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Razorwind Keyblade

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Posts posted by Razorwind Keyblade

  1. PSP..? People played online on PSP and talked to each other...? I only knew of MGS Portable Ops +..


    You must be awfully outdated because just about every PSP game with Infrastructure features allows you to use a mic except for Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters.


    I was also referring to chatting in chat rooms.

  2. 1] Maleficent is not the devil, she borrowed(or stole, i don't really know) her powers from the devil.

    2]Really, people make a big deal out of someone saying "hell"? I say it all the time and i even use the word firetruck(where I.R.E.T.R.U.C.K are silent letters :3 ) so what does that make me? Some kind of lusty satanist? PEOPLE ARE RETARDS!!

    3]I don't think Malefacent is evil, i think she just needs a big, warm hug :3 . lol jk.


    She is the devil. Too many obvious references.

  3. People make a big deal about the cursing because OMG they're gonna corrupt our precious innocent children! Apparently they've never played multiplayer over XBox and heard what the 12-year-olds say. But who cares

    because our children our precious and we must shelter them from the EEEVILS of the world before they become criminals!



  4. About Maleficent using the word "hell" in Birth By Sleep; there's been a lot of controversy over that. I really don't know why it's such a big deal but the only proves the Kingdom Hearts fanbase is full of kids.


    "Hell" was used apropriatley(spell check) in Birth By Sleep. In the universe of Kingdom Hearts, hell does not exsist but in movies such as Hercules, The Underworld is considered Hell and villains like Maleficent and Hades are the devil. Hell exsists in many Disney movies to make the plot more interesting and even appeal to older audiences.


    Hell exsists in Final Fantasy I (or was it II). There is some form of Hell and the devil in a lot of cartoons and video games. The fact that people are having panic attacks because Maleficent who is supposed to be a female version of the devil used the word "hell" is really sad and wimpy. Nomura will do whatever he can to add a bit of maturity to the series.


    Imagine if people had the same reaction when the pirate from Port Royal drank liquor that turned into blood? That would be really annoying. I think some Kingdom Hearts fans need to grow up.


    And a lot of E rated games use curse* words in them.


    E rated games are usually like PG rated movies, in my opinion. The fact that people complain over the rare instances in which the characters use a curse word or "hell" for that matter is plain stupidity.

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