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Razorwind Keyblade

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Posts posted by Razorwind Keyblade

  1. Because that would mean more unessasary work.


    The reason why is because if they put the game on another system for example KH1 and 2 on the DS. The DS has different controls, and graphics than the PS2 so they would have to develop it on the DS to work. And this would be unessasary because they already finished KH1 on PS2. And it would take up there time when they can make other games. So they should just stick with one system.

  2. i am only $190 behind (out of 250), im a slow money saver. but i WILL get a 3ds, not only for kh, but for my ds breaking so i can play pokeomn b/w, kh358/2days and re:coded. as for 3ds games lol, i need to get ocrina of time 3d, mariokart 3d, etc. but the most important is definatly kh3d. i reeeaallly wanna fight twilight thorn in traverse town.

    Don't forget about tax.


    l already pre orded my Nintendo 3DS. But my mom is having second thoughts every now and then because I already have 2 DS's. Hopefully she wont change her mind before the 3DS comes out


    You just saw the trailer for Kingdom Hearts 3D? Kind of late' date=' aren't cha?


    I need to get a 3DS, as well. I also need a PSP. Those two are my top priorities right now.



    There's no reason to say he's late. At least he saw the trailer now. Some people don't even know what Birth by Sleep is and keep mistaking it for KH3.


    Like who?

  3. The Xemnas in KHFM is not canon just like Unknown(BBS), Lingering Spirit Terra and Vanitas, and the Mysterious Knight.

    Oh yeah and I'm suprised no one has said what I'm about to say. Nomura has confirmed that in Kingdom Hearts 3D, Sora and Riku will be frenquetly changing there clothing. So we could see KH1 Sora & Riku's clothing, KH2 Sora & Riku's clothing and possibly new clothes.

    every secret boss (except VLS and mirage arena stuff ) has been confirmed to be canon in an interview


    and yes im getting tired of kh1 sora too ,i mean cmon would you really dress like that?^^


    kh2 sora is at least a bit more realistic. and i would actually dress like kh2 riku :)


    I don't know were you heard that. Theres no way every secret boss is canon. Terra's Lingering Spirit in KH2FM cant possibly be canon so thats false.


    And also its most likely that all of our questions will be answered at E3 11 which is only in 3 months on June 1st, at G4.

  4. Okay first of all I don't hate Marvel and I never said that.

    Second of all I don't know why you had to bring up my home.

    Third of all I do have a LIFE and I don't know what it is that got you so mad.

    And fourth of all I'm not looking foward to starting an arguement so you can relax and stop getting all cranky.

    And I'm sorry sir but apparently you have no life and if you did you wouldn't be here trying to start a fight with me.


    So...... yeah looks like you just got owned pal. <_>

  5. Hello ladies, gentleman,and any other enter galactic species. Welcome to Weapon Showdown! In the spirit of waiting for Dream Drop Distance to come out, I think it would be nice for us to have a little poll. You may vote for your weapon in anyway you want. You can vote for it because of its attack and magic power, helpfullness, or just awesomeness. It would also be nice for you to explain why you like that particular weapon.

    Kingdom Key wielders:




    King Mickey ( Key D)

    Kingdom Key: 1

    Key D: O

  6. Thats good news because the NGP supqorts only downloadable games and a rumored chip cartrige like the DS. And a lot of you guys should stop doubting that there will be a Kingdom Hearts game released on the Sony NGP. The NGP has a processor just as strong as the PlayStation 3. And there is a rumor that you can play PS3 games remotley on your NGP. So if this rumor is true than you may be able to do the same with the PS2. So either way theres still gonna be a KH game on the NGP.

  7. Two words: Heck No!

    Marvel is now owned by Disney for some reason. So that means that Disney has the right to put Marvel characters and worlds in a Kingdom Hearts game. Im more of a DC fan, but imagine playing as Sora or Riku with Marvel characters as party members? Example: Spider Man, X-Man, Cyclops, Storm, Hulk. Wouldn't that be absurd? Please express your opinions.

  8. So these are the worlds I think will be in Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance:

    Confirmed worlds:

    Traverse Town

    Destiney Islands

    The Hunchback of Notre Dame

    The wolrds I think will make an appearence:

    The Jungle Book

    The Emperors New Groove

    Treasure Planet

    Toy Story

    Monsters Inc.

    The Sword and the Stone

    Robin Hood

    Atlantis (Not the Little Mermaid one)

    The Black Cauldron

    What worlds do you want to see in this game?


    mod edit: corrected the spelling of the title

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