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Everything posted by kazumikasagasaki

  1. First picture Me:okaaaay Second piscture Me: LOLOLOLOL
  2. Who was actually a random brunette girl,and the boy kept running w/ da egg in his hand until... I tripped him and stole his wallet and stabbed Justin Bieber.X)
  3. Just up and say it. :I'm straight, I like boobies" XD
  4. I think its a matter of environmen and personal ideals. Me, I like men because I do, there are attractive women but I already have my sights set out for one guy. I don't think I'll get him though.
  5. O_O' You do know what furries are though.... Riggghhtt???!!!
  6. I was looking for KH stuff on google and found this. Glad I did too.
  7. No, In 358/3 days, Xemnas calls her numer 14
  9. I do agree with you but my cousins are in a similar situation and they actually started excersicing behind the dads back and showing him up, like one got straight A's,one excersices A LOT, one was 18 and left, one never talks, one just plain avoids him and the other doesn't give a crap so yea. I still do feel for ya because my mom used to date this guy who hit me and choked me, and I was only 7!!!!! I hate him. And my ppiece of crap father who left my mom right after she was pregnant. I ate him but the only thing I can even do is prove them all wrong and overacheive. then, when I'm rich, they will ask and I'l flip them off. So yea I have my plans and proirities and the becat thing you can do is set yours too. I still do feel for you. Please don't flip on me because I actually am in a similar situation.
  10. I saw this and my heart jumped with excitment and then the CSI thing gain I was like "awww"
  11. I forgot sry. I sat there for like 20 minutes and forgot them. I still say that Xion is a member no matter what Saix says. He stinks.
  12. Name:Kazumi Gender:Male Age:15 Bio: A shy boy that keeps to himself very kind. Grew up alone on very large island *Sigh* I'm soo bored. Where can I find tools to make a boat, such a PAON finding it.
  13. Name:Kazumi Kasagasaki Age:15 Type:Synergist Flash Sanc. Bio:Kazumi was a small child who grew up in western Japan. His parents disappeared soon after his birth and he was raised by multiple drifters whom he followed. He has been to many areas and visited many areas and even saw the Sun. Sanc. but was frigtned and fled. He found his way to the flash sanx. where he had been chased by a group of horrible bandits. He had somehow managed to seal he door and found out what the sancs. were and so accepted his position as flashsanc. guardian. He is still unsure of his perspectives. Personality and etc.: Black hair,shoulder length. Very uiet and shy around others and is quick to do what hes told. Very cold demeanor though. Doesn't trust others. Very feminine. Virgin, lol. When people tend to get to close he gets easily frightned. skinny, and short. normal voice. Doesn't have crack in it, Am I too late to join
  14. Which one of the Org. members is your favorite, mine was Xion.
  15. I also forgot, there are many other tribes of heatless,nobodies, and even unversed. There is special thing called a copy which is the exaxct oppposite of you, they are difficult to find defeat them and you get and extra 100 points to your natural abilities. Also, the storyline. Lost Scent: A descolate keyblade world. The Keyblade Graveyard 300 years before the keyblade wat. Xehanort is alive but, he is only just born. The World is at risk of being destroyed by the great entities, they have the abilities to copy and bend in with people. They are planning to find them and destroy them, or if your evil, you can help them. I am on their side and one of the commanding officers. Just do you know, the battles are to be taken place probably in the online chat. it saves space.
  16. The world is a very large planet with very grey colors. There are several towns and multiple shops and keyblade clans. Rules: 1.No Gods 2.No owning every keychain 3.No attacking others for no reason. 4.All people get there own keyblade Guild Rules: 1. Guild master MUST createthere guild chain and keyblade. 2.Guild Master must have at least 1 POSSIBLE test for people 3.Guild Master Can not pick and choose favorites. O.K., I will start off, there are 3 continents. Continent 1: Muska Lacks Continent 2: Demon Realm Continent 3:Celestia Each Clan will get a section of land, which is even. Pick and choose. Stats: Magic Attack HP AP Speed Its just like in the games there are several abilities that I willl release later. The stats can not go over 100 total. Battles:Speed goes first, take turns, abilities help, spells will be released,Damage=Magic or attack -defense. If Speed is twice the attack or magic, they can dodge. My Character: Kazumi Kasagasaki Stats: Magic: 10 Attack:10 HP:55 AP:10 Speed: 15 Hair Color Black Skin:White, Slightly tanned keyblade:It looks like the ultima balde except the blue is Red, the white is black and yellow green. I hope you enjoy Lost Scent ^_^
  17. Sora when he faces Demyx and his inability to recognize that maybe some nobodies aren't as bad as others. It is a bit like SDG are racist against nobodies and Sora is their violent leader. Except Demy attacks Sora. And was sent to attack Sora. And was acting like that to lull Sora into a false sense of security. Not true, Sora catches him running suspiciously in The Olympus area, he then sees him later, after he finds out he may have cause trouble, HOWEVER, he had no proof that Demy had done anything, plus, the org. is awesome, end of conversation, I win.
  18. She annoys me because she AND Mickey were in ALL of them. They're starting to annoy me.
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