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Rose put on a parachute and walked over to Allison as the plane began its ascent. "I have a feeling this will be interesting," Rose said, grinning, hoping to have a good fight with the Veniuns. Unlike Allison, Rose wasn't afraid of the Veniuns. In fact, she actually enjoyed fighting them. She made little bolts of electricity jump through her fingers in anticipation, thinking of how she would be killing Veniuns soon. But, that wasn't the main objective, sadly. They were going there to find the Azullium. But, surely there would be plenty of action anyway. That made Rose happy. She got out her picture of the Veniun she had drawn earlier, then flipped the page in her notebook. She quickly sketched out a picture of Allison impaling a Veniun with her sword. "Still nervous?" Rose asked her, showing her the picture, trying to encourage her not to be afraid of the Veniuns.
(I'm just confused http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-confuse.png)
Edited my post. I meant Africa. Not Washington. I'm dumb
Rose yawned, leaning back against the seat cushion. "Planes are so slooowww..." she growled, twirling a lock of her blue hair around her finger, looking out the window at the clouds. She wondered if they were even getting closer to Africa. Sighing, she continued sketching in her notebook. She had only seen Veniuns a few times when she was in Afghanistan recently, but was able to draw one in perfect detail. She handed the notebook to the red headed girl next to her, Allison, a fellow US soldier. "What do you think?" Rose asked, sounding incredibly bored. She leaned her head on the window and tapped her gloved fingers on the armrest.
Hey CK I decided I'd give it a shot Character Sheet: Name: Rose Edwards Age: 20 Gender: female Appearance: http://images4.fanpop.com/image/answers/1007000/1007438_1286490775063.75res_450_316.jpg Military: US army Azullium Weapon: scythe Azullium Ability: electricity manipulation
Riliane was quite shaken up from the attack. For a while, she was scared speechless. But she was happy that Felicia had been kind enough to stay near her, and for her help earlier. When Azura asked if they were alright, Riliane nodded. It had been pretty much the scariest thing she had ever experienced, but she was fine. As far as everyone else knew. She was screaming and shaking on the inside, but almost totally calm and collected on the outside. She tried to stand, but any movement at all made her back feel like it was on fire, despite the help she had gotten from Danielle and Felicia. She hoped she wouldn't be in that much pain for long. It would make it hard to run. (Sorry for not posting in forever. I've been trying to actually get some sleep. )
Riliane hadn't known Danielle was there until she felt something on her back. Water. At first it hurt a bit, but after a while, it felt wonderful. She managed to stop crying and looked up at Danielle. She couldn't help but start crying again. She was ashamed of herself for her total meltdown today. Getting angry, acting rashly and without thought for the consequences, and all of the self pity. She was beyond embarrassed. "I'm such an idiot!" she sobbed, looking up at Danielle. "I'm so stupid!" Her tears were coming faster than she could wipe them away.
Riliane hit the floor of the carriage she was thrown in, her back burning like heck. It hurt so bad. She wasn't even able to put into words how bad it felt. Worse than fire. A lot worse. She screamed in agony as the acid ate away at some of her skin. She just wanted be in ice cold water, though she wasn't sure if that would've even helped anyway. Her muscled were so tensed that her fists were clenched tight enough to make her fingernails dig into her skin, making them bleed. The pain in her hands was nothing by comparison to her back though. 'Screw escaping.' she thought bitterly. 'I'm going to give that guy a slow and painful death.' she silently vowed. In her mind, she sounded tough, but on the outside, she looked more fragile than anything ever. She was colapsed on the floor and crying.
Riliane slightly shuddered at the question. Choosing her method of torture was also torture. All of this was just a never ending cycle. She sighed. "You know what, Alexander?" Riliane said as she stood up. "I really really DON'T CARE what you to to me! Just, whip me, starve me, throw acid in my face, kill me, I don't care one bit!!" She glared at him, rage very visible in her eye. "Just...you choose! I don't care!!!"
Rilianes throat burned, she had been running for quite a while. It was already starting to get dark out. She decided to sit down on a rock and rest, though it probably wasn't a good idea. They were probably out looking for her right now and would find her if she sat still long enough. But, either way was pretty much fine for her. She didn't care if they just came and killed her. She sighed. Riliane heard something. Almost like footsteps. She whirled her head around, looking for whatever made the noise. "H-Hello?" she called out. The trees of the woods blocked out a lot of light, so it was hard to see the demonic looking creatures, right before they attacked her. She struggled and kicked as they wrestled her to the ground, but she wasn't strong enough to get loose. They didn't try to kill her though. They just grabbed ahold of her and dragged her back to the camp. As soon as she saw Alexander, she struggled and kicked some more. "Let me go!" she screamed. She was thrown down at Alexander's feet, defeated.
Doppleganger. The word echoed in Riliane's head. Her parents didn't even know she was gone... Didn't have any idea of what happened... "No..." she said, clenching her fists. "No no NO! You're a filthy liar Alexander! I won't believe any of that crap!" she shouted, trying to hold on to some hope. "There's no way...! YOU'RE LYING!!" She couldn't take it anymore. The fact that her parents... They didn't even know... No. It wasn't true. It couldn't have been. Th-They wouldn't believe the Doppleganger was her anyway! Right? Riliane didn't care about what the stupid consequeces were, but she started in a dead sprint away from the camp. She had no idea where she was going and she knew they would either catch her or kill her or something, but she just couldn't be in that place one more freaking second!
Riliane was very very very creeped out by the doll Dr. Fraken Stein gave her. She held it at arms length, afraid of it being too close to her. She looked over at the cakes Alexander brought out and just about snapped. It was like he was mocking her and she was tired of it. She threw the creepy doll at Alexanders head and stomped up to him. "I don't know if you're a very awful person, or just insane," she hissed in his face. "but in case you haven't noticed, I'm extremely angry and you acting like an idiot is just making it worse. I would appreciate it if you would leave. Me. Alone." She was right in his face, bearing her fangs. She was very tempted to bite him, just to see if it would hurt him enough to get the message.
I'm sorry if I spoiled anything!!! D: But there's still a lot of stuff that I didn't and it's a reeeeaaallyyy good book. Maybe not as great as they once were, but still good. (The books have kinda gone downhill after Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports lol. They almost redeemed themselves with 'Fang', but then there was 'Angel'. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png lol)
Riliane nervously walked in the tent and her gaze shifted nervously here and there. "I-I'm sorry about saying that stuff earlier." Riliane said, a bit shakey. "I-I shouldn't be blaming you for what happened... It was my fault. I got myself into this, and now I'm facing the consequences." She traced a circle on the ground with her foot and tucked her hair behind her ears. She hated this emotional roller coaster her life was becoming. She'd been going from shy, to scared, to angry, to sad, to nervous, and to more anger. It almost physically made her nauseous. "I'm sorry." she said to Danielle again.
Riliane saw the water explode on Alexander and couldn't help but laugh. But then she remembered Danielle and how Riliane had acted towards her earlier. She sighed, ashamed of herself for letting her own self-pity get the better of her. Riliane heard Danielle shouting to Alexander that the water explosion was an "accident", which made her laugh more. It definately wasn't an accident. Maybe Danielle hated Alexander as much as she did. She walked over to her tent to go talk to her. "... Hi..." Riliane said to Danielle. She felt her face getting red with embarrassment.