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FlipMode last won the day on December 27 2020

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About FlipMode

  • Birthday 08/06/1991


  • Was a community moderator.

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  1. Love that! Yeah I would think we will get some more live action themed worlds to match the new design they seem to be going for. I could speculate but honestly right now I can't even think about what worlds might be in this, I need a few days for it to really sink in that a KH4 trailer just dropped. I remember at one point genuinely wondering if I would ever see KH3 in my life so seeing KH4 is really surreal.
  2. I enjoyed that its always fun to see reactions and share the hype with someone. Thank you for sharing ^^
  3. A bit of each I think I think we will get at least 1 new game announced if not released and Square Enix usually are pretty good at getting decent merch out so I expect some new items will make their way to the store. And also maybe the long rumoured Kingdom Hearts animated series for Disney+ (which I personally still believe is happening). Trying to keep expectations in check though, its also Final Fantasy 35th anniversary next year too so exciting times for Square Enix fans ^^
  4. Hi Zoey! Welcome to KH13 Forums you're in the right place have fun posting around. Its okay to be shy, but I can say we are a friendly and welcoming bunch so feel free to jump into discussions hope to see you around! ^^
  5. I wouldn't say "for no reason" haha but I do agree that the friendships do feel a bit forced. Especially in Birth By Sleep. I think its because in KH1 there's the whole tutorial section on Destiny Islands that allows time for character building and the trio's friendship to be established but then in BBS they just are already friends and other than a few cut scenes there's not a lot of them just hanging around together. I think part of the problem is that the three of them go their separate ways in their own stories, it doesn't allow for a lot of scenes where they are being friends and working together and that I think is why it feels a bit forced. Some flashback scenes to when they were younger would also have helped I don't think anyone hates ships in the context of a story, I think like ocean's rage said the fans just take them a little bit too far, the word "ship" just has a negative connotation around it these days I think.
  6. I will get one of the Magic Bands as soon as I am able to go back. I like the Riku one with the white colour. I don't think I will be getting one of the phone cases but maybe the one with all the symbols. Its always a good time when Kingdom Hearts is given a little more rep in the parks.
  7. I had an itch to play a bit of Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and before I even realised what was happening I started a new character and racked up 30 hours of playtime lol. I forgot how fun some of the quests were.
  8. You're good! Yep. Definitely the words of a published author who just finished up their first book. Well, first of all congratulations. Even just completing NaNoWriMo is an accomplishment but to come out of it with your a published book is great. Kind of makes me want to take on more non fiction. What I read so far from the preview was easy to follow along with despite that I haven't actually played FFIX yet (the shame!) I played VII-XV but IX just released at such an inopportune time for me . I find a lot of books like this tend to assume the reader knows the story and characters already so good job making it accessible. When I do get around to playing it, I think this would be interesting to read alongside it. I liked that its written as essays and a deep dive into the characters as opposed to the typical "This is why I love this game". Congrats again and I look forward to reading the rest when I grab the paperback, just got to find the time to commit to the game fully.
  9. If you are bequeathed it means you were specifically chosen to get whatever it is that is handed down to you. Whereas you can inherit something by right, it doesn't mean that person wanted you to have it. I.E Sora allowing Ven's heart in to take refuge just meant he inherited that power when Ven went to sleep but if Ven would have said "Sora, you get my keyblade when I die" then Sora might not have got that power until when / if Ven ever died.
  10. 1: I guess it depends on the kind of content you want to make. Some viewers will be looking for best ways to level up, optimal equipment and items etc. Me personally; not a big fan of that sort of stuff. I typically watch to see reactions to the story and boss fights etc 2: Yes! Love seeing people who are far better at videogames than I am beat those challenges! If its not too much extra work though, do edit out some of the failed attempts if not a lot of interest was really happening 3: Yes I would do that! In fact what you could do is record a bunch of episodes of Unchained and Dark Road at once and then upload them periodically as you go through the rest of the series. Another good thing about doing it that way would be that if you're busy or need to take a break, you'll still have some videos ready to be uploaded so your viewers still get regular content ^.^ Good luck with the channel and the Lets Plays YouTube has changed quite a lot since the days when I used to make Lets Play videos but am happy to chat if you need any other input
  11. Yes, its 9 chapters total (8 and a prologue) which cover all the events from the intro of KH3 up to the ending of Olympus.
  12. Definitely Brave would be a good one I think. I was kind of hoping it would be in KH3. And Moana would also be great; a boss fight against Teka the lava demon would be a pretty epic battle I think.
  13. Cook, Serve, Delicious 3?!, Okami HD (finally got a physical version for the Switch!) and various other odd games to try and kill time while I impatiently wait for animal crossing new horizons.
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