verb meaning to use flowmotion or attraction flow/) directly beside the place where the hole was. What I’m saying is that kingdom hearts 3 is in late betas now so that line of thinking isn’t going to get us anywhere. But that wasn’t what I set out to prove I’ll take things a step further by telling you who put the hole there and who closed p the hole in the story. Interested? Yes you are. The first thing we need to do is establish the purpose for that hole. If you look at it, you can tell that the hole wasn’t natural meaning that somebody that isn’t the mayor of TT had to have known about the mansion. Someone who knew that twilight town stood on the border between light and dark; someone who knew about the other worlds, Someone that would probably need a place of refuge. We also know that the hole has to be pretty old id nobody in town cares that the wall that separates them from the forest has a massive hole in it. Last but not least it’s safe t assume that the one who made the hole, seeing as how when the hole is there you can catch glimpses of a few rocks on the outside of it, probably came from the mansion. Enter: Ansem the wise. He meets every criterion. We know that before the world conflict started Ansem had long since disappeared. Eventually he found his way out of the realm of darkness. And since TT is a world in between the light and darkness, it’s likely where he ended up. We know he used the mansion as a lab but it was never truly confirmed how long AtW was there and I’m willing to bet money that with his knowledge of world he started an entirely new life dedicated to vengeance that started with the mansion being built to house the laboratory. Skeptic: so how did he make the walls? He doesn’t have powers does he? And why was the mansion abandoned and why had heartless and nobodies taken it over? To answer that let me tell you a story. it’s around ten years before the events of kh1. Ansem the wise, now calling himself diz, needs a place to hide while he plans his vengeance. He’s been walking through the land of darkness for way too long. He has seen things. Suddenly he’s in the middle of a clearing in a world that he’s never been to. A world that, much like sora’s, is just too small. Perfect. He turns around and sees a mansion in so much disrepair that he can no longer contain the smile on his face. He goes inside and sees that long ago someone lived there but the place has become a mess. He leaves and wanders around for a little bit until he hears a familiar noise behind him in the direction of the mansion. Heartless. They’re probably the heartless of the family that lived there before he arrived. AtW has been running from and fighting these things for a while now so he knows how to handle himself but not well enough to NOT be sent through the wall first. Once he’s broken through it he realizes that his new neighbors are a town of people not expecting the embodiments of darkness themselves to start attacking them. HELL, THAT’S PROBABLY WHY THE WALL IS THERE TO BEGIN WITH,. So he quickly disperses the threat and talks to the people about building a wall around the mansion the main source of the problem. The wall contains a key hole (because for some reason heartless cant enter or exit places that are locked And then he builds a lab to monitor the actions of the heartless. So time passes and anime batman brews and waits for the worlds conflict to begin. The rest of the story you know. He finds the people that he will use as tools to destroy his ex-apprentices. Leaves the mansion through the realm of darkness. He journies to castle oblivion and back takes Roxas to the alternate version of TT and the rest is history. This still leaves the question of who closed the hole and why. The culprits are none other that hayner pence and ollete, seifer, yuu, payne and vivi. During the events of kh2 it is discovered by the gang that there is a door that leads directly to the world that never was. At the end of kh2 that world is full of heartless. Literally crawing with them. It was bad before but we’ve al seen the scene where kingdom hearts is destroyed and the hearts start to rain from the sy and heartless appear everywhere. Those heartless where probably hungry and since they are right on the verge of town full of people. Snf the only people in the town with any particular know how on where the heartless are coming from of course the only crew competent enough to make sre the threat doesn’t persist is those guys. God damn this theory was long. Tell me what you think and ask more questions
  3. What if sheild was introduced in a neutral town (like cable town) as the towns defensive force against heartless and Vincent valentine is an agent of shield. Then they include one of Marvel's lesser know heroes so as to not overload players with the entire avengers team. That way they could use marvel without there being a huge hullabaloo about the avengers being in it and it would also incorporate final fantasy elements. Also star wars has already been heavily referenced in kingdom hearts. Xemnas uses the KH equivalent of lightsabers, sora's story is similar to that of Luke Skywalker's and during the gummi mission "The Dreadnaught Leviathan" you literally assault the death Star. Like the entirety of that mission pays heavy homage to it from the path that you take to the camera angles. So
  4. So before I go into this text I want you to bear in mind that I'm not trying to tear into your opinions but rather refreame your way of thinking. That being said consider the following:1. The explorabity was sorely lacking in the mobile games but both kingdom hearts 1 and 2 have extremely explorable worlds especially toward the later half of the game. The game paces itself in a way where you're not overwhelmed from the get go with too much to explore at the beginning so that you can follow along with the plot and to encourage you to explore worlds later in the game. If everything was accessible from the start it can be really easy to ignore the plot and just wander around. Sections seem smaller so that the objective is always at least relatively clear. This is also why nameless NPC's don't give out quests. They are there to give you basic information and maybe flavor text but are largely decorative. Because in the story you're typically in places overrun by creatures of darkness. 2.in most action rpg's the goal is to " fight the monsters" you can do other things but they are essentially monster killing games. In KH you can kill monsters, collect treasure, deliver mail, craft items, skateboard, sing with fishes, play struggle, be a street performer and a multitude of other things. But like NPC's , those other things are decorative. The job is to fight monsters and KH gives you fun and satisfying way to do that. 3. This last point I want to make is more semantic than anything but I thought I should. KH can be very dark. The premise as a whole is kind of dark. All of BBS was dark in the end. All of 358/2 was dark and really even 2 was dark at times. But kingdom hearts was not meant to be a dark game. It's literally a game about friendship. One of the taglines for the game was "befriend beloved Disney characters". Yes the story has evolved and the lore is constantly growing richer but the point remains it's sora's story of friendship. Final fantasy characters are there to frame the story. Strictly speaking it is still a crossover game but I'd hate to see a KH where sora walks into a shinra building covered in guts or arrives in zanarkand only to find religious figures killing each other to gain power. Or where a small group of freedom fighters who get cursed by a magical crystal have to defeat the government. Final fantasy is dark because the stories it tells are for a maturer audience. Each one has a theme and the are important in their own right but are extraordinarily dark because those stories can be told on that platform with those separate themes. The theme of KH is friendship and with the great storytelling brought to us by square enix and the lovable characters of Disney they are able to tell a story themed entirely around friendship. I hope this helped you see it a little differently.
  5. i've been trying to send a message for three days now and every time i do kh13 is like "HA Nope!"

  6. the ability to control when somebody needs to take a shit, but you can't control who it effects and sometimes it effects you
  7. emotional teenagers with giant keys
  8. hey does anyone know how to access drafts when posting topics?

  9. you hcan now sumo wrestle really well but only when there are shards of glass in your foot
  10. being able to write screenplays for movies that came out ten years ago
  11. in this thread we make up superpowers that are totally impractical i'll go first having the ability to grow blades of grass on your nose.
  12. farris bueler's day off am extraordinary people must fight the an old friend turned rival ambiguity makes things interesting you have to think more otherwise it's freaking easy
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