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Everything posted by LiavGever
Well he did got his memories back (Summoning the Keyblade)But there's gotta be something special he did cause if terranort did back , where is he? I was thinking he can't be in new organization though , BECAUSE:
The problem is that te revived Xehanort was Master Xehanort(At least that what everyone in this forum saying)So terra body canno't be longer possesd by xehanort , but terranort was the one who created ansem SOD and Xemnas , but he somehow got back as MX and not as Terranort , so there is must be something that happend . The only thing that make sense is that Xehanort still using terra body but something happend to terra's heart that why the revived xehanort is actually MX and not Terranort(Even if what i suggested is wrong , there must be something that happend) Unless MX is not the revived xehanort like everybody in here say and then let just wait to the official DDD english verison. By the way when I was reffering to Kairi , I meant in hollow bastion when sora's heart became a heartless , and Kairi heart went back to her own.(So i figured there may be something like that that terra heart got out - Cause if MX heart was the one that turned into a nobody and a heartless , where is terra heart?? or maybe their both heart been fused? or maybe terra also have a nobody and heartless? or maybe terra heart stayed in Xemnas-his body , but then the heart got destroyed ..?) I want KH3 to out so badly , but FF production just don't wanna be over.
But that is a diffrent case , i just tried to say the when one body holds two heartone that fell to darkness that other just wandering there(or staying like ventus-roxas) You know what . Don't look at the example just look on the whole picture. The fact that kairi did that , or ventus did that shouldn;t fail the theory anyway we should just wait to KH3 but FF need to be done first.
I also said that Terra heart may reside in Riku and connected to my theory .. lol you should read it all . It can be that his heart escaped cause in the same time xemnas and ansem created his heart went , but they were parts of his heart too , I mean xemnas should look like MX and Terra because he don't have a heart inside of him that change his appearnace of something so he have terranort appearnace, And if you read all of my theory you should understand what i tried to explain here.
Well that what i was saying.I knew all the things about ventus wield , i know his heart was in roxas that affected his appearnace. I knew terranort had the heart of terra and xehanort(maybe erqaus) Im saying that the heart that became a heartless was MX one and terra heart might escaped.
Well i had 2 theards to open so i just put them in one. Im playing english patched final mix on Critical mode. 1.What is the best acssesoris and armor for KH II and Final mix. cause the org data battles kicking my ass , well excecpt marluxia,vexen,xemnas,saix,lexasus,zexion-though he tricky(they are easy) I think the rest is just badass , well larxene killing me right on the beggining with her thunder . even if i use reflega still my fate is to die in the beggining it just killing me(well i haven't earned yet the second chance ability only once more that is for combos not single attack) Actually i think Xaldin and the rest are pretty harder than Sepiroth , everyone is like be 99 and beat sepiroth , I beated Sepiroth on level 40-50( i cant remember) you just need to block his attack with sqaure then punch him with the keyblade then block him again , untill 4-5 bars is down , then its a little bit more tricky cause you need to escape his fire attack and then he had the attack when he fly and decrease all your hp but all you gotta do is to punchhim one time and the attck his over . to one and block his fast attack with triangle , but i still beated him using only potions and trinity limit in 40-50 level(with ultima i finished the game on low level) Now im 75 level with better acssesoris and can't beat the org data , and im using magics and final form. WHAT IS THE BEST ACSSESORIES AND ARMOR. ===================================== 2.Why is radient garden trolling me? I started playing KH II again because two things Wanted to try Final Mix Complete the game 100 % I finished the puzzels and stuff , THEN I decided to find all treasures I did it every world that i go i going into the journal and i see a mickey sign by it. My last treasure i didn;t find was in radient garden(Cavren of remembernace) and i found it , when im going to the journal i saw i found all the treasures in all the world, but i doesn't have a sign of mickey right next to it in radient garden journal even though when im entering it i can see i found all the treasure .. AND I FOUND THEM ALL (I WIll upload some pics soon)
Well if nomura said that i can't argue , i even changed the theory if you noticed.It doesn't even talking about ventus , except the ventus part in BBS , when his heart exit his own body after his fight with vanitas and then he went to sora and you should know the rest.
