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Everything posted by MiontheDemon

  1. Ne kimi wo warawaesetai noni...mattete warawasete miseru.....Gomen ne, watashi

  2. The squirrel was following me....and gave me a leaf...it went back to it's famil.

    1. RoxSox


      I call bull.

    2. Tigerruss


      Silly Rox, I don't think they could mistake a bull for a Squirrel.

    3. MiontheDemon


      Haha Tigerruss, Caity and Col.Random

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  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwQ3DlhC-qA
  4. I'm currently having a "staring" contest with a squirrel..

    1. The Transcendent Key

      The Transcendent Key

      May the acorn be with you. Always. unu

    2. The Transcendent Key

      The Transcendent Key

      May the acorn be with you. Always. unu

    3. MiontheDemon
  5. (This takes place 2 years after Before BBS 1) Chapter 1: A New Evil Is Born Setting: Ichigo's Dream Ichigo: Huh? Where am I? ???: You're a fool? Ichigo: Who said that? *summons keyblade* Show yourself! ???: *appears to be a boy in an Organization XII coat* It's time for me to awaken....*summons a keyblade* Ichigo: Who are you? And why do you sound like me!? ???: My name is.....Xigochi. Ichigo: Xigochi? Xigochi: *points keyblade at Ichigo* I am two beings....a transformed one from the past....and a pawn of darkness in the future. Ichigo:... Xigochi: In other words, I'm you. Ichigo: What!? Xigochi: Now show me what other powers i'll possess when I take over this vessel! *charges at Ichigo* Ichigo: I can't move! Xigochi: *sees a vision of Marissa* Marissa: Ichigo *giggles* Xigochi: What? *disappears* *Ichigo wakes up* Ichigo: Ah! Another dream about him... Zola: Come on! Breakfast is re-- Woah, dude. You look like you've seen a ghost or something. You alright? Ichigo: Yeah, just a strange dream... Zola: Alright, but hurry up! Kairi made pancakes! *runs downstairs* Ichigo: Okay. *runs downstairs* (Xigochi in Ichigo's thoughts: You both... think you can do whatever you want. Well, I'm sick of it. Go on, you just keep running! But I'll always be there to bring you back!!) (Well here it is, completely unannounced. Whaddya think?)
  6. What's up with the underlines?

  7. ......So who wants ice cream?

  8. *teleports there* Hello!!!!!???? Sora? Riku? Kairi? Somebody teleport here!
  9. I'm alone, with my cookies....and tv

  10. KEYBLADE RELATED CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES (its really what chain of memories needed)
  11. Skip to 1:10 for the epicness! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4V7oxVOH8G4
  12. You know cartoon characters can't see or hear each other, right

  13. Wouldn't it be 20 years if we think about the actual KH-universe? I mean sure, KH came out 10 years ago, but BBS happened 10 years before KH1 (10+10=20) And VTA fought MX 10 years before KH1. Think about it. (what I mean is to think about kh timeline, not the real life one)
  14. I made six cookies yesterday....ate them in six seconds

  15. If they can't bring her back, they could at least remember her
  16. Okay....i think i've seen all the KH yaoi....*clicks, sees riku x ansem SOD* WHAT!? NOPE! Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope SO.MUCH.NOPE!!!

    1. Javelin434


      nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope NO

    2. OkashiraKenrex


      I love xemnas and saix, though only when xemy is the uke X3

    3. Skai


      This status and the proceeding comments are so much win! lol

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