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  1. Thanks you boths. ^-^ I'm pleased that there's such a positive reception; I mean, come on. It's the internet. I'm allowed to be surprised.
  2. I'll keep you in mind if I need any help, then. Thanks. And since I forgot to say it in my last post and I'm far too lazy to go all the way back and edit it again, thank you Proto Man.
  3. Oh gawd yes, puns. I'm not even a KH fanboy or anything, and yet I still can unintentionally make at least three KH puns a day. (On top of my requisite daily ten puns to keep my 'Punnier than Thou' title...)
  4. Yeah. So, hi. I'm Nekura/Kuraxen. It's fairly easy to tell what the concept behind the double name is... Just figured I would finally join a forum out of, excusing the purposeful misspelling for a second, board-em. Heh... So here I am! In all of my ashamed-to-write-fanficsness! Judge me, don't judge me, I don't really mind, your opinion doesn't matter until I decide if you're blind. OMG I COULD LYK MAKE THAT A SIG.
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