Well it just saying that i don't think that the english transalation will help on this game , we all better learn japanese http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.pngAnyway i do think ventus heart released - Cause when sora extract kairi's heart - not only his heart was out there was few hearts that exit his body means not only his and kairi's heart exit the body , also his light disappear from the realm of light("Guess going to a in-bewtween world) and i think i heard somewhere that ventus heart find roxas/sora body again) Anyway even if im wrong its doesn't failing my theory or something. Let me write it again AND ADD SOME MORE READ ALL : I think that Ansem the Wise(Xehanort) apperntice became a nobody and heartless(While he was using terra body) But , Somehow during that time untill now - Terra heart escaped from it / or just destroyed and when Xehanort was back - terra body took the appearnace of the only heart was there (MX heart - Like roxas took the appearnace of ventus because of ventus's heart inside of him) What i think - Xehanort in the form of ansem the wise Apperntice(Terranort) became a heartless and a nobody , but His body contain 2 hearts inside of him Terra's Heart and MX heart - so when Xehanort/Terranort became a heartless the heart that fell to darknes was MX heart , and terra heart just went somewhere else(Like when sora turined into a heartless , Sora heart became heartless , Kairi's one return to her body) NOW I was thinking on 2 option 1.Terra heart had may never left the body and stayed in Xemnas(Like in ventus-roxas case) but then it means his heart destroyed when xemnas died(Most likely didn't happend) 2.Like in Kairi-Sora case , that Kairi heart was in her own body then left to sora and then returned to her own , JUST A LITTLE diffrent cause terra doesn't have body return to. Maybe it is like IN The end of BBS, After ventus won vanitas , his heart left his body , his body remaind without his heart and his heart found his way to sora, maybe in that case terra;s heart left his body and found his way to another person body. Maybe it found his way to the sentiment lingering. So i was thinking maybe his heart got somewhere else , then a nobody was created from terranort body that look like terranort and not only mx , cause they both(hearts) left the body at same time.(So the heartless and nobody look like terra and MX) So now when Xehanort apperntice returned(with terra's body)Terra's body who was young body became old body like old MX body , because only MX heart resides in this body so the body took the appearnace of MX when he returned. And if that really what happend we might see also terra's nobody( got created like namine) and a Heartless(Maybe) And if that really what happend we might see also terra's nobody( got created like namine) and a Heartless(Maybe) EDIT:Nomura hinted that terra heart might be in riku.
I Edited my first post.By the way -> The english translate is really diffrent - In english its sure hard to understand Cause in the japanese scene all the translation is like "Other hearts confined in you" -Something like that to the scene where YMX telling sora about 'other hearts inside of him" in the english verison its like "So you are the one who made your heart a prison , even if you are not the prisoner" I know I know the english sentece is more cool , but in the japanese verison its like oh he talking about ventus because he said other hearts in sora in the english verison its like - mm prison , sora's heart , mmm prisoner .. honestly if i been to see only the english verison and not the japanese it would take me a long time to understand that he talking about ven.. i might not even understand at all.. Actually i've saw the english verison first and understand he talking about ventus but that just because vanitas had appeard and he talked about heart.
Yes ,but you can get the whole picture i hope.you know like kairi's hearts who has been traveld bodies in KH 1.] Her own body ->Sora body - > Her own body again that should be a little diffrent with terra but something like that. Yes i did meant Ansem The Wise apperntice , my mistake. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png Actually i don't think MX is the revived xehanort because (where is that stupid spoiler tag@!#?@!#?$!@? or there it is)
I think that Xehanort apperntice became a nobody and heartless(While he was using terra body) But , Somehow during that time untill now - Terra heart escaped from it / or just destroyed and when Xehanort was back - terra body took the appearnace of the only heart was there (MX heart - Like roxas took the appearnace of ventus because of his heart inside of him) What i think - Xehanort Apperntice(Terranort) became a heartless and a nobody , but His body contain 2 hearts inside of him Terra Heart and MX heart - so when Xehanort/Terranort became a heartless the heart that fell to darknes was MX heart , and terra heart just went somewhere else(Like when sora turined into a heartless , Sora heart became heartless , Kairi's one return to her body, ventus heart returned to vetnus) So i was thinking maybe his heart got somewhere else , then a nobody was created from terranort body that look like terranort and not only mx , cause they both(hearts) left the body at same time.(So the heartless and nobody look like terra and MX) So now when Xehanort apperntice returned(with terra's body)Terra's body who was young body became old body like old MX body , because only MX heart resides in this body so the body took the appearnace of MX when he returned. And if that really what happend we might see also terra's nobody( got created like namine) and a Heartless(Maybe)
Not long time ago , I saw a interview with nomura when DROP DREAM DISTANCE was like 40-50 % in development He said the game will focus on the data DiZ(Ansem The Wise) put inside Sora body. But now the game is out(In Japan) And i saw lots of translated cutscene from the game , and none of them was about the information/data ansem the wise put inside sora Is it still about the data DiZ hid , or nomura just didn't like the idea so he decided not to put it in the game but then again the game was 40-50% So is there is something there about that data?
