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Everything posted by SummerSnow

  1. I am officially a Hope fangirl! He was so cute when he was little, but now that he's older, omg
  2. I need to play that game now, because I never played it before. Is it good?
  3. Cecil is amazing, Light and Darkness all the way~! haha Anyway, it would be interesting to see something involving Riku. There are speculations that BBSv2 (if it's an actual game) will revolve around the stories of Aqua, Mickey, and Riku, during their absence.
  4. Hello! Nice to meet you. I too am learning Japanese in college right now = ) I'm 19 and I've played KH for 2 years. I have played all except re:com. I am currently reading One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, D.Gray-man, Skip Beat, etc I have also played Dissidia 012 and Crisis Core. I hope you enjoy the site = )
  5. So hungry ... NEED FOOD! o.0

  6. Nothing is making sense anymore with my life = (

  7. Idk, I guess Xehanort just because he's a meanie Vanitas was bad too, but he's one of my favs Least fav to play as: At first it was Aqua, because it took me forever just to beat one unversed. However after beating Peter Pan's world, it got so much easier and it was fun to play as her. Terra and Ven's gameplay were ok
  8. I'm redoing Terra's level, and I'm stuck at the racing I just can't do racing games, they take me forever to beat! I'm ok with icecream beat, the tune just gets stuck in my head while I'm at work I hate fruitball
  9. In a week I'll own a Heartless Plushie! =)

  10. Nomura is already planning to make new clothes for Sora and Riku for KH3D
  11. I apologize. It is not in the secret video. It's in the final episode. Specifically in the clip Where The Hearts Go.
  12. ~ SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS ~ This is very random, but during work I was asking myself this. I think it's in the Secret Episode (or final episode), Braig, Dilan, Aeleus, and Ansem the Wise find the passed out Xehanort at Radiant Garden. When Braig picks him up, he asks Dilan to carry Aqua's armor and Keyblade... Aren't the keyblade wielders the only ones who can hold the keyblade? Wouldn't it disappear from Dilan's hand? Is it only the Kingdom Key that does it? (Example when Leon or Jack Sparrow tried to wield the keyblade) Or am I just over thinking this? haha
  13. It can't be something random. In KH3 there has to be something connected to the Xehanort Saga (possibly having to do with how there may be more than Xehanort?) that can be further explored in a new storyline .... if that makes sense
  14. FFVII or FFVII CC I'm currently working on X a well, and it's a really good game so far, great story. Crisis Core was amazing (mostly because my favorite character Zack was in it), and the story was so good, almost made me cry T_T
  15. My boss at work jokes around about me looking like I'm 12. I turned 19 in June My sister even looks older than me, and she's 14
  16. I love the first 3 movies a lot! They were the best. I also enjoyed the Jirachi movie, just because Jirachi is so cute ^.^ The Pokemon Ranger was cool for the architecture of the underwater temple = )
  17. Zack "I'm low maintenance. I swear!" HAHA Favorite quote of Zack from CC "No way! He just ate my hair."
  18. There isn't enough hrs in a day to fit all the epic works of Squeenix. That's why it's spanned to 3 days I'm sure it will come up!
  19. My FFXIII soundtrack came in the mail =)

    1. AnsemTheWise


      I'm thinking about getting it. There's a store in town with it...

    2. Lt Ultima

      Lt Ultima


    3. tawnyHero
    4. Show next comments  6 more
  20. I think Riku definetely. I think something's gonna happen to Sora = /
  21. Drawing stuff for my friends for gradutation = )

  22. That would be awesome! = ) I'm from New Hampshire though = ( But I turn 19 on June 8th = )
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