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Everything posted by xblade85

  1. if you like dubstep than you will love this song
  2. i just wanted to share my favorite jeff dunham video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQm_8vX3sYU&feature=player_detailpage and share your's also
  3. chuck norris knew that the bird is the word
  4. dang somone beat me to the boogeyman one
  5. chuck norris dosn't need twiter he's already follwing you. there once was a street named chuck norris but nobody crosses chuck norris and live's. every night the boogie man check's his closet for chuck norris. oxogen need's chuck norris to live.chuck norris dosn't leave messages he leaves warning's
  6. jedi for the force is strong in this one
  7. chuck norris died 10 years ago but death hasn't grown the balls to tell him
  8. it depend's on the game. like when im mad nothing is better than to blow of som steam while playing modern warfare
  9. there are just so many disney movies made
  10. how would they do a oliver and company world sora might be a dog that would be cool
  11. no don't you rember stitch the little blue alien he landed in hawii and met the girl lilo
  12. rember stitch the little blue alien
  13. what new worlds would you want to see maybe like a lio and stitch world or maybe even the black cauldron i used to watched that disney movie all of the time
  14. i got mad when you needed the exact number of the card it also took me forever to beat vexen the first time you fight him
  15. you sound like my mom she is always telling me to use proper grammar
  16. i rushed when i was writing it i meant ps3 not p23
  17. it would be coll if they remade the original trilogy it be coll just for number 1 and 2 my ps2 broke and my kh2 broke because i played it too much and my ps2 sucked i think if they made it it should be on p23 and 360 so it would bring more fans and more fan's = more money for making kh3 awsome plus it would be interesting to see how a kh game would be on the 360 and i also have a 360
  18. my sister hates them but i like them theres nothing wrong with them im not goth or emo i don't belive in that stuff
  19. okay the end ruinded it man
  20. kh13 is bloked but suprisngky addicting games isn't
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