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Everything posted by shadowblade

  1. take a serious lesson from tom kids
  2. Everyone calm the firetruck down.Look if a girl(or guy sees you as only a friend)it doesnt mean you are friendzoned.I do agree with koko though it is bs. But heres the thing;its up to the the two people in question. Me and Alex are unfortunately just friends today but who knows maybe she'll dump her guy and then fall for me.It doesnt mean im friendzoned,it just means she don't see me that way. and for those of you who are probably thinking shes a slut bite your firetrucking tounge. We're not on the greatest terms but we're still great friends and if thats how it has to stay fine then im happy she found her soulmate.but anyway the friendzone is teenage bs they drive into your head in high school once you get older you'll stop worrying about that garbage.
  3. Yes it is bullshit.you'll understand when you get to be my age.as for this girl man they are officially harassing you and I advise a restraining order.and with the girl you like if she likes your friend let that play itself out if it works between them there will be other girls my friend alexandra is falling for her boyfriend its just something I'll have to live with but hey I'm alive.last bit of advice though make sure you always have something to keep your mind off her 24/7 so you don't have time to imagine painful things like them having sex or something like that.I take care of all my affairs pretty quick and trust me on that one you'll thank me later
  4. I just got like the most mentally degrading email ever.apparently the sender called me a needy little loser who needs to stay with her(no idea who her is but 3 guesses who.) The rest of the emails pretty gruesome so ill let you guys use your imaginations on what he told me to go do Personally I don't care I talk to a lot of girls so I probably tick a lot of boyfirends off just by being me but this was just like whoa dude calm down we're friends not secret sex buddies whoever "her" is so get your facts straight.people these days...
  5. /i'm not gonna see or talk to alex for two whole weeks.I've told her im just gonna be really busy til after next week i hate to do it to her on her birthday week but not gonna lie our friendship needs it im going to miss her like nobodys business though
  6. Is it really 66 in america?sorry I'm a little behind because of my education and work
  7. At the beginning of may.anyone reccomend anything good besides the obvious?
  8. I'd do it anime style and yes i can name ten i'd like: Sonic the Hedgehog Goku Sora Ichigo Kurosaki Yusuke Urameshi Edward Elric Naruto Kenshin Himoura Sailor Moon Sawada Tsunayoshi For villains : Dr.Eggman Freeza Master Xehanort Aizen sosuke Shinobu Sensui Eds Dad Uchiha Madara Makoto shishio Chaos and Byakuran
  9. Yeah turns out she was seein someone lol im cool with that though I live not wanting to know the future i believe strongly its me and her for my own reasons but imma let it play itself out
  10. Ok FFIX and Sonic 4 Episode 1 it is Much appreciated guys
  11. What should I buy guys I have a $20 card.Im thinking Sonic the hedgehog 4 episode 1 and Sonic Adventure or FFIX.Any suggestions?
  12. Alls well.We're just going to be friends though.will there be a relationship in the future?Idk and im not worried about it
  13. Thanks man.she told me the same thing in an unrelated matter last night about not dwelling on the past.I hope I am able to reconcile with her
  14. Ok so you guys remember the prick i was telling you about right? turns out hes a pretty cool guy once you get to know him. But i was still having trouble trusting him.me and Alex got into a bit of spat last night and long story short i screwed up. before anyone asks it happens im not upset im not going batshit insane im just owning up to my mistake like a man,i sent adrian a facebook message apologizing for my treatment of him and I will talk to alexandra when i can. do i know if everythings going to be alright? i dont but i choose to try anyway.
  15. Trust me man confidence is key.Alex always berrated me for not having confidence and beating myself up all the time. I'm still working on it but she does talk to me more now that i keep myself thinking positive. I'm about to take her out for the first time friday myself.good luck!
  16. I'd personally like lightning to make an appearance it could be a good way fr some more personal growth for sora and riku
  17. New account.overloadfang lionheart got corrupted
  18. Hey guys!my psn account crashed so if you guys like you can add my new profile.its Overloadfang now.sorry for any inconvenience!
  19. Guys!You were right!I have to fight back! I'm not gonna let that douche win!not now.not ever. I will not lose her to anyone else. She means to much to me to let that happen.
  20. Geez.I know the feeling the girl of my dreams is being taken for a ride by this sketchy guy.don't worry you'll find a better guy just let him come unannounced
  21. Look for lionheartIX.ill get back to you about games
  22. I'm going to try something to help me think more positively about this whole situation with Alex. I'm going to list the pros and cons of our relationship and see if the pros outweigh them.so here it goes: Pros She's my closest friend She's provided me support when no one else would She might be the love of my life She forgave me for my first mistake She's firm with me and not just conformitive Cons She's friends with an obstinate prick She's can't talk as much anymore If this doesn't work I don't know what will
  23. Yay!I can't wait to see this guys assasination skills!
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