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Everything posted by SweetcakesLuvsKH

  1. Yes i figured that out after i thouht for a while but thanks for the comment anyway Yes i did know about Aqua but i just asked the question wrong sorry
  2. I have one of Aqua and one named Fly and another named Be careful (I drew Be careful with mouse) I am really chattty right now so I think I will go so I stop talking BYE!!!!!!! Or if IlovKingdomHearts isn't my name than it is Ven<3Aqua<3Terra<3 ok bye and now i mean it !
  3. I have one of Aqua and one named Fly and another named Be careful (I drew Be careful with mouse) I am really chattty right now so I think I will go so I stop talking BYE!!!!!!!
  4. I always like to get handheld game systems cuz we travel alot and you can't bring an xbox or a PlayStation in your car when its full! I will definitely get the 3Ds and KH3D! And other games to! But i am saving for it! To bad i bought this shirt before i went to buy my game or I would have like $500.00 bucks right now (I also bought some Kh games but thats no wast) The shirt was a rip off oh well I can still save up right I would totally sell my Ds Dslite Dsi and gameboy for it! NOT MY PSP!!!! Well my Ds lite is broken but it still works a little its screen just go's red sometimes. I am sad cuz i lost my KH 358/2 days game and I can't find it I think my friend stole it >! Oh well i'm not ecusing but they were the only one at my house the day it went missing... I got to find out but for now i am going to finish my drawings!!!! (if you want to see them i am on DeviantART and my name is IlovKingdomHearts if you find my profile you will see my pic it's Ven and i have 3 drawings so far!!! one of them won't work though ) Ttyl
  5. Hi I'm Don'tGiveUpOnKH! I'm new here and i really want to know the site better! I haven't met anyone yet but i have seen some nice comments so there is probably A LOT of nice people on here(I hope ) Well if there is anyone who would like to help just send me a message or if i think you seem nice (which most of you do!) i will message you! Thanks for reading this! Talk to ya later !!!!!!!!!!
  6. That is so mean, he even said himself that he's not english. I agree Rob it's not their fault
  7. What if Ven's spirit is actually still alive but his spirit is locked away until it gets released once more! Because at the end of Birth By Sleep Ven went back to his heart (as the same in the beginning) and same with Aqua! What do you think? haha wait I said that wrong i knew the answer to that haha i ment to say what if Ven's evil spirit comes back if Sora gives up his keyblade wielding for Ven's life? Because Venites is dead and yea....? Totally different questions sorry
  8. ARE YOU KIDDING!!!!!!! Every time I play the game I always say "hmmm this would be a great movie but they would have to make it like 5 hours to make it perfect. If they made a show to that would be fine as long as it's not live action but if it is oh well!!! [/size][/font]
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