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Everything posted by MiontheDemon

  1. Well,you have a point...(no offense)
  2. thank you.the last thing we need is a third fight
  3. Here you go (i'll miss that wonderful device...)
  4. Now wait a minute you two! Jade, she doesn't need to find out! and Sora's Baby,please don't attack him!
  5. if you're not going I suggest that you run. Jade has a certain way to make people do want he wants..
  6. thank you. i might finish it today or friday
  7. Okay...but how? the rocket in Sheridan hasn't been finished yet
  8. Let there be light!

  9. This phone is amazing!!! and i can find so many pictures of cute things like Mieu!! (coughs) not that i like cute things..but here's your phone
  10. *tilts head* (spins spear) LOST FON DRIVE!!!!!!!! A blast of light comes at you http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png goodbye!
  11. *dies* (clone uses resurrection) i'm back! *blasts*
  12. in "earth" terms: "Fon" can determine which element your arte can be. if you're in battle that is
  13. (fallls from sky) I'm still in this game!!!!!!
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