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Everything posted by MiontheDemon

  1. Sync! You will tell me where Jade is!
  2. btw did you ever get your (totally awesome) *cough*phone back? i can't remember
  3. Before BBS

    1. MiontheDemon


      there is no ring! it's a story lol

    2. teh lazy prince Xylek

      teh lazy prince Xylek

      you could add a ring into the story...

    3. MiontheDemon


      but i just finished the story...

    4. Show next comments  90 more
  4. http://kh13.com/forum/topic/16470-before-bbs/page__st__20
  5. Chapter 10:The Final Showdown: Light vs Dark! Terra:This is it! Aqua:Here goes nothing! Ventus(jumps and summons vanitas):For everyone! Riku:Dark Aura! Sora:Strike Raid! Kairi:Lightstroke! Mx and Yx:This will change nothing! Your hearts will return to darkness! Xion:They never belonged there....Nothing's Embrace! Roxas:Keyblade Rave! Axel:You'll wish that you never started this....Fire Tornado! Namine and Marissa:Everyone's counting on us! Kingdom's Light! Mickey,Donald and Goofy:Trinity Limit! Zola:KAMEHAME----(no,even i wouldn't do that...)Zola:Lightsword! Yx:(blocks all attacks) Is that all? ???:NO!!! (??? stabs Yx) Yx:Uhh...Ha..na....you..fool...(he fades away FOR GOOD!) Mx:So you're not all talk...(Ventus,Terra,and Aqua transform into their armor) Terra:Eraqus.....Eraqus:Terra,I'm still with you...(insert fairy tail opening 12) Sora clashes keyblades with Xehanort but Xehanort disappears behind Sora and stabs him. Kairi:Huh?(gasps) AAAAAHHHH!!!! SORRAAAAAAAAA!!!!! (she runs to his side) Sora(still standing):Kairi...I....love....you....After my first journey,i couldn't believe that i made you wait so long....(cue sora's sacrifice song) he turns around to kiss her.Sora then turns into light orbs and floats to the sky...Kairi:I don't know if you can hear me,but...I love you too Sora!! I LOVE YOU!!! (she drops to her knees and cries) Everyone:Sora!!!....Sora... (Kairi floats into the air) Kairi:YOU.....WILL....PAY!!! Kingdom Hearts I SUMMON YOUR LIGHT! EVERYONE,GIVE ME YOUR LIGHT! Mx:What? Hana:Kairi,how you've changed... (kairi swings her keyblade and a huge wave of light goes toward Xehanort. Mx:Goodbye..eternal darkness AAAAGGGHHHH!!!! (Xehanort fades for good)(cue Xion's final battle song) Ventus and roxas fade away. soon everyone fades....(Kairi wakes up with everone on Destiny Islands) Kairi:What? Riku:We're home..(he cries OMG)Sora.... Later that night a shooting star falls into the ocean Zola:Everyone! Someone's swimming towards the island! (everyone goes to the shore) (a figure walks on the shore and removes his hood,NOT an organization XIII cloak) Kairi:(gasps then cries) Sora:I heard you Kairi...(she runs towards him and hugs him) THE END!!! (cue everyone's theme.....BUT NOT ALL AT ONCE!! do not include sora's theme,include sora's sacrifice for him i guess i went all out on this last chapter hehehe....and Sors finally kissed Kairi,so you're welcome
  6. oh it's you. i didn't recognize you at first.
  7. Finishing story (sob sob)

    1. Tails


      Oh hey Tear. How's luke? :P

    2. MiontheDemon


      Hi...Tails. Luke is...well,I don't know. He went to Daath for a while. but before then,he was okay

  8. sure..... http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png
  9. Friends betrayed me...

    1. AROD666
    2. VanitasisKirby


      It sucks, doesn't it? :/

      They aren't your friends. :(

      I'm here if you want to talk. :3

    3. MiontheDemon


      they wanted me to come outside,but when i got there-nobody was home,and nobody answered their phone.but somehow their parents were home and they said that they were'nt there

  10. (sora's keyblade pose) well let's fight Sync!

    1. teh lazy prince Xylek

      teh lazy prince Xylek

      wooooooooooooo good old fashion murder can i help!

    2. MiontheDemon


      SURE! what are your powers?

    3. teh lazy prince Xylek

      teh lazy prince Xylek

      powers ahhh right well...im a smart ass even in the face of danger annd my lazyness knows no bounds

  12. YOU BASTARD!!! Whst happened to jade?
  13. does your life revolve around insulting us!?
  14. ORLY? that's not what your profile says..."awesome-sauce"? HA-HA-HA! what kind of songs do you listen to?
  15. please...btw Jade,what's your favorite song (so far) 0-o?
  16. banned for banning me for demons,when sephiroth is in your sig
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