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Everything posted by TheBucket2

  1. ...ah... Well sh*t. Guess I need to...tell people to do that...
  2. Yes, it is. It deals with something non-KH related, and is a personal project of mine and is basically a personal question. So, yes. Yes it is.
  3. Hey all, TB2 here. Hopefully by now I've made myself known well enough on the forums around here. I try to participate in at least front page topics as much as I can and give my honest opinions (which I know can tick people off sometimes, but hey, they're my opinions and I will voice them). So now, I need YOUR guys' honest input about something. I've never had a question asked about it, and because it's something very dear to me, I need to know... Has anyone ever actually clicked on my signature? Just plain curious, because the only reason it's there is to promote the damn thing, but I've never gotten a single question about it. So for all those who frequent the forums and have seen me a few times, let me know. Have you ever clicked on it to find out? And to the admins: sorry for clogging up the frontpage with my personal b.s.
  4. SECRET BOSS, sure. That would have been neat. An interesting change, yet similar, to Sephiroth. On the other hand, it would have been introducing yet another FFVII character to the KH universe, and further mudding up THAT whole still-unexplained continuity. Interesting to see, but overall not a good idea.
  5. ...so Terranort...? Also, you must not be too big of a KH fan. "Keyblade JUNKYARD"?
  6. As most of us (hopefully) already know, the form a Heartless takes is based on the amount of Darkness in the person's heart it came from. So logically, yes, I'd say this could possibly be true. The greater the amount for the darkness, the further in the stages of Heartless it is. Obviously not all Heartless were born from people's hearts, most are born naturally in the Realm lot Darkess, but I think the same could still be true: the greater the amount of a darkness that coagulates in a specific spot, the greater the Heartless. I think it's possible that a zshadow heartless cn be born, but grow greater and greater if darkness is added to it.
  7. If they do, I highly hope they're better than the Japanese version right now. I know they're both difficult, but...they're also ridiculous. I by that I mean stupid. Every single secret boss so far has been completely badass, until these two. Powerful yes, but who cares if no one likes them?
  8. Not really a pun, but...had to. "Hey, you. Lookin' sexy over there. I'm gonna shoot my white beam into your keyhole." So ladies? Would that work?
  9. Where exactly do you guys get the sources for our news, if not from other sites (i.e. when it isn't from Siliconera, KHInsider, etc.)? I've always been curious, because this site is, in my opinion, the fastest at getting KH news up the quickest. Where do you get it from?
  10. Yes, I meant the co-webmaster here at kh13.
  11. What made you decide to take this position?
  12. 1) How time-consuming is being the webmaster of the site? 2) Is this an actual paying job, or do you have a "real"job outside of the site? 3) Are you guys looking to take on members as staff frequently, maybe as part-time help?
  13. Kind of. I've seen a FE of his videos, but I'm more of a Doug Walker/Channel Awesome fan (which of course does include Blistered Thumbs).
  14. I for one would bring BbS for some multiplayer, finally. But yeah, It'd probably be just a big gaming marathon. Video games or otherwise (D&D anyone?)
  15. Well I'd be interested, but I know diddley as far as translations go (that's not true, I probably could a little bit but...well, college). But I can definitely write a coherent synopsis of what I've seen so far. For putting it all together coherently however, I'll leave that to anyone who's actually played it.
  16. This stupid sh*t again...? I'll reiterate the fact that years ago everyone was complaining that we didn't get enough Kairi and that we wanted more of Riku as a main character. Now we have just that and everyone is pissed about it. It's stuff like this that makes me somewhat ashamed to be associated with this part of the KH fanbase. "Give us what we want or we'll complain, but we'll complain even more when we get what we want!" That's us in a nutshell. Good going guys. Plus, most people have absolutely no room to complain or overexaggerate things. It's like you never even read Nomura's interviews. He has said that no matter what Sora will always be the main protagonist of the series, so I have NO FIRETRUCKING CLUE why people keep asking if he will be or not. Secondly, just because the secret ending didn't live up to you're oh-so high expectations does not mean it sucks or is pointless. I heard not a single person complain about the Re:coded ending, everyone was just very intrigued. Why aren't we doing that for the 3D ending? Sorry for the anger, but I'm just sick and tired of the pure idiocy I've seen the last few days on the forums...
  17. If you don't like it oh so much, then stop buying the games. You have no real room to complain if you keep buying them.
  18. So here's something I noticed... As Lea, Aeleus, Dilan, Even, and Ienso awake in Radiant Garden, I noticed that they are all wearing the clothes they had on when they lost their hearts. Aeleus and Dilan in their guard uniforms and Even and Ienso in their lab coats. Lea awakes in his Black Coat. Could this mean that he was offered one before he lost his heart? Did Xehanort (or Braig, or even possibly Isa) offer him the option of taking one? Before anyone asks why the others don't have one on, even though they joined the Organization after losing their hearts, remember the opening scene. It's obvious Xehanort attacked them and forcibly took their hearts and therefore apparently did not give them the choice beforehand.
  19. It's kind of a paradoxical time loop, really. Ansem SoD was told by Young Xehanort to travel back in time to tell his younger self about the plans. So nothing might not have happened unless that happened, but that would have already had to have happened in order for it to happen in the first place. Confusing for some, I know, but time travel isn't as tricky as one would believe. You've just got to think fourth dimensionally for awhile. Or watch a ton of Doctor Who, and get used to it.
  20. Hence the big shock. I'm not sure. Obviously he'll fight, but I don't think he'll necessarily be a part of the next Keyblade War. Most likely he'll be on the battlefield, but fighting a non-Keyblade Wielder like Isa. The Seven Lights will fight the Thirteen Darknesses, and when their Keyblades clash, the X-Blade will be formed again.
  21. You didn't watch the translated ending did you? Master Xehanort himself said he had two of the lights at that moment. Sora, and Terra. The Seven Lights are Sora, Riku, Kairi, Terra, Ven, Aqua, and Mickey.
  22. I don't think so. Namine's story is basically over. Especially after Re:coded, her purposes have been fulfilled. I feel like her reuniting with Kairi in KH2 was pretty final. Remember, Nobodies were not meant to exist in the first place. Also, Nobodies can only possibly grow a heart (most likely) if they are still seperated from their Somebody. Now that Namine is inside Kairi, there's no probable way for that to happen. Hell, we don't even know if she exists anymore besides memories in Kairi's mind.
  23. I feel like the reason why everyone has generally negative feelings towards Kairi wielding a Keyblade is because there was no sort of build-up or the lsightest bit of explanation for it in KH2. It was just a flung-together plot device out of the blue. When we demanded an explanation, Nomura was just like, "lol bbs, she touched it, see?" And while obviously in-universe that works...it's still a bit off. There should have been more explanation and build-up to it. The whole of Riku's time in KH2 needs to be explained a bit more. How did he suddenly get Way to Dawn, and how can he dual wield and/or get the extra Keyblade for Kairi? Even though it'd be long, KH3 just needs to have a purely-discusive cutscene where literally everything is flat-out explained. No beating around the bush with left-off plotpoints or secrets like that.
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