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Everything posted by anime10121

  1. I'd recommend Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan), its currently airing in Japan right now, and is currently one of my favorite series of all time already. EVERY SINGLE EPISODE has been awesome thus far and has some of the most WTF moments in anime history! I mean if your jaw doesnt drop and you dont say W.T.F after watching the first five episodes in this series, I'll eat my shoe! https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/p480x480/11949_449806875106346_1779079596_n.png http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/132/f/5/titan_by_setonami-d64zoj0.gif Oh and also the show has gone meme crazy since it came out Original Opening https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFDQuGX1JT0 Alternate opening Snuggle- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvq0RaaMck8 Rugrats- Amazing dance- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3E86_8c534 and lastlyKFC guy-
  2. Thus ended the era of Pokemon that was actually trying for a cohesive plot Thats right Pokemon Company, throw out ALL of what made the original series good (connections to the past like Richie, Jigglypuff, Charizard, or any of Ash's past Pokemon, May never being seen/heard from again, permanently getting rid of Brock, among other things).
  3. Xenogears... if I HAD to pick 1 (unfinished or no, best damn jrpg I've ever played ) Top 5 list Xenogears Kingdom Hearts (series, come on, cant pick just 1) The World ends with you XenoSaga EP3 Tie between Xenoblade and Ni No Kuni
  4. Cant believe no one's recommended Disgaea 3& 4 But yeah, I say Disgaea 3 Disgaea 4 Ni No Kuni Wrath of the White Witch (an EXCELLENT GAME) Ar Tonelico Qoga (not the best game in the series, but still a pretty good rpg) Tales of Graces F Resonance of Fate (a Tri Ace game, characters still use guns, but its a pretty good game) Star Ocean A New Hope (not the best Star Ocean, but still decent) Hyper Dimensional Neptunia mk2 Hyper dimensional Neptunia Victory Tales of Xillia (coming this summer) Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix (of course) Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster Final Fantasy XIII-2 Disgaea D2 Dimention (coming this fall) The Guided Fate Paradox (coming this fall) Toki Towa (coming this Fall) Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII (coming this fall) Final Fantasy XIII oh and you also have the 4 Atelier games, though I'm not too fond of them. As Far as Action games go Devil May Cry 4 Devil May Cry HD collection I Know you said no guns, but I seriously think you'll like these games if you give them a chance Metal Gear Solid HD Collection Meatl Gear Solid 4 Uncharted 2 and to a lesser extent Uncharted 3 Tomb Raider
  5. Favorites have to be BBS/DDD (though if FORCED to choose, I think I'd go with BBS, there was just so much! Command Styles, shot-locks, ability creation, tight controls (still upset that air recovery isnt as fluid in DDD as it was in II/BBS), 100's of attacks/magic/etc! Things I liked about previous battle systems KH1- Liked that moves like Sonic Blade and Ars Arcanum had to have a bit of skill tied to them with correct timed button presses and not just spamming X on the command (as it would break the attack). KH COM- Loved that it was the predecessor to BBS' system and that many of the awesome attacks from that game originated here. Also like that it was the most technical of the bunch where you actually had to plan out your attacks and watch your opponents actions to succeed (or just put a bunch of 9/s and Zero's in your deck and spam the crap outta the game, but come on now, thats no fun ) KH2- DRIVE FORMS! KH Days- I guess the ability grid? (Didnt really care much for Days) KH BBS- EVERYTHING KH Coded- considering it pretty much WAS the BBS system on DS it was pretty tight too! KH DDD- Just about everything except as I explained earlier about Air recovery/raid, and I didnt care much for Sora's link attacks with his dream eaters.
  6. Just now realized they got all the old sites back up again! I thought they were lost forever when they changed to the new Square Enix site, glad to see them back, as I liked the old site designs MUCH better than the generic HTML5 sites they're using now. Wish there was a way I could download the complete sites contents so I could preserve em myself, though it is funny that most of the site's were never finished and left with plenty "coming soon" links. On Topic, trailer looks nice, just wish it was coming sooner than "fall"
  7. Was an honor roll student before hitting Geometry in the ninth grade. Geometry made me meet my first F I still passed the class, but barely, with what you could call a D- -
  8. Played/beaten secret bosses of every (canon) Kingdom Hearts released on consoles or handhelds that ever existed including the Final Mixes! Hey, Im a fan
  9. Not really random if you remember that χ [chi] is the name of the χ-blade. The game may have something to do with (less likely) the keyblade wars and/or (more likely) a random one off story about the χ-blade.
