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Everything posted by shadowblade

  1. I'm trying. I know part of it is acceptance if she does wind up with him to I do love her and if thats what makes her happy then yeah i have no choice but to accept it
  2. Would'nt be talking about it if I did'nt feel there was a chance that she was mine dude but thanks
  3. no shes not in love with the other guy then I'd just be being stupid.the guy is manipulating her to get what he wants out of her. but thank you for the advice
  4. Thank you.It'd probably be easy if I could find someone to play little big planet 2 with.Its my only ps3 game i havent finished
  5. Trying. Trust me its much different than just some simple high school crush where I could walk away without batting an eyelash. I just need a way back to how i was before i fell for her,when I could plug in call of duty or fallout and kill things without worrying about who ill be dating,who shes with,or if shes safe. Thanks to this douche and my own feelings I am slowly losing it.And for peoples records shes not a bad person she doesnt use, lead me on,or use sex to get what she wants.shes innocent in all this
  6. she is man i just cant let myself go crazy i will right now
  7. You know I would be but look at me friend.I'm a wreck.a fight for her right now would only be a struggle of desperation.
  8. I'm sorry to sound so dramatic guys but I just can't take it.every minute is like an eternity when I'm not with her.every thought of her with that guy in the future makes me want to hit something. Before all this I was composed,not being able to date a girl I liked was just unfortunate so why is it I can't just put this to rest I shouldn't be an emotional wreck like this.I just can't take it anymore its like I'm losing my grip on my own heart someone just help me get my feelings back under my own control.
  9. It'll always be her decision.but again I know his type.three weeks from now that awesome overnight trip to the lake turns out to be just those two get her naked by skinnydipping then try to nail her when she least expects it. Don't you think I want to fight for her?I can't do jack with him always hanging around.watch next ill bet he'll say I'm the douche who wants her naked in my bed. I love her(and yes I said it,deal with it.)and yet I have to sit by and watch this happen.
  10. She knows how I feel.this guy just saw a booty call and is playing the sweet liar now
  11. it wouldnt work,I know this type of guy,he manipulates and wins her over then sleeps with her and ditches her.All the while I see whats going on but she doesnt and I'm powerless to protect the best thing thats ever happened to me.It makes me so angry that this guy has the gall to do this and I can't stop him
  12. Its official.Some obstinate self important prick pulled the wool over her eyes and now she thinks hes the greatest and hes really not he spent all of the past week slowly pushing me out of the picture.Its like she completely forgot about me.I lost the very girl I didnt want to lose.I feel like beating the crap out of a pillow or something,but I have to just tough it out and move on right guys? For those of you who have felt like you were in love before...is it supposed to feel like a thousand hot knives stabbing you all at once when something like this happens?
  13. Sevens not even in my top 5 and its still Aeriths death for me
  14. I cant her phomes really stupid like that.She isnt lying either;its a sprint. I got in touch with her last night though we were discussing places to go for our first date just the two of us. We've agreed on nothing fancy just a simple dinner and a flick
  15. My friend went to logout of my facebook for me and hit deactivate by accident.now its telling me i cant reactivate it til 530 tommorow. I'm due to talk to Alex in an hour.does anyone know a number I can call to get this mess cleared up?please and thank you!
  16. Its a legit theory but I'll wait til the game comes out before I believe anything
  17. We're still figuring out the details,but we're doing dinner. Since me and my date last year decided its his turn to decide,the question we're facing is should it be formal,semi-formal or casual?opinions anyone?
  18. I'm taking Alex on a double date with my best friend and his girl.
  19. Well his girl sucks me and both our friends think she may be using him because its nothing like me and Alex,he takes her to look for work and everything hangs out treats her and stuff but not once have i ever heard anything about her treating him and despite the fact that she knows he wants to date her she said she didnt want a bf right now yet she was hitting on my friend Galileo so reality might be hitting him and he just needed to let it out doesnt mean I tolerate what he did though
  20. hes actually older lol but yeah thats just it i admit to my past i was lazy and unreliable,why does my family keep having to throw it at me ill never understand.yet i love them lol
  21. Gets all butthurt because I did a load of laundry without any of his clothes in there.The thing is this:They were darks,and he wears little to almost none. I admit hes got a point I probably shouldve done something with both our clothes but When I tell him off for not doing his share around the house just to run off and play cards guess what he does?He starts bringing up the past and reminding me of how i used to be in an effort to silence me and not answer for what he did.I used to be really lazy and inthourough in my chores,Ive changed but my family sucks at grasping it. He starts bringing up how long it took me to get my license,a job,and all that stuff in an effort to shut me up and honestly its pathetic. Sorry to bother you guys with this i just needed to vent before i went into class all bent out of shape.
  22. You're fine no sweat my story was a little overexaggerrated I apologize if I gave you the wrong impression. Alex isn't perfect but shes better than most girls I've dated. We've had our arguments but who does'nt in this day and age. I dont know if shes the one or not but shes the first where I sure as hell want to find out.
  23. sometimes I wonder why I even bother psting this stuff.oh well
  24. So recently me and Alex discussed our relationship and its possible future.I admitted to liking her but I have to much to do right now,and she pretty much repeated it back to me. We both agreed that we wanted to go on a date with each other though. So heres what we came to:for now we be friends,we live our lives do our what we need to do and if the times right and our relationships where we want it to be than yeah thats what we'll do.This is our decision. For any naysayers who have to be all negative about this on here: Bite me. I didn't ask for your approval.
  25. I'm not gonna lie,I can't stand immaturity but this was funny.Totally didn't see it coming.Well played lol
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