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Everything posted by KennyJ129

  1. "This is my one shot to free myself from this darkness...anyone who stands in my way is an enemy" says the young man with the scar on his right cheek. "Mom watch over me..." the young man listens intently to Master Varius Name: Draek Age: 19 Gender: Male Home world: Radiant Garden (Slums) Appearance: Tall and slender with Long Dark- Hair tied in a pony tail. Mainly wears his signature black fur-lined coat, blue armor padded jeans and white sneakers. Bio: Quiet and Calm, Close Combat Specialist. Refuses to give in to the darkness that has thrived within his heart and thus came to the Keyblade Academy to learn to use a Keyblade and eventually overcome his Dark past. Keyblade: Unknown Only able materialize the hilt (due to not being true to himself)
  2. Whoop whoop~ add me too plz i have no friends u-u FC: 4854-6440-1331
  3. Missed out on a few chapters glad I was able to finally catch up! I'm ready for the new chapters now! lol This is amazing Keep up the good work
  4. Wow! Now this is a great start to a great story! Can't wait to read the rest!
  5. Lol Looks like I'm the only one who doesn't have a deoxys.
  6. Cool Could I have the Deoxys? I've Subscribed My channel Link is: http://www.youtube.com/user/G129?feature=mhum My Friend Code is (Soul Silver): 3438 6703 3993 Random number 7
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