  10. Considering Kingdom Hearts is a series where I usually 100% EVERYTHING in the game just for fun and have done it multiple times, these trophies will be a cake walk for me
  11. Still waiting for the OST that Square said was coming to the US My patience, its wearing thin Square... taps feet. http://www.angelfire.com/sk/reii/images/anisonicwaitold.gif
  12. Not gonna list KH songs, as that would already take up two spots on my list, SOOO
  13. Its because one of them was actually destined to disappear, so it still would have only been 13 members. Had Xion been victorious, she would have been the one the Organization would have used for a vessel.
  14. Good going:P Been waiting for this, cant wait for yall to finish:)
  15. Really wanna know whatever happened to 3D's NA OST release that Square basically confirmed months ago, only for it to disappear and never be heard of again:(
  16. Yeah, its EXTREMELY worth it! Tales of the Abyss has the best story of all the Tales games released thus far in America IMO. The gameplay is REALLY good for an action RPG and while not the best Tales system, any newcomer to the Tales of Series is sure to enjoy it! While the main character starts off really annoying in the beginning, after a MAJOR thing happens about a third through the game, the main character grows drastically and becomes a pretty good character. So yes, if you can, I'd recommend it wholeheartedly.
  17. Well Im not specifically labeling ALL of that at you, but the people who hate on Kairi for no reason. And as I said before, Lea JUST got his keyblade and people are already labeling him one of the seven guardians, while Kairi has had the ability to weild one since she was 5 (when she met Aqua) she just didnt know it. She also actually HAS experience (although very little) since she actually defeated some heartless in KH2 when Riku gaver her one. Also let me reiterate the fact that Riku's only technically had a keyblade since right before his and Sora's battle with Xemnas (when his body was transformed from Ansem's Heartless' back to his original one), THE WHOLE TIME BEFORE THAT he was weilding Soul Eater, a sword not a keyblade. Sure he took the keyblade from Sora for a quick second in the original KH, but it wasn't long enough to "properly learn how to wield it". He's basically only had the keyblade for the fight against Xemnas and the entirety of Dream Drop Distance which was only probably a few months at most. Sora is the only one who's had experience with the keyblade for more than a year (well other than Terra, Aqua, and Ventus). Everybody else, fresh Keyblade wielders. Kairi doesnt need to be a Keyblade master to be of any help, Sora technically wasnt a Keyblade master until the end of DDD (so for the entirety of KH1 and 2 he was just a wielder), Mickey also didnt become one until the end of BBS (in the credits when he returns his key to Yensid, only for Yensid to give it back), and Riku became a master exceptionally fast. And Im sure Kairi will go through rigorous training from Yensid, otherwise he wouldnt have brought her there. And please dont take offense, I am NOT angry at you, I'm just pointing out a few things that a lot of people tend to miss because of their unnatural hatred of Kairi (again I know you particularly said you dont hate her, but other's seem to have a putrid and undue disgust of Kairi for NO REASON).
  18. The same can also be said about Lea, and Sora and Riku seemed to learn pretty fast (Especially Riku considering he's only technically wielded a Keyblade since the end of KH2 when he transformed back into the "real" Riku, before that he had the Soul Eater, which was a sword and NOT a Keyblade). Im glad they're finally bringing Kairi to the forefront, as its about time she did something impor... Wait a minute, shes already done PLENTY important, such as, say...1. Saving Sora when he turned into a Heartless 2. Giving Sora the Thalassa Seashell charm which turned into the AWESOME Oathkeeper keyblade. 3. Was Sora's driving force throughout the entirety of Chain of Memories (while Sora may have been thinking about Namine, his heart was feeling for Kairi) 4. Was the reason Xion ever had a face to begin with for Roxas (Her face is there because of strong feelings for Kairi 5. Actually showed no fear at fighting to help Sora when Riku gave her a Keyblade 6. Is the reason Sora and Riku found a way back to the realm of light after they thought they were doomed to be at the Dark Beach forever (end of KH2) 7. Was born a Princess of Heart, and has also unknowingly been passed the power of the keyblade through Aqua in BBS. etc. etc. I will never understand the hate that Kairi gets. I like her and think she's a generally sweet character, and find it generally funny that people ignore all that she has done, complain that she's done nothing but get kidnapped, and when she's actually leading into having an important role in KH3, people cry and complain that she's getting more importance. Gosh sometimes some of you just
