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xxClouDxxmoon last won the day on May 18 2024

xxClouDxxmoon had the most liked content!

About xxClouDxxmoon

  • Birthday 01/21/1997

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  1. I feel as if by the time it comes out, it will just be current gen. I'd hope by then most games are just current gen!
  2. I personally find it hard to rank them as I dislike them all lol. But I can appreciate someone taking the time to really think about how they rank in their experience. I'll try rank them myself, just give me a few days as I'll really have to go over it in my head 😂 Currently replaying because of the KH4 announcement so it's a good chance to evaluate.
  3. For many reasons it could be like 2025/6, but I just have a feeling we won't actually be waiting as long as we think. Could be a late next year/early 2024 I have a gut feeling.
  4. Over the years, one of the main topics I have spoke about on here is Final Fantasy vs XIII and Final Fantasy XV. It has been a long time coming. So I hope everybody enjoys themselves and has a great time giving this game a play, finally. Peace!
  5. I simply think KH3 will just be an attempt for a high budget game to bring in more fans for the next saga. I don't think they care about Xbox players playing the Xehanort saga because it'll mostly be getting them ready for whatever comes next for Kingdom Hearts. Otherwise yeah, they'd be getting 2.8 which they aren't.
  6. Not only the worst FF game, but easily one of the worst games ever made. How this game was even accepted to be put into the series, I have no idea. I don't compare it to previous FF games for my dislike, because it is seriously a really bad game. People may enjoy the storyline and/or characters, but the gameplay was just terrible. Was such a disappointment.
  7. That is something for our children's children to worry about.
  8. Is it weird that I think this game might be fun...
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