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Razorwind Keyblade

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Posts posted by Razorwind Keyblade

  1. So what has Nickelodeon been doing for the past couple of years? I'll tell you.


    Basicly, all they're doing is showing re-runs of Spongebob all day along with Teen Sluts like iCarly and Victorius. They never show new episodes of Spnogebob, just hudreds of re-runs all day and everyday and then show iCarly right after it. I'm pretty sure this is how they've been making more money then their competitors; Cartoon Network and Disney Channel over the past few years.


    At least Cartoon Network and Disney Channel don't milk cartoons for over 13 years.


    As for the Legend of Korra... oh god. What is this awful shit? I'm not gonna post my rant/review on season 1 yet but I'm just gonna tell everyone who hasn't seen it yet that it's nothing special about it and the plot makes no sense.


    Apparently, there are going to be 4 seasons of the show. When I heard this, I thought it had to be a joke. But it's not. Didn't the original Avatar which was 10x better have only 3 seasons? Water, Earth, and Fire? Why is this one having 4?


    Nickelodeon is just trying to milk this series as much as possible. But my question is, why? Aren't they making enough money by showing re-runs of Spongebob all day along with Teen Sluts? Why do they want so much money? They're already ahead of their competitors.


    Nickelodeon these days isn't abou entertainment, it's about money. Lots and lots of it. If it wasn't then they wouldn't keep showing re-runs of Spongebob and iCarly all day.


    The Legened of Korra was originaly supposed to have one season, 12 episodes. I would have been fine with that. But of course, no. Nickelodeon had to order another season of this horrible cartoon and now there are two more seasons of the shit to look foward to.


    The Legend of Korra and Nickelodeon both suck.

  2. Wow Razorwind...you sure like to listen to other people's opinion's.....


    Nah. I just like to humiliate people who say not so smart things like this kid. I posted this on several other forums because I expected certain posts like this.


    Lol "The cartoons are from Japan, so China makes them up". This kid is

    really... how do I say this in a rated G way? Not so smart. Yeah.

  3. narutos author (forgot the name) is a huge DBZ fan, he based naruto from DBZ. so technically, naruto is DBZ prodigy . also, goku would firetruck Naruto up xD, and yes, whoever made this video, does have a problem's with spelling,

    doesn't mean you call him a tard x.x, hes just stating his own mind and opinion, even though those points are pointless due to goku being just as "powerful" xD


    the person has a point. awesome comes from slow which is now used towards people who can't help them selfs, due to being disabled. i don't mind people using it as "this video is so awesome", but using it towards a person, is

    disrespecting special needs people, people who can't walk etc. not that i should say stop, because its your choice.


    Yes, you're right. I wonder when people will realize that their on the Internet and can't stop people from doing or saying what they want to.


    I'm talking in general, justsoyahknow.


    And I already called the uplaoder of the video the r word for making this video.... look at all the negative responses. I told him I'd humiliate him for ever uploading this.


    I'm just cool like that ;). Just saiyan ._.


    K no. You guys can continue having your stupid argument over DBZ and Naruto but there's one thing I will not stand for and that is ableism. Do not firetrucking use 'awesome' as a firetrucking

    insult. You are being offensive and ignorant towards people with mental and physical disabilites and you should be ashamed of yourselves for it. I won't stand for ableists so don't use the word 'awesome' again or I will flip

    my shit.


    LOL. Stupid argument? This is probably the first and only legit DBZ vs. Naruto argument the site will ever have but whatever. And the word 'awesome' is used ad Internet slang for someone who is dumb.


    It's the Internet, people are gonna say nasty things. Nothing is gonna stop that from happening. That's all there is to it. I would say more but then this post and thread would be deleted faster than you can say 'INCOMING!'. So if you reply to this don't expect a reply back.


    Just saiyan u.u


    And I always used the word 'awesome' on this forum like countless others and now all of a sudden I'm being stopped? -CoNfUsEd-


    Maybe the word 'awesome' should be censored then:



    Yeah, Naruto can be pretty dumb sometimes, which is a common Shonen protagonist quality. lol That is the major thing that I don't like about Bleach. A lot of the wins seem forced. There are times where I'll be like this guy beat that one, but he can't be that guy?!?! WTF!! lma


    I don't think it's that bad. I will admit that it gets really good for some more important fights, though. I think the only time I noticed some pretty shitty animations would be in the Pain vs. 6 tails Naruto fight.


    Agreed. The Pain vs. 6 Tailed Fox fight used shitty animation. They failed epicly.

  6. firetruck you


    Who the hell are you talking to?


    I'm fairly sure the guy who made the video was joking. No one could possibly be that stupid, and still able to upload Youtube videos (though he still did an awful job)


    LMAO! This guy is deadass. He really is that stupid. He wasn't joking either.

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