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Everything posted by JonB

  1. So I beat Terra's story line today...Which one should I play next?
  2. Thank you! I'll try it now
  3. I'm going through Terra's story but I'm stuck at the fight with Master Eraqus... any tips?
  4. For me it's probably Pete in Olympus. Just because he is such a minor character, and his fight actually has a slight strategy to it i mean the first time you fight Axel is easier than this fight.
  5. They were cancelled because a giant bat came to the producers. The producer began to see the mystical powers of the bat, and began to worship it. The bat everntually gave them commandments one of which was to cancel every show that you love. And they all lived happily ever after.
  6. Front screen picture of Sora at the beach with ice cream sticking out of his mouth.
  7. I miss toonami mostly "Zoids" and "Dragon Ball Z"
  8. Hope nothing super terrible happens...that would suck
  9. I guess the begining screen with the newgame and continue options are he isn't eating ice cream?
  10. haha Totally we're the best!
  11. Reaction commands were cool but I felt they made some parts of the game too easy.
  12. I love Choir I'm in my school's advanced choir
  13. Could you make me one With a Final Form Sora that has a black/greyish background and has my username in blue font somewhere on it please
  14. Oh I agree I'm doing the whole game on Proud mode (bordem was a contributing factor) And I just got to Olympus, and freaking Running from Hades sucks when you die in like 3 hits!!
  15. The only thing Donald is good for is healing his healing is all that is turned on in his abilities on my KH2
  16. I was level 83 and all i did was put curaga in my customize menu after that it was an easy fight.... oh plus the ultima weapon
  17. I agree with the 1000 heartless battle it was great.
  18. I agree the Limits were good I think they could've done more with the synthesis stuff because it was too easy to make the ultima weapon
  19. Mine is probably the Different forms (valor, wisdom ,etc.). Just because in Kingdom Hearts 1 I wanted Sora to carry 2 keyblades.
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