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About HoodedXIII

  • Birthday 05/29/1993

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  • Member Title
    vladimarx org69 member #7
  • Gender
  1. *snickers* thanks now that i have cellly with me this should be uch easier than if i just had a blade *slices a couple heartless around me one behind and two in front of as i say that* *charges up a electric white orb in my left had as i coninue slicing any heartless and fireball that gets nearbye with celly* i guess i should test my special skills a bit
  2. (also celly cant use her comp right now but will be able to soon sorry)
  3. *stops short as the fire bolt hits behind me, quickly jumps out of the way as another sails past* "darn i thought i told those nobodies to tell me if they saw anything, unless they were taken by surprise stupid ugh, i suppose we have to do everything celly" *turns celly into a red blade with the outer edge black slices a fireball before it hits me* "a detour sounds pretty fun actually" *smirks and scans the area for enemies as a black assasin nobody appears next to me* "sir there are fire using heartless on teh rooftops should i attack them" me"you think yes go attack those notices some more heartless coming in from different alleys surrounding us, we will take care of these"
  4. not terraria lets plays btw just n64 games and not very good i gotta work on camera stuff itl be better tho :D

  5. terraria making lets plays youtube jkhottenstein weeee

  6. *nods my head* "sounds good to me" *carries celly towards teh castle*
  7. "umm okay then ... well, i after i died i forgot everything and met some people at a place called hollow bastion, i stayed there and trained for a while but i started to remember stuff and left in a hurry." *keeps carrying looking around making sure there arent any enemies, summons a yang nobody* "umm survey the surrounding and make sure theres no enemies nearby, also make sure no enemies see you" *it nods its head and vanishes into shadows*
  8. *follows xordel out the door checking the nearest building tops* "so celly what have you been up to since we got seperated, umm can you remember anything from before we died?" *continues following xordel* "so where are we gonna check first?"
  9. "yea got it" *carries celly on my back walking to the door following xordel*
  10. vlad *thinks quickly* "sounds like a good idea to me at least i can stay on my feet for a bit more, how about you celly?"
  11. (umm was that sarcasm or sincerity if sarcasm please advise us on how to do this better we never rpd before) *examines my new blade some more* "yeah i think celly is still in here ummm" *concentrates trying to turn celly back to normal the blade glows then turns back into her* "there she is, i guess i dont have to worry about trying to find you anymore celly, since i can summon you from wherever i am"
  12. holy crap i have 13 fangirls and one fanboy from my girlfriends school is that a good thing or bad thing and they just saw my pic????

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sora96


      Fangirls = Fantastic!

      Fanboy = No.

    3. Kirie
    4. HoodedXIII


      new update 15-17 fangirls and 2 possible fanboys (hopefully the new one was being sarcastic)

  13. vlad: *tries thinking and talking in my head* "celly i think your talking in my head what do you mean your right here are you my sword how and why did i summon you" (out of my head) "hey xordal i think i summoned celly as my sword is that odd" *me and cellys nobodys dissapear after not being told what to do*
  14. "huh i wonder if i can sumon a weapon" *tries focusing a weapon into my hand, celly dissapears turning into a sword its blade white and black the hilt is green with a red ribbion and a yingyang symbol at the top of the hilt in my hand* "what the" *examines the sword that appeared in my hand* "wow hey celly check" *notices celly vanished* "what the whered she go, celly celly where are you?!?!"
  15. *notices cellys sword like arm* "holy crap celly when did you learn how to do that"
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