  19. And your second paragraph was exactly my point.
  20. Spoiler for BBS and how Aqua is an idiot that caused EVERYTHING
  21. Yeah I'm not too big on a costume switch for anybody either, well other than Lea (GOD get out of your coat, this has been one of the hottest summers I've had in years, and a BLACK LEATHER COAT, ugh, just makes me wanna slap Lea, ESPECIALLY considering his element is FIRE). The main reason I think a clothes change is unnecessary is because we've only played the game in those outfits in ONE game. While Sora's had his kid clothes in EVERY game (barring BBS, cuz he was a kid), I actually prefer his KHII attire, Kairi's while not really tangible in the "real world" to fight in, is cute as a game character, and Riku might maybe need a switch since he has a new hairdo, and they already said that they had to shrink his head down to make it look right on his body in KH3D. But all in all, I pretty much think the costumes fit everyone except for Lea, and maybe Riku. Hey, they did it to Ventus ;P
  22. Why does everyone keep saying Sora failed, Yensid only said that he named Riku the one TRUE keyblade master and that both of them deserved the title. Sora did still unlock all 7 of the keyholes (which Yensid said at the beginning was his requirement), so technically, Sora should have the power also.
  23. Finished KH3D on Proud mode with secret ending in check and all I can say is WOW! No spoilers here at all:) This game's story is much like that of the first, in that it places much more emphasis on the Disney stories than the overarching plot, that is until you get close to the end, then it throws more plot at you than Allen Iverson could handle in his prime (and trust me when I say, that's a good thing)! The last world in this game feels MORE epic than the last battle with Xemnas in KH2 and what happens in the Keyblade Graveyard at the end of Birth By Sleep. There is just SO much that happens and it kinda overwhelms you, but when you think about it, in terms of the rules the series has established over its 10 year run, it all makes sense. I swear people may talk about this series being "convoluted", but if you actually play the games and pay attention, its not that hard to understand (in fact it's really easy). While I still think the combat was more fluid in Birth by Sleep, it's still fun as ever here. The Reality Shifts are a really nice addition to the battle system, and I find them much more fun and useful than the Shotlocks were in BBS. Flow motion while looking almost impossibly hard to handle, becomes easier and easier as you play the game and figure out how it works! What I will say though is payback raid/shot is a little unresponsive sometimes and that the Once More/Second Chance combo doesnt work quite as well in this game than it does in all the games prior (you can die if another combo is started at the right time even with once more equipped). Its also funny that I found NUMEROUS instances where the game actually makes fun of the series for "taking so long to write the sequel" to the next main game You have to listen for them, but the way some of the characters said the things they said, it cant be anything but Square making fun of themselves, and its quite funny I'm telling you though, BE prepared when you get to the final world, as it is just beyond amazing, not to say the others aren't, but even as a fan of both Square and Disney, the main story of KH is simply fantastic and a lot of times, touching. The final world has so much in it, it almost seems like the whole thing was planned to be this vast when they came out with the first game! Sadly I had been spoiled of a couple of the things that happened in game involving 2 characters, but its good to know that there was still a lot more to the game than those two (relatively big spoilers). On the matter of the only 3 negative reviews it seems to have on Metacritic, they shouldn't even be listed IMO, because EACH one of them (when you read them) say the gameplay is fun, and works well, but that "the stories to hard to understand when some of them had admitted to not even playing all the main games (not the series fault, although blame can be placed on Square for making the games too spread out on too many consoles), or that its a good game, but since its not KH3 on a console, so its a crappy side game. It all just seems incredibly whiny and un-professional, while I can understand the 70's because even if I find the series great, it may not be as awesome to me as it is to others, but the 60, 50 and 40 are complete bull, if this game is a 5-10 or below average, then I'd like to see what they call good game's because they must be godly. This game (according to each of them) plays well and has no glitches, so it seems weird to me that they seem to pan the game so much While the game isn't quite as "new" an experience as Birth by Sleep was,as a prequel to Kingdom Hearts 3, this game does EVERYTHING it needs to do to establish itself as a main entry in the series and set's the series up for the inevitable big number 3. It actually introduces so many things that need to be taken care of, I have a hard time believing ALL of it can be done in the third and last entry in the Xehanort saga. If you like KH at all, I guarantee you'll love this game! This game has really gotten me hyped for the conclusion to the Xehanort saga (KH3), and I cant wait to see how Sora amongst others save all those people who are "hurting"!
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