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Everything posted by shadowblade

  1. I kinda like it I watched the three musketeers with my friend and his girlfriend and their daughter and we all thought this has got to make it into Kingdom hearts at some point lol how about you guys?
  2. See my last forum it'll explain everything
  3. Alex actually had feelings for someone else.I spent the day nursing the hurt and in the end Shes still my friend and I'm still hers and most importantly shes happy. Maybe things will turn in my favor as the years go by maybe they wont but I do not feel compelled to start doing anything weird like making kissy faces every day at her. She really changed my life and showed me that there are still good people out there. If I am supposed to be with her then damn it it'll definitely be worth the wait. Oh and I made peace with Abigail to.She admitted she overreacted and said she would like to start this over so who knows we might we might not but thats honestly wat i look for in a girl:the maturity to admit they screwed up
  4. I don't want to but im still no certain. I've been told loads of times by girls that they love me but I've never had to tell a girl myself that I fel that way. Now when I'm faced with this and I think about it it just brings me pain. I dont want to be that guy who just des an out of nowhere confession you know?
  5. well yeah I will I even told her today if I do have those feelings for her I'm never letting her go.she really changed my life.because of her I have set things right in my life that never would've been before.I'm really glad to have met her.
  6. envious or not dude I can't just butt in like that even if she does and say I had feelings for her I can't interfere.if that means I get hurt fine I'm not gonna wreck a relationship
  7. you ever see clouds delivery boy costume?give me that along with squalls necklace a sword and a pair of shades and im happy
  8. Idk remember i said she might have feelings for me she said to me tonight she thought Abigail was a bit stuck-up and also told me the guy shes dating was kinda just there. I'm probably not gonna act on this cuz i've never been a fan of creating love triangles.It always ends with someone getting hurt
  9. its ok guys ill live its not like i had sex with her or anything or even got to a point to where i was in love with her.ill survive
  10. I can't do that dude that would just create a neverending circle of pain and no one would ever be happy.plus im starting to really care for Abigail despite the fact we've been datin only a couple weeks im not gonna just be like well see ya nd go after someone else.
  11. might have feelings for me.I mean ok I have only known her since the beginning of my fall semester at csn but ever since i met her we just clicked. I mean dont get me wrong me and her have chemistry but she has a boyfriend and me a girlfriend but its like we just seem to have these deep conversations,full of tender moments blunt statements and lots of lols. I'd prefer not to get us into a situation where we wind up hurting two people but im starting to think she may be fighting some feelings for me.
  12. you're not a bad person.if he was'nt motivated or anything how was he gonna take care of you?your ex honestly just sounded like a guy who just wanted to say he had a girlfriend to me.sorry if im a little blunt but i think you shouldve broken it off sooner if he just plain out didnt have any drive.
  13. ok so a pargraph?yeah id say you fell hard.yeah when i met abigail i immediately fell to man but right now the best you can do is just be her friend and let things come together and definitely dont let any other guys push you out of the way as the years go by.don't fight em but make sure they don't just come in and push you out(a mistake i made in high school )
  14. lol yeah id rather not place a lable on it either but he seems to have this whole way to get a hot girlfirend system thing going on so here i am asking around.
  15. Decided since things were going great between me and abigail it was time to stop sittin around and ask his crush out.they went on their date but now he wont stop buggin her.ive been tellin him he cant just up and call her everyday and that she needs space to but then he asked me how many days at a time should i text/call her than wait?i for one can't answer that so anyone got an opinion?
  16. How long are you usually on your computer?Usually its a matter of how long you use it a day
  17. Me and Abigail really enjoyed our time together.I took her to dinner and to see a flick.All through the movie she was cuddling up on me and we made out for a little bit so don't ask what we saw cuz i dont remember lol She had to drive though cuz my family only has two cars so i cant drive much hope that doesnt count against me.Afterward we went back to her place and I got to meet and chat with her family,they love me to I have another date with her saturday night i cant wait
  18. well thank you for your concern dude but in this case its just an expression im not actually in love with her
  19. It would honestly depend on how they act dude
  20. Don't sweat it man 20 bucks says they read Aquaman(who can't do jack squat in my opinion but anyone who thinks different its cool lol) But anyway I've got a moron who tells me Sonic the Hedgehog is gay and never leaves the matter alone.Its like you said they're stupid arrogant idiots.What they say is and always will be irrelevant.
  21. Just as much as there's a difference between reading to much into something and understanding what a person means. I get what you mean but don't kill the buzz pal.
  22. Not only did Abigail say she'd go out with me,but she loves kingdom hearts and sonic as much as I do!Can yall believe the odds of that?
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