1."Anger and hate are supreme." 2.when they called Demyx a wimp lol 3.It happend to me(don't know if it happend to someone else) In the battle with xigbar he always scream "SORA", "ROXAS" kind of stuff one time i was on low hp and he screamed ROXAS then sora and goody both healed me and when they heal they shouting my name (SORA) then it sounded like he saying roxas and they are mad of him and shouting roxas. 4."I rather we just skip the formalitties" That's all pop in my head right now.
Well MX told terra - You are just one of many roads that i might choose to take (BBS END( but the figure we saw with YMX on destiny island was ANSEM SOD(Xehanort heartless) he time traveled to get him , and then send him time traveling(to get all the xehanort clones - I mean Xehanort apperntice(probably regaind his memories- and wanted the same goal X-BLADE) So when he turned himself to a heartless and a nobody he took care that Xemnas will search for vessels and Ansem SOD try to reach KH , and also time travel to took vessels for xehanort if xemnas failed. or something like that i don;t get that(Waiting for ddd) but the figure was ansem sod time traveling.
Well there's a scene in final mix after the battle with roxas (It is translated) but in 358/2 days there is this 2 scenes but he just like 1: Axel:Roxas , are you sure you don't have a heart Roxas: I dont know its not that i can look inside but i figure if there is something there we would feel it AxeL :True Enough. (Something like that) 2: Axel:Remember the first day when we met when you got your true name (something like that, the scene goes on i just can't remember) Now , this scene is from final mix is actually mixing their both(Watch it) But its a little diffrent , in Final Mix axel remind namine and roxas saying that sora will know cause he is him , and in 358/2 days its diffrent , its like i wrote.. Why? And when they talk about that , I figured it must've been after the battle between roxas and sora cause axel touched sora heart , and roxas awakend inside of him , and then roxas find a way to talk with axel. Cause they saying things that roxas didn't know or wanted to know in days Like Roxas = Sora , Roxas didn't figured it so well in days , and if it was in days axel wouldn't give roxas to go , and there wasn't any scene that roxas telling axel about him wanting to go to sora.(Cause axel would have to stop him)
After playing KH II (again , now as final mix english patched) There's a scene where we all sees sora let jack touch his keyblade and let him hold it for copule seconds, now we all know after BBS , that he is like accidently perform a ceremony on him choosing him as his sucssesor, Is anybody else noticed? (Well maybe the keyblade won't want him , though it will be cool to see him wield keyblade.)
When he sleep for a year - This haven't affected his body cause he was a walking heart. Roxas hold the body that sora has.
Well i don't remember how old i was , I was little though , I remember I was visiting my cousin all the time , 3 times a week(even more) Then in 2002 The older cousin(he's like 30+ now) bought kingdom hearts to himself and his brother(who is 4 years older than me) Then WE started playing , though we were stupid - I was little so i called the game "Doland Duck" and so the little cousin , and we were stuck in the 4 starting world Traverse Town,Deep Jungle,Wonderland,Olympus Coliseum , and it was because we never shoot fire on merlin house and opened him. And we never had any abilities equiqed , and always was with Kingdom Key (We finished all of olympus mission that time with Kingdom Key) So we always came back to traverse town like the solution to our problem is there(and it really was there we just didnt know) I loved the music of Traverse Town !! But we give up and stop playing , and i know we give up years after because in 2002 - first bought the game 2005 - we gave up , and i know it because in the last half year we played the game my cousin saw on IGN that A KHII was going to/already(i dont remember) released. 3-2-4 Years ago , I searched the game(After Buying PS2 only for this game - it was like childhood memory , since it was my childhood strongest memory http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png) on the web and learned about heartless and that kind of plot. So i told the young cousin and we started playing it again untill we end the game. then(alone) i played KH2 , Chain Of Memories and all the other sidegames. And before year - I started playing the game all over again in the chronical order BBS ->KH1->COM/DAYS->KH2->RE CODED and i also followed in webs to see im getting the whole story clear. Now im doing Final Mixes and stuff I Finished 1 final mix , and now im playing 2 final mix english patched though.
