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Everything posted by shadowblade

  1. Im looking to add more people my gamertags Thor of Ice
  2. Asked me for tips on how to talk to a girl.The best I could tell him was to follow my three simple guidelines: A.don't sound like you're embarassed B.don't use big words you got off the internet C.Be yourself this got me my last girlfriend but she liked to assume alot of things and thought A was more true than anything.so ladies out there can you give me a hint on what i should pass along to my friend he really likes this girl so i want to him to have more success than i did
  3. hows everyone been?did you all enjoy ddd like i did?
  4. Is it any good?I'm looking to buy it
  5. Let me ask you something.did he by saying this physically hurt you in any way.no?then who gives a firetruck what he thinks tell him to get over himself.
  6. My former best friend(let's just call him loudmouth for obvious reasons)and I just got into a fight,now he's trying to tell me its my fault for getting mad at him.now before anyone says anything I put up with this morons taunts and insults for 8 years.and I took care of him after his car accident.yet he has the nerve to call me ungrateful for standing up to him and not letting him control everything just because I lived in his house for three weeks due to an argument with my parents.I already know what most of you will say why didn't I cut this crap off earlier thing is he's gotta win at all costs even if I told him to back off he'd keep going thinking he's the good guy
  7. I'm trying to do the college of winterhold story but when I started the first lessons mission a dragon appeared and now the lady still has the icon over her head but I can't finish the quest.can anyone help me out?
  8. Let's have a small contest.whoever can describe the scariest part in their favorite horror flick is the winner.there's no prize its just for fun.the rules are 1.)no exorcist or any movie with a similar name 2.)no trash talk 3.)make sure you state the name of your favorite horror flick before you begin. Let's just have fun with this guys. I'll start:my favorite horror movie is the 1986 remake of The Fly. The scariest part is when scientist Seth Brundle tries to use his telepods to fuse him and his girlfriend Veronica and their unborn child together to be the "ultimate family". While he is dragging her into the pod she accidentally tears his jaw off,revealing that what was left of his humanity was just a sort of cocoon,housing a housefly,my guess about 8 feet tall.as all his remaining skin peels away to the reveal the sickly looking creature underneath Brundle is still determined to carry out the plan. We pretty much just see it walk and make insect noises from here on out. Have fun playing guys!
  9. Oh you're fine dude that's just what I say when I need to defend myself.I agree maybe I could've worded it better but yeah its just my expression
  10. Calm down I meant no disrespect
  11. Ok I agree with both sides on this.its probably better that you do stay single for awhile.the people who've been saying this I'm assuming have all been ladies and they're right you can't look at a girl for her body trust me last girl I liked might as well have just been good looking with how she was.but at the same time you guys did break up.so you are free to hang out and dance with whoever you like.you're not a bad guy for using words like hot and sexy and all that just remember that there's more to a girl than just her looks.
  12. I would'nt say a rebound that would be if i suddenly jumped into it with her because things didnt work out with you know who. Its more of a would be thing because this girl really changed my views on dating with what she did i just don't want to act like this new girl is responsible for it ya know? Stupid I know but im not a guy to hold grudges yet ive got a lingering one with this girl and I dunno what i should do is all.
  13. because i need to talk about it when ive got something on my mind.otherwise i wind up doing stupid stuff.no one has to read it if they dont want to.sides im no child.im not about to tell you the truly deep stuff now
  14. but I met someone else who caught my eye recently.Nobody have a spaz attack now im not saying im pursuing anyone right now after the whole mess that happened im just saying shes kind of funny and cute to just not certain if i should be back on the board again cuz i may use any aggression against you know who on her witout knowing.opinions?
  15. You do know what they say,nice guys finish last unfortunately. Its really stupid that in order to get a girl who looks like she could be a model you have to be the biggest dick in the world. To all the nice guys out there who gives a crap we're better off flying solo anyway .
  16. No she is'nt a bad person.she just needs to get her head on straight and start treating her friends like friends and not LYING to them. But you are right Its not worth my time one day she'll realize how wrong she was and probably come looking to pick up where we left off... to firetrucking bad for her
  17. There's only one person I could think of its that guy I was jealous of(he turned out to be a goody guy and we're friends)its all based on his loyalties now.but yeah guys I'm done.I said and promised her I would change and listened when she needed to comfront me about anything but I'm still the dramtaic little insecure prick because I confront her bout lying to me.I deserve better.
  18. We officially ceased everything yesterday.let me explain what happened to you guys: I invited her to join me at cicis pizza the Monday following her birthday.she refused,telling me she needed to catch up on homework.3 hours later she's out with her other friends getting sushi(easy 2 papaer to write there) I go try to talk to her about it wendesday,tell her it doesn't feel like we're friends anymore,and then she flies off the handle before I even get a chance to explain why.long story short she believes me a dramatic insecure little loser not worth her time I think she's full of bullstuff. And with my luck its gonna be all out war at school.all because she jumped to conclusions.
  19. firstly id like to apologize to you guys i know alot of the stuff i say on here can be a little negative and Alex this alex that but being 21,partially in love and dealing with alot of the stuff i go through is really stressful.I just honestly need a place to let it all out so i dont do something I know i'll regret. Now onto the matter at hand.You all know me and you-know-who fought last month right? We reconciled,she revealed she had a boyfriend and life goes on.well apparently not for one person.This person has created a facebook page with the title anonymous and no info at all.Whats their angle? He/She seems bent on making sure I understand Alex will never forget my horrible mistake. I want to talk to her about it but I don't want to drag her into this mess,because it is probably an overprotective friend of hers or mine trying to make me "see the light". But after the message i received tonight I have no choice but to discuss it with her in the morning because he seems to know now when i'm talking to her etc.,etc.
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