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Everything posted by xxClouDxxmoon

  1. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png how can disney hate one their own games that represents them?? hang on, how can anybody hate KH ?????
  2. personally, i havnt seen anything near to what i wanted to see. hope its true though about a remake of "FF X" on PS3
  3. wonder if KH3 will have its own limited edition PS3 console ??

    1. hatok


      If it's released for the PS3, I don't see why not. It's a pretty big deal after all, look at all the people always going on about KH3.


    2. xxClouDxxmoon


      KH3 IS A BIG DEAL!!! to me KH is no longer a game, but something my life is built on. take away that, and i have nothing.

    3. xxClouDxxmoon


      and if they can make one for FFXIII and FFXIII-2, they can sure as hell make one for KH3! and i wouldnt mind one for FF vs XIII

  4. i definately would, and it would be good if they did KH 1-2 aswell. maybe even as a special HD remastered bundle??
  5. hmm they would just ruin kh like they have already ruined the FF series
  6. FF XIII isnt a final fantasy, its nothing like the true nature of final fantasy and if kingdom hearts involves itself with FF XIII, it also will not be the same
  7. i dont really hate anyone, but i chose Terra Ventus and Aqua because i havnt gotten to play BBS yet
  8. to be totally honest, i dont think there will be a kh on a console until the next main game in the series (Kingdom Hearts 3) (when ever that is)
  9. just got a PS3 !!!!!!!!

    1. SoraFanatic


      yeah, be my PSN buddy too. mine is bellasangre.

    2. Corrupted keyblade

      Corrupted keyblade

      Mine is musicfreaker, yall both can find me the more friends the funner


    3. Junko
    4. Show next comments  432 more
  10. just got a PS3 !!!!!!!!

  11. aaaaaww, imagine if they RE: BBS on PS3

    1. Rob


      I would sell my PSP version of BBS and buy it for PS3. lol

    2. xxClouDxxmoon
  12. at the school the moment.....so bored

  13. most myn friends know i love kh and go on this site, but they ussually make fun of me, especially my pathetic friend joe
  14. changed my avatar and sig

  15. kingdom hearts will always be my fav. Kingdom hearts really has reached out to my heart.
  16. wonder if the next kh on console will have a limited edition case???

  17. if you didnt cry i think your not a true kingdom hearts lover 8(
  18. mostly 1-3 though it should be more seeing ive givin up on TV
  19. i will get a 3DS once KHDDD comes out. i have to get all kingdom hearts games and of course all the consoles they are on.
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