I don't talking about stats , Im talking on good looking.(In the entire series) I actually thinks its Kingdom Key and Kingdom Key D+(Sora and Mickey's) I think the regular keyblade is so good looking ! I always wanted to use all the game . but as the enemy got stronger and Kingdom Key have low stats(lower than the other at least) Its been harder and I always played on Proud/Critical mode so it really hard(So I used Fenrir/Ultima WeapoN) I think way to dawn is also good looking , well i loved the soul eater.
Am I the only one who noticed that sora and his co don't afraid to fight Ansem , Xemnas , Xehanort , any other bosses but every time they are in haloween town they crying like little girls
KH3D pre-order giveaway: Referral competition
LiavGever replied to DChiuch's topic in General Discussion
Well i invited 3 people already but in the referral page all i can see is invitation sent no name but i know and make sure they register so why won't it work? -
KH3D 2 Questions ** May contain Spoilers**
LiavGever replied to LiavGever's topic in Kingdom Hearts - General
well the problem isIn the ending scene of DDD MX said something like Its our time to carry our fate/get back to us original timeline (something like that) and they all got back in time to them original time. But the revived Xehanort doesn't need to go back to his time cause his time is now , his time is the present , cause he revived he should be back. and MX got back in time to his original time , so it can't be MX(or one of the people who were in throne room) Revived Xehanort time =Present/now. -
KH3D Little theory -May contain spoilers-
LiavGever replied to LiavGever's topic in Kingdom Hearts - General
Sorry i learned english on the internet !please try to understand ? http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png I hate grammer so much :angry: I will try to explain me Xehanorts=saix,mx,ymx,xemnas,ansem,braig,the other in coat all the people that vessels MX=Master Xehanort old one =Xehanort apperntice=Terranort. I said that after watching DDD start(Xehanort summoning keyblade) I know that Xehanort regained his memories/faked all. And then I asked why is Terranort(Xehanort apperntice/Result of MX putting his heart into terra) didn't come back - because xemnas and ansem were defeated and they was his nobody and heartless. Then I started speculating: 1)Terranort had 2 hearts - Terra+Erques and MX heart maybe MX heart was the one who fell to darkness, that's why the revivd xehanort was MX. and terra heart just went somewhere else. but if terra heart went to Xemnas(like sora ventus) he will be destroyed by now cause Xemnas had been defeated. so its mustve been it went somewhere else and now terra doesn;t have body cause revived MX using his body , terra body changed it appearnace from terranort to regular MX appearnace because of the fact that only MX heart is there now- So terra is a heart without a body.(That could be) and thats can explain why we see MX but didnt saw terranort Because terranort the one that should come back BEING. But this theory falls becuase of 2 things: 1.Some saying that Terra+Eraqus heart had merged with Xehanort heart (End of terra story sentence like - get out of my heart etc) then terranort had just one heart - His own heart(terra and xehanort fused heart) So that basically saying that terranort should return cause terranort heart fell to darkness - one heart. 2.We know Xemnas and Ansem SOD were revived , So one of Xehanort form who made xemans and ansem SOD should BE RETURN. So in the game we doesn't see Xehanort apperntice , so everyone just said it was MX and start to speculate why MX is the revived xehanort and why terranort/xehanort apperntice didn't come back But master xehanort can't be the revived xehanort because in the end of the game he also went back to his original timeline with the other Xehanorts, so if he went back to his timeline he cant be the revived xehanort cause the revived xehanort original time is in the present , cause he just got back. Means Revived Xehanort cant be no xehanort and can't be one of the Xehanorts who was in the throne room when they went back to their time. So that means terranort is back but wasn't found ? anyway MX cant be revived xehanort,