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Everything posted by shadowblade

  1. One of my many lady friends just said she loves me. Like alot of people it caught me off guard because to be honest I'm told that by friends and family alot but alot of the time i never feel loved. I told her the truth that I only see her as a friend and I don't think it could ever change. But for some reason I feel guilty.I'm not gonna lie she was'nt exactly winning any beauty contests,but she is a good person and at some point she fell for me,and now I feel lots of guilt trips coming on because nobody understands why I rejected her but am on the verge of asking my friend Abigail out on a date.I'm so confused on what to do. Sorry to be so depressing everyone but its sadly the story of my life.
  2. Yes you may lol(internet hug)yeah he doesnt even see anything wrong with what hes doing thats what makes him so pathetic And now he calls me up and tells me I'm the pathetic one,and that I'll never get any.I'm just like seriously dude. What's your problem?
  3. Yeah I'm trying to hit about 130 from 160 myself one thing I heard from my best friends wife is that drinking green tea can help it fills you up so that you dont have to eat as much,then just work out and you should really drop weight.
  4. it helps alot but i just talked to him about it and he pretty much just said he doesnt care about anyone else,so long as he gets what he wants. I really layed into him. I told him that he was a selfish arrogant little boy that can never understand the meaning of both love and sex. Hes not a man and never will be as long as he continues to use women for his own personal gain. Then he retorts and tells me women are inferior to him and all other men,and that they dont desere any of the rights they have.At that point I just chewed his sorry ass out. He honestly deserved it. after I gave him something to think about i headed for school. Needless to say we're not friends anymore. So ignorant...
  5. Well yeah I'm fine with him having sex its just the way hes going about it he's making girls fall for him then when they find out i see it crushes them hard while he goes to the next girl its rally saddening
  6. I'm really growing concerned about him. Hes so into losing his virginity that he's forgotten what it truly means to be in a relationship. Hes gone through at least ten girls now all of who found out what his intentions were. I've tried to help him see that its not just about sex but he won't listen. I mean from personal view I'm not concerned about when I lose mine or not but to him its his basis for living. How can I get him to come to his senses before he does something that'll mess him up?
  7. My boss is ten times cooler than my previous ones.I'll admit sunday night i made a few slip ups but now they are all out of my system and im ready to prove myself worthy of my position
  8. its funny this friday we'll have worked the same amount of days but i got more hours than he did lmao
  9. drop it pal if it bugs you just ignore her
  10. lol you all make compelling arguments guess the verdicts in i do my job and blow his ass out of the water thanks you guys
  11. what knowledge do you have about games on systems like how god of war is playstation only etc etc. then what do you know about dlc for software then where do you excel on regular computer programs
  12. So i get my new job at gamestop like ive always wanted.But my friend is so certain that im going to lose it because he had the job two years prior to me and sucked at it. Hes even gone as far as to tell me to face reality and accept that im not gonna keep it. So opinions people:chew out knock out or ignore.(and just so people do know ignores kinda hard when the guy only knows how to talk and not how to shut his face)
  13. People need to grow up and stop believeing they can do whatever they want.it would solve alot of problems if people thought before they act.oh wait people dont have common sense!my bad.
  14. Ok first of all your family needs to start behaving like a family and support you,but also be proud of who you are.thats the best i can say on that secondly live life with no regrets.If you like someone tell them.even if youre not ready for a relationship it could lead to future crushes where you keep it bottled up.Its always better to come clean about it then hide it because of how old you are or if youre ready or not
  15. dont be girlie nobody is alone.i used to feel the same way you did so trust me when i say i know wht youre goin through.i promise you you'll never be alone.If you still feel that way you can count me as a friend come talk to me when you feel lonely
  16. chill.you'll live longer.im not saying that this should be allowed,but next time just report the picture instead of going into a whole spiel about it.
  17. granted that guy is an arrogant little s#$% who just wants to hear himself be heard,but just ignore him.its like my friend whos arrogant enough to be act really rascist.hes ignorant and refuses to learn cuz he thinks he right all the time.just ignore em though they honestly arent worth it. and i think my girlfriend abby is beautiful with or without makeup
  18. Simple as that.you gotta have an open mind sometimes.if you go back and watch it again I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy it
  19. You can't let them get to you dude.Trust me my friends still give me crap for being a virgin while they all went out and lost it,well for them karma will be a bi***. But anyway don't let em get to you they're not going anywhere in life and will forever be losers.But as everyone else said that's assault. Call the police or get an authority figure involved.Plus karma.If society refuses to make them pay for this trust me karma will,this I promise you. As for your friend dude,that is messed up. I don't care if it was a simple F.U or a full on cussing out,you owe him an apology.O.k you don't swing that way but you could've just told him that instead putting him out there like that,because that's the first step towards becoming just what those guys are:bullies. Trust me though hes gay he could become the best friend you could ever have.I know because my best friend is an arrogant,narcissistic loudmouth know-it-all lol
  20. your friend bet that you would?screw him dont ask her maybe losing forty'll teach him not to try to run your life. im not saying dont ask her eventually but do at your own pace not at his dude.
  21. yeah I've always doubted it to because its just so crazy.What are the odds you'll meet someone related to one of the VA for the series?
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