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About RingOfFire97

  • Birthday 08/24/1996
  1. Today, I cried my last tear. I realized the world has to much sadness, I was just adding to the benefactor. My friends never knew something was wrong, though I knew, I never disocvered what it was...I only wish I knew...

  2. So much on my mind.....Ughh, GOODDDNESSS I hate stress. My friends, their losing it I swear! I can't take this anymore...I just can't handle it all. My mind is on overload. The drama that goes on arong here........ughhhhhhhh!!!! I don't know what to do anymore. All I KNOW is that I am DONE.!

    1. TheApprenticeofKingMickey


      Try meditating. Or baking a cake for no good reason. It helped me cope when I was depressed. :)

    2. RingOfFire97


      Haha now I want some cake >.<

  3. My, oh My. It's absolutely BEAUTIFUL outside! My mom is even cleaning the pool and getting it ready for summer!!!!!!!!! :D I am getting ready to go to a bonfire at my friends house, if the weather stays like this, Imma be at her house till 10:00pm....great day

  4. Okay, so who agrees with me when I say that "Pain" by Three Days Grace is almost the BEST song EVER written? It just stands for so much <3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Koko


      Bohemian Rhapsody.

    3. LionheartXIII


      Well it's not the best song written but It is an amazing song!!

    4. RingOfFire97


      Hahaha yeah, you guys are right! I completely forgot about Bohemian Rhapsody, but it IS an amazing song <3


  5. Omg haha I just checked my account and I clicked the refresh button on my iPod and all this happened. I'm so proud Thanks errbody!
  6. Alright, so this forum has absolutely NOTHING to do with anything. I was just bored and decided to do this. Comment?
  7. Look into my eyes, and what do you see? Not pain, not fury, but something so deep in can only be described as...Love.

  8. It said that you don't have any profile comments yet, and it told me to say hello. So...HI!

  9. Fire burns the shredded remains of a once-promised future, rocks are all that remain. I stare at the broken path unseeingly.....emptiness is all that greets me in the deserted land I once called home.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RingOfFire97


      Oh Why Thank You, haha.

    3. Sigrun


      your welcome ^_^

    4. RingOfFire97


      Hahaha Yeah, I am just like that sometimes...emo and poetic at the same time even though I'm not emo -.-

  10. Well then!!!!

    Oh, I see how it is..."Master Ventus"


  11. I think i found my blonde friend o3o ...... xD

  12. A small drop forms on the leaf as it rains, but all to soon, it falls to the ground taking all hope away from the leaf. Every last wish, every moment o f life, stolen because even the ground needs water to replenish the forests that are being destroyed with every breath.

    1. Cricket


      very poetic. o3o


    2. RingOfFire97
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