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  1. If KH: DDD is about sora and Riku going for the mark of mastery...then that must mean they're the main characters and the story/gameplay must revolve around them. If this is true....then does that mean...there won't be donald and goofy in DDD??? If this is true...then my dreams have been realized. finally! a KH game witout goofy constantly yelling, "HAYLP!!!! HAYLP!!" every single battle and donald squawking in pain everytime he gets hit. In the KH:DDD gameplay trailer i didnt see them at all. Did nomura mention whether they're going to be in the game or not?
  2. Idk if this has been said before, if so sorry for repeating it. I was just thinking about MF, and just by looking at him, i had a little theory about who/what he is. It kinda makes sense that he would be Master Xehanort's nobody. His weapons are similar to the light saber looking things used by Xemnas, who was the nobody of Terranort. And if you think about it, Master Xehanort did the same thing Sora did with his keyblade, Used the keyblade to unlock his own heart, thus creating Roxas. so wouldn't it make sense for a nobody to be created from MX since it was the exact same process sora did to create roxas? Hes even wearing organization robes, so even his appearance screams nobody. Again, sorry if someone already came up with this, just an idea that came to be sitting bored in school.
  3. Alright, I'm aware of the events of KH1 all the way up to BBS, but with the unveiling of final mix things are starting to get confusing, and with DDD and BBS volume II, its only getting worse. What confuses me more than anything is the "Xehanort Family" (saw someone else coin the term, liked it so i'll use it.). The Xehanort family is Master Xehanort, Terranort, Ansem the Seeker of Darkness and Xemnas. maybe i'm missing someone?? idk theres like 50 xehanorts floating about. Can someone please explain who has whos heart/memories and what not? Because apparently someone has terras heart but was defeated by sora, so Terras memories and MX's memories are divided somewhere? I haven't been this confused since the Series Finale of Lost and Inception. So basically, this format would be ideal: MX: Terranort: Xemnas: Ansem TSD:
  4. I did, and it was a very detailed and well thought theory. Now, I like your theory about the dream world, though the only thing that doesn't make sense is, why the young bodies? Sora + Riku's memory of Xemnas was when they were older, and why does Riku lack a keyblade? In the trailer Riku is seen wielding the soul eater, when he has been established as a keyblade master. I know he didnt have his keyblade during KH1, so he would not have memories of it thus the recquired use of Soul Eater, but that contradicts Xemnas being in it.
  5. I always figured Roxas was twilight. They kinda show it through the oblivion (dark) and Oathkeeper (light) keyblades he wields. Although keyblades don't necessarily determine allignment. Roxas's power i thought was supposed to be twilight. If you watch the FM+ battle bewteen sora and Roxas, Roxas uses techniques that can kinda be considered a mix of light and dar
  6. Well i'm pretty glad it came out a FF game. Just think about it, imagine Dissidia as it is now...but replace Cloud and Squall with Oogie boogie and Ursula....>.>. Thank god, in my personal opinion. Though i wish they could've put sora/riku/roxas, etc as bonus unlockable characters, as well as Org. 13 members or Xehanort as the bonus unlockable villains.
  7. Riku was seen using darkness-based attacks at the end of KHII. Also, Sora mentioned how its possible to use darkness, but for good, and that darkness and light dont have to be at odds with one another. So yes, Riku does reconcile the two, accepting both light and darkness.
  8. hmmm, well armor's armor, i'm sure it helps somewhat with fighting. But it could also be a placebo effect. The title of Master alone doesn't really do anything, but to Sora and Riku, it could be a source of strength. Although they may not gain any special powers (of that we're unaware), just being a master alone gives them more courage to fight. Idk, its kinda hard to say. I'm sure we'll find out more next game.
  9. Mastery = Awesome Armor. I have no problem with it =)
  10. Quick question. Howcome Sora and Riku didn't see Ansem with Aqua on the beach? shouldn't they have been there talking when Riku and Sora landed there?
  11. Hmmm, I like the idea. but that doesn't really leave much room for plot in KHIII, whose plot i imagine would be finding Ven, Terra, Aqua, etc and battling MX. Perhaps the "shocking" ending Nomura has been talking about will be some sort of revelation in the characters? Perhaps Master Xehanort will appear and kill/defeat Yen Sid/Mickey? Or, perhaps a new keyblader will be revealed? I was always curious as to why Kairi wasn't chosen to participate in the mark of Master exam. Kh usually does things in 3's. I'd imagine Terra-aqua-ven to = Sora-Riku-Kairi, yet Kairi isn't even a main character in DDD, maybe something happens to her at the end?
  12. Hmm, well the realm of light is still relatively unknown to us. Sora managed to tap into it at the end of KHII, and he never really entered or embraced the darkness. From the KH games so far, we're to look at Xehanort as the most evil villain the KH universe has ever seen. Its hard to imagine him ever seeking the light through darkness, when we've seen first hand how Sora managed to enter the light. Its hard to say what Xehanorts plan is at this point, but your theory's pretty interesting.
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