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Everything posted by PlatinumKiss

  1. D'awww thank you so much hun! Here's more (most of them suffering from my horrific coloring skills)
  2. These are Gifs but they won't work as an avatar on this site- BUT HEY! YOU COULD USE THEM FOR OTHER PLACES(maybe in your signature or....something)
  4. I'm gonna go with top 5 favorite anime/manga 1. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (manga) 2. Dragonball (manga) 3. Axis Powers Hetalia (Manga but the anime is good too...just the stock footage bothers me alot) 4. Death Note (manga) 5. Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt (anime) I MEAN WHO CAN RESIST THIS?
  5. You're all now my zombies! MUAHAHAHA! I payed Umbrella enough >_>
  6. Well since the end of the world thing was a ripoff- I'll send off my zombie army tomorrow but until then
  7. Because I enjoy ruining childhoods.....
  8. Wait---but Bunnies are of the moon so that would be more of Saix's thing......but awell awell awell I KNOW WHAT RIKU'S LOVE TOY IS! *rapeface* Guess what Riku's about to do next, and no, he's not going to show Sora a trick I would have posted a worse page but I don't want to get banned
  9. *slowly wanders away from RP* Gah, I can't ever get into those things because I leave and then get left behind

  10. China as in Hetalia? KYAAA~ YOUUUU! I Always wanted to do a Nico singer cosplay; Like Marina from Love Lost Elegy (Which was originally gumi but *COUGH COUGH COUGH COUGH*yeah.....) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kpo5_MdVXp4 or I would like to try a Narancia one, mostly because when imagining his voice- I imagine my own. Anywho yes. Him. He's SOO CUTE AND PRECIOUS! AND D'AWWW!! But yeah. did I just babble about nothing? Either way- since I have over a million things in common with him, I normally think he would make the best cosplay for me.
  11. About the superhero-themed signature of the week thingy; what quite counts as a superhero?

  12. Fastened unzipped herself from beyond the wall begrudgingly. After scanning over everyone she came to the conclusion "Pilfering?" she gave a quick glare before petting Port on the shouldier, "oooh ho ho ho~" her voice then became dead serious, "Why are you all in my home?" Even though the place was half-abandoned, she didn't want to pay rent so this was the wisest(in her mind) option.
  13. Hmmmm, How about that skirt that Koko talked about, with a green sweater and some brownish-redish boots. That should work, sweetie! But yeah, this is my rule 63'd Jotaro that I'm going to cosplay as Except I'll be wearing a bra. X3 Already got an outfit ready to buy(except the hair and shoes) but I can do that easily Is it weird if I say he's still hot even as a girl?
  14. Retracting her hand, fastener used it to flip the bird at all of them for ignoring her offer, "Welllll...I see I'm not needed here" and zipping herself back up. She hated being ignored but knew how she would handle this problem in the future. She enjoyed the dark sanctity of her zippers- where she could sleep in peace....kindof.
  15. A large zipper opened with a "ZRRRK" noise, behind Lei's head "Can I ever get any goddamn sleep?" out popped Fastener's head- her blank stare gave almost no sign of what she was thinking. "Oh look, it's you guys" She was almost always the last or first to know. It wasn't that she didn't care- it was just her. Fastener didn't quite leave her zipper "Lemme guess----Al?" Taking off her goggles, the girl pushed them onto her forehead. "Wow you people are really dedicated" her kind gesture was immediately killed with a, "The guy's a freakin polygamous!" pointing to each of them she then nodded her head slowly. "Do you know his exact location?" she then leaped out of the opening, "if so, then hop on in." She waited for a moment or two before repeating "Yup, just hop on in."
  16. I can't help but procrastinating my friend's Dave Strider set, I told him I'd make him one but WHYYYY DOES IT HAVE TO MAKE ME WOOOORK SOOO HAAAARD? BLUH! Awell, I guess I'll stop being a ham, listen to Yoppei, and think happy thoughts while grinding through another signature...stupid gifs.....

  17. MiRaClEs MaKe It HaPpEn Anywho, yes, I want to do a female version of Jotaro *will send picture later as soon as I can find it again* AH yes, I forgot that rule- RULE 63 KIDDIES! IT HELPS! All characters can be genderbent- and trust me, there is ALWAYS gonna be rule 63-ed fanarts that you can refer back to for help.
  18. Ah yes, you have a point there- Jojos are the hardest to cosplay as since they look like [[this]] So I would say to avoid anyone who isn't your body type/shape. Girls are best at doing effiminate boys; sorry guys but it's true. They can just pull it off SO MUCH BETTER. Anywho; That wig is great- all it needs is to be a bit more spiked and you got Terezi~ also the front look's like this They put it in the description (if you just scroll down on the scroll down description thingy, you can find it! Those tricky bastards. It has enough hair to where you can separate it into her front-spike thingies
  19. If my friend knew you were playing an alchemist named Al, she would go berserk out of joy. Erhm Anywho; Name: Fastener Nickname: Age: 17 Power: She has the power to create Zippers(Will be explained better later on- but for now, this is the best description I can give) Appearence: This With a black longcoat
  20. I know a few tips for a good cosplay- 1. Makeup; no matter how manly you are, you MUST WEAR MAKEUP FOR THIS TO WORK! Our beloved characters are, as you probably have noticed, near-featureless. This can be made up for with alot of makeup (Also it can aid the look of big eyes that are ever-so-popular) 2. Your outfit should look natural- the biggest turnoff is a horrifically made/cheap outfit (A large problem is- the more realistic the outfit, the more it's gonna cost) Always remember that great cosplays will almost always burn huge holes in your wallets. 3. Wigs- Good God wigs.....You want your wig(or hair) to not look like complete and total crap (Spikey-hair is the worst example of this atrocity) If you need help for a spikey-haired wig, please take into consideration that you will ACTUALLY BE WEARING IT. Good Wig http://www.cosplayshow.com/dress/2011/201104/20110401115004_7_DB85.jpg Bad Wig http://www.hellocosplay.com/images/kingdom-hearts-ii-cosplay-roxas-wig-2.jpg KNOWING THE DIFFERENCE MAKES EVERYTHING ALL THE BETTER 4. China has the best cosplay stuff. Just sayin..... 5. Make sure the accesories aren't a complete eyesore (Yet again, $$$) And try to make it somewhat related to the character (I.E. Ichigo and his Hollow Mask, Miku and a Leek, Gamzee and a horn, Narancia and a Turtle) COME ON PEOPLE! USE YOUR IMAGINATIONS TO THINK OF AN INEXPENSIVE ACCESSORY (of course, remember that you'll have to drag it around with you THE ENTIRE EFFING TIME so make it something reasonable) Tis all I can give you for now, if this is not a heart attack that I'm having as I write this- I'll come back with more tips.
  21. A Gif I made of Nico Singer Yoppei
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