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About FreeSpiritSoaring

  • Birthday 05/01/1996

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  1. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!....This Is AWESOME....I love Yaoi....not that i've read any yaoi fanfic's..........I come from a family, this is also my opinion on the subject, thats ok with gay people and gay marriage......I feel that EVERYONE deserves to be happy....and NO ONE should be able to tell anyone who, and what, they can and can't like and love
  2. Final Hearts.....I LUV ur idea......but umm....Misty's dad is king of the sea.....but can I use ur idea for a different story I have an idea for........i really need to put what I have now up......and then y'all can give me ur ideas on what I got.......Final, my idea is Misy throws this HUGE beach party the day b4 she leaves to go to "dad's house"
  3. To anyone else who reads this song.....the person who wrote this is Me.....this was my old account that I didn't really like the username.....and originally it said that FreeSpiritSoaring wrote this.....but then my account got messed up cause I had two accounts on one email......BUT....I fixed it.....but I couldn't get it to have this under my new account name.......if you don't believe me ask FinalHearts
  4. I'll put what I have officially up for y'all to see l8ter and y'all can come up with ideas from there
  5. Same Here......CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!
  6. Hey Thnxs Guys.....and Gals........I REALLY like Y'alls Ideas <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox Thanks ALOT
  7. ok the powers i have for misty sofar: talks to animals controls water controls fire one with nature (makes flowers sprout....etc) healing ***** "shock Therapy" jolts of electricity from hands ***** invisibility ***** means in first story
  8. she's gonna get the power 2 talk 2 animals......among other powers
  9. Okay.....LOVE IT.....DO IT......U'll B My Best Friend
  10. I still need help with Chapter One.....Cause I Decided That What I Put Up There Is Gonna Be The Prologue.....Chapter One Is Gonna Be Called: Beach Party.........Or Sumthing Like That
  11. Ok....I see Where y'all are commin from.......Ummm Keyblade King 12.....She will have powers....Just don't know what yet...probably something with singing and some other powers.....I know when she goes into mermaid mode her hair changes.........I'm still working on some ideas that popped into my head.......
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