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About KHawesomeness

  • Birthday June 18

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  1. Just got back from an Owl City concert in Baltimore. Best Birthday ever!!

    1. Tera


      happy birthday!!!

    2. spenskh89


      Happy B'day and I love owl city. Lucky you.

  2. This is really cool and I'll definitely be using it alot. It would be really cool if there was a section for sheet music.
  3. Just got a free Mac iBook from my cousin!! :D

    1. AnsemTheWise


      What, you're too good for normal books?

    2. AnsemTheWise


      What, you're too good for normal books?

    3. ObsidianEagle


      if it's free, thats awesome

  4. Kicking butt with my Ultima Weapon! >:D

  5. The Smithsonian museum is going to have an exhibit on the art of video games and you can vote for the ones you want to be displayed, and you can vote for KH2! http://americanart.si.edu/exhibitions/archive/2012/games/?utm_source=The+Art+of+Video+Games&utm_campaign=53edf7c7e4-TAOVG_Voting_Extended_4_2011&utm_medium=email
  6. It'd be cool if they put something like the keyblades my sister made in the new games. They're awesome. you can see them here: http://cornocte.deviantart.com/
  7. Yea. She's thinking of doing it in parts cuz like you said it wouldn't all fit in one movie. And She's thinking of cuting the trips to the other worlds to one trip per world. Except for the main worlds like Destiny Islands, Twilight Town Etc... So like in KH2 you would go to a world twice, the first time to help the characters and the second time to defeat an org member. Instead she going to figure out a way to cut it to one visit per world.
  8. She definitely will not do live action. She is thinking about doing it in anime.
  9. If we wait a few years my sister has an idea on how to make a KH movie the right way. She is going to a collage program for movie making next year. And she and I are going over the games so she can make it as accurately as possible.
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