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Everything posted by MiontheDemon

  1. KH3 actually has a release window..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Col.Random


      they used to think people who believed this day would come were crazy


    3. MiontheDemon
    4. MiontheDemon
  2. *shakes intensely* 7:20 my time...for the trailer....That's almost 24 hours from now!!

  3. Technically, you did win. It's been weeks But I came to destroy that
  4. *walks around* Hi everyone!

  5. *waits for visitors in wasteland*

  6. So it's like....midnight here....and I'm bored....

    1. Veemon


      There's a RP goin' on that you might be interested in, I think.

      It's called "Paragades of the *something or another*" and we're looking for people to join in. I'm not fond of the Underworld sort of theme, but it's still fun just to talk to people on here.

    2. MiontheDemon



  7. Does anyody even still use the chatroom?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jake


      I heard it used to be used a lot, but I wasn't there at the time.

    3. Weedanort


      That's still a thing? xD

    4. MiontheDemon


      @Weedanort Lol yeah

      @CrownedCyborgHDMaster I used to be there when it was used a lot, but that was years ago xD

  8. Am I the only one who thinks that Owari no Seraph's opening looks like something out of the"Tales of" series?

  9. The worlds I hate would be The Grid, Deep Jungle, and Wonderland. They all felt like giant mazes to me.
  10. Sleep is for the weak.....O_O

  11. Fairy Tail Wizards! Opening 20 wil be "NEVER - END TAIL" by Tatsuyuki Kobayashi and Konomi Suzuki; the ending will be "FOREVER HERE" by Yoko Ishida. You're welcome.

  12. TWEWY or KH3....TWEWY or KH3....TWEWY or KH3....!!!!!

  13. How was the EA Conference? Because apparntly, Spike only wanted to show Microsoft's.....forever

  14. The timer is set- If there is no KH3, TWEWY, or Mirror's Edge- I will eplode.

    1. MiontheDemon


      Explode** *facepalms*

  15. NOOO I CAN'T WATCH ANY LIVESTREAMS!!!!! Now I must wait until 1:00...

  16. Opening Theme(Which is also the song that's playing): Chozetsu Dynamic- Kazuya Yoshii Ending Theme: Hello Hello Hello - Good Morning America
  17. Hunter x Hunter....bleach...tokyo ghoul...one piece...anything else i shoud read/watch?

  18. Regular Message: I was waiting for you at the door Kik Message: Speak. Facebook Message: She was decent
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