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  1. Did I write something, so that there can be misunderstandings? Or what was your problem? BTW, I just edited my long post to make it easier to understand.
  2. The quotes are all from this topic here (kh13.com). The italic text is from kingdomhearts.wikia.com. The Japanese text is from this site. The pictures I made myself. And all the other text I wrote myself.
  3. Ah okay ^^" that could be... Could you please help me and point them out?
  4. Do you mean legit? Which of my facts exactly are not legit?
  5. To make things clear: It really is like JTD95 said. Japanese Ansem Report 0 = English (and German) Ansem Report 1. No, we are talking about KH1 reports. There is the Secret Ansem Report 2 from KH2, which started the confusion, because it said: That is when I discovered the "Ansem's Reports." Though they bore my name, the only one I had written was number 0. Apparently he had gone on to pen numbers 1 through 8 himself. Yes - the first subject in my foolish experiments. But this report 'number 0' mentioned in the text from KH2 is actually the English Ansem Report number 1 in KH1. The translators made a mistake, because in KH1 they changed the numbers from Japanese 0-12 to English 1-13, but in KH2 they didn't chnage the number in the Secret Ansem Report 2. That's why the confusion. The text of Ansem Report 0/1 (Japanese/English) is: Much of my life has been dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. That knowledge has guarded this world well. Not a soul doubts that. I am blessed with people's smiles and respect. But though I am called a sage, there are things I do not understand. I believe darkness sleeps in every heart, no matter how pure. Given the chance, the smallest drop can spread and swallow the heart. I have witnessed it many times. Darkness... Darkness of the heart. How is it born? How does it come to affect us so? As ruler of this world, I must find the answers. I must find them before the world is lost to those taken by the darkness. If you read it carefully, you realize that the good Ansem the Wise has written it. He wants to protect his Radiant garden. About the text from KH-vids, which is wrong in most parts: It's the other way round. THESE RUMORS ARE TRUE. The Japanese Ansem Report 0 starts like that: 長い長い時間をかけて、私は多くの知識を身につけてきた。 My translation: After I spent a long time, I gained a lot of knowledge. English Ansem Report 1: Much of my life has been dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. 私の知識が力となって、この世界の平和を守っていることを、疑う者はいないだろう。 My translation: My knowledge became a power that protects the peace of this world, I guess there is nobody doubting that. English Ansem Report 1: That knowledge has guarded this world well. Not a soul doubts that. You can see that it IS the same report. Again, this is wrong. I made a picture myself, so you can read at least: ...to the pursuit of knowledge. That knowledge ...I am blessed with my people's ...a sage, there are things I do not ... This is the Ansem Report 0/1. Look at the top of my post for the whole text. Again, this is wrong. You can see a faint outline of an 8, meaning the Japanese Ansem Report 8, and the English Ansem Report 9. Full text: Simply astonishing! Today I had a guest from another world. He is a king, and his vessel is built of the material that composed the meteors. He called the pieces "gummi blocks". It seemed that my opening the door has opened a path to interworld travel. We talked for countless hours, but one story in particular caught my interest: that of a key called the "Keyblade". The Keyblade is said to hold phenomenal power. One legend says its wielder saved the world, while another says that he wrought chaos and ruin upon it. I must know what this Keyblade is. A key opens doors. It must be connected to the door I have opened. So he (from KH-vids) finally noticed it?? Why didn't he change or delete his text above?? First, the translators made the numbering inconsequently (like in the already mentioned Secret Ansem Report 2). Second, I guess in the video there is a layer of text, that can be easily changed (Japanese and English), and a layer of video, that was already coded, so it cannot be changed without great afford. Thats why they left it like this. I hope I didn't write any mistakes, and that I could help to lift the fog of confusion...
  6. To make things clear: It really is like JTD95 said. Japanese Ansem Report 0 = English (and German) Ansem Report 1. No, we are talking about KH1 reports. There is the Secret Ansem Report 2 from KH2, which started the confusion, because it said: That is when I discovered the "Ansem's Reports." Though they bore my name, the only one I had written was number 0. Apparently he had gone on to pen numbers 1 through 8 himself. Yes
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