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Everything posted by CrownKeeper13

  1. Apparently Kaweebo fell for it...
  2. I think we might get a release year or maybe a few new worlds. I have much higher hopes for TGS than E3 when it comes to KH3.
  3. Its the first CoD in the past 4 years that looks even the slightest bit promising.
  4. As long as KH3 comes out within a generation, ill be happy.
  5. Ok guys, so i'm gonna start uploading videos on youtube, mostly LP's, maybe the occasional review. I need some suggestions on a name. So far it's between these two: WhiteyGGaming SargeTheSeagull (also my XBL Gamertag, add if you want) I'm open to other suggestions, so if you have any, lemme know!
  6. For those of you who are displeased with the ending of How I Met Your Mother, I present to you this alternate ending.
  7. I shat my pants with awesomeness
  8. www.youtube.com/watch?v=3M8FC7uZj3M I was almost peeing myself in laughter at the end of this.
  9. Because the only good games for it were capcom, KH, and FF.
  10. Call me Bo Bo Bo. But it's Bo Bo Bo-Bo- BOBOBO!

    1. Javelin434


      I remember that anime xD

    2. CrownKeeper13


      I"ve been bringing memories back like all day on youtube!

  11. Nope. I'm gonna get an xbox one
  12. Don't. FF13 isn't necessarily bad, but the combat system it uses, as well as the music and overall tone just doesn't work or feel the way a Final Fantasy game should. I call it the Halo 4 effect. As a game itself it isn't bad, but alongside the rest of its series, it's complete crap.
  13. If Dr Who were to be in any KH game, main series or spin off, I will abandon the series.
  14. Dude, we're gonna be waiting until like 2034 before we actually get KH3. I think it might be a little early to start talking about KH4.
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