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About Jebest

  • Birthday 03/02/1991

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  1. yes, i would so want to have those plushies. it would be harder to resist the nightmare and dream eater ones
  2. It is a three way tie from Mickey, Yen Sid and Aqua. First off Mickey is badass and everyone's favorite Disney character. Aqua already inherited The World of Departure and turned it into the Castle in Chain of Memories. Yen Sid is the master of Mickey and respected the guy since the Fantasia movie.
  3. interesting that so far we are going to Germany, Tranverse Town, Destiny Island, and two worlds based in France. what other country are we going to be going in the game
  4. Jebest

    I'm a Nobody

    This was a drawing I did a while back when Kingdom Hearts II first came out. This is fanart and it was interesting to do.
  5. i would love to see the movie, but it would only work if they had it computer generated with no live action whatsoever. live action on a lot of cartoons ruined them.
  6. wow, i actually got third place. man this is sweet and that its awesome that my idea actually worked out well
  7. I support all of the theories that are mentioned so far. Of what I can tell is that this game will be the final one in the timeline before Kingdom Hearts III. My theory is that the game will start out with Sora and Riku about to set off for their journey once more and Mickey comes out of nowhere and tells them that Yen Sid needs them. Yen Sid tells them that before they can start on their new journey, they must get stronger to face Xehanort once more by going through a huge thing on training. So Yen Sid puts them to sleep and Sora and Riku wake up in Destiny Island to do some basic tutorials of what to do in the game like the basic attack stuff and the new action commands. Throughout the game, Yen Sid would problably be talking to them like of what went down on Re:Coded with Mickey talking to Digital Sora. Soon, both of them encounter Xehanort in their memories and they get separated to deal with their own different routes along with losing contact with Yen Sid for the majority of the game. They will be going to Tranverse Town, Destiny Island, Paris France (Hunchback of Notre Dame world), and other worlds from the Disney Universe that has never been used in the series so far. By going through each of these worlds, Sora and Riku will get a whole lot stronger and get more information of what happened in the past maybe and be able to learn of where Aqua and Ven are at. Around the end of the game, Sora and Riku are battling Xehanort in his different forms like in the previous games and then Riku reconizes Terra in one of the cutscenes. When that happens, Riku reminds Sora of that person that talked to Riku when they were kids and of knowing that they need to save him. Once the final boss battle is over, Sora and Riku wake up and tell Yen Sid of what they have found out when they were asleep. Yen Sid gets suprised on some of the information and fills in of what Sora and Riku don't know. From here, Yen Sid will soon tell them that the reason why is not only to help train them in their sleep, but to see if they have passed the exam. Once this is over, there will be a secret cutscene of some sorts to finally get into Kingdom Hearts III. This is what I think of what the outline of the game will be like and I hope everyone would like it.
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