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About Omega15

  • Birthday 09/12/1994

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  1. Happy two years on kh13, Omega! :D

  2. nice work with this chapter. im guessing since Aqua fought Aquaon that Terra will fight Earthcall in chapter 44
  3. awesome way to bring roxas into the story. keep up the good work Sesshomaru
  4. thank you Think Pink,dusk and KeysofBlades for your advice and i will remembers this when writing chapter eight
  5. Chapter 7 Naxeth walked through the corridors of the castle and began to wonder about why he felt feeling for Xion when someone walked towards him with a smile and put his arm around Naxeth's shoulder and removed his hood " hello newbie allow me to introduce myself. my name is Marluxia and I was wondering if I might speak with you" asked Marluxia who was shrugged off by Naxeth as he continued to walk" no thanks I been told not to trust you by Axel and Saix and I think im going to listen to them. now if you don't mind im going to go see Xemnas and see what he needs me to do" says Naxeth who turns to leave but is whacked to the wall by Larxene who grins at him. "now my dear, that wasn't very nice"Marluxia said as Larxene stood next to him and giggled at the sight of Naxeth trying to get up still dazed from Larxene's attack " well he should learn better than to talk back to his superiors and I think he needs a lesson in manners. so I guess ill have to teach him" Larxene says as she pulls Naxeth up and smiles as sparks of electricity moves through her fingers " now this will hurt for a second but in the end you'll learn some manners" Larxene said as she moved her hand closer to him. all of a sudden a dark mist covered Naxeth's hand and Larxene was instantly sent flying and crashed into Marluxia who watched as Naxeth teleported away. Marluxia helped Larxene up who began to spark with anger" he's going to pay Marluxia"Larxene says wiping the blood of her lips" oh yes he will pay"
  6. cant wait for the next chapter keep up the good work
  7. Its been a week and i would still like my name to be changed to Omega15 please
  8. chapter 6: help from another "well i am amazed to see someone teaching Larxene a lesson" says Vexen who helPS the Naxeth up to his feet and walks him toward his laboratory." but i didn't do it, i mean i wanted to but i couldn't hurt another nobody, it was if it was another me but that sounds crazy don't it Vexen" ask Naxeth who walks in to Vexen lab and sits as Vexen looks at his notes before turning and smiling " the reason for what happened is that your darkness is trying to escape your heart and with my help we can extract it from you to make sure what happened doesn't happen again" says vexen to which Naxeth looks in confusion "a heart but nobodies don't have hearts so how can i have one " ask Naxeth to which vexen turns back to his notes " you are special Naxeth, true we nobodies can not get hearts and neither can we feel emotions but it would seem that your somebody must of had two hearts within him as when he fell in to the darkness you were born with one of these hearts within you that was full of darkness compared to your light. now i have a machine that can extract the darkness from people hearts but I've always wondered what it would do on a nobody and i would be happy if you'd volunteer for me to find out plus you would be free of the darkness inside you" ask vexen. Naxeth got up and went to go to the door but stopped when he realised that his darkness could hurt his friends and he was afraid that he would hurt Xion if he kept the darkness and walked to vexen " okay im in, so what do we have to do" Naxeth ask as Vexen walks to a computer and presses a button to which a wall opens up to show a machine with two robotic arms and straps "step in and ill strap you in to which the arms will be plunged in to you to extract the darkness now that will hurt" say Vexen to which Naxeth steps in and is strapped in before vexen goes to the computer and starts the machine. Vexen then moves the arms as they moves towards Naxeth and then go into Naxeth's chest which cause Naxeth to scream in pain as a small dark orb is pulled out of his chest and goes towards vexen " finally i have pure darkness why with this i can complete my research and I have you to thank my dear Naxeth" say vexen as he goes to investigate the orb. As he begin to the orb begins to act funny as it begins to take a human form and glows red eyes which causes vexen to step back " but how can this be" ask vexen as the the dark human form takes the look of the organization cloak with its hood up. The hooded figure stands there before he removes his hood to which vexen and Naxeth are shocked to see that the figure looks like Naxeth but his hair is black and is shoulder length, he has sideburns that are similar to Xaldin's, he has pointy ears and his eyes are blood red. vexen panics as he is lifted into the air by the figure with his hand around his neck "wh... who are you" ask Naxeth still weak from what happened to which the man turns to look at him before dropping Vexen " my name... my name is Xanthe". naxeth weakened slowly falls unconscious as Xanthe walks towards him.
  9. welcome to the kh13 website
  10. oh ive never read any of the interviews so i didnt know that plus im still playing through COM
  11. yes but at the same time as ventus gave him a second keyblade he also gave him the ability to wield one if you read this page on keyblades it sort of explains how sora can wield one http://kingdomhearts.wikia.com/wiki/Keyblade
  12. Sora can wield a keyblade due to Ven resting in his heart since bbs
  13. i wasn't a brony at the time that you posted this
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