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Everything posted by Tobeborninsleep

  1. space cowboy i freaking love yur pic made my day!!! so if this is true MX is goin to comeback as his old bag of bones self from BBs right?
  2. he fell into sleep well thats the main game theme so i like that answer
  3. me too im just so excited for this game so many new secrets
  4. well what did happen to the replic at the end of chain of memories? it never gave a clear answer to where he when so i think its he conforting his real self again lol maybe but im just saying that as a shot in the dark
  5. so was i the only person taken aback when the hooded guy in monstro turned out to be another Riku?? some one plz tell me whats goin on!! 8/
  6. Well i think it was all because Xemnas wanted his old memories but, cuz in final mix he calls the aqua armor "old friend" so i think his memories of his past are fuzzy so he was goin to use kingdom hearts to "become hole" if that makes sence, an with becomeing whole he might even get the power of the keyblade back
  7. well they need to make a game more edgie or dark in theme but ya there will be no people just lots and lots of heartless
  8. But the worlds would change because they are in RoD but i would love to see a world for Bambi he is so cute lmao
  9. Super awsome know if i could just read it lol. Im pumped for this game an the new crazy swinging abilitys look freak amazing
  10. thats would rock my kh socks but i really wish that jp would give us a final mix game because they add story and a lot of new content we never get to see unless we go to youtube sadness
  11. Xbox BOOOO! no lol an bbs v2 is a sequel haha y would u want the sequel but not the main titles? re-think this young one
  12. trinity is yur best friend in this fight and elixiers
  13. Peter Pan is the best to use to level up yur summons
  14. haha i dont think there will just be one world but i think most of the game is goin to take place in the data ansem put in him an he is goin to access them in his dreams.....but there is no proof yet
  15. well isnt the psp2 an download only console...cuz bbs was a umd only an i hate the idea that if my psp dies so do my games
  16. Well i know they wanted there hearts back but if they gave them up willingly they shouldnt get them back the memebers or 6 of them betrayed ansem an through him in the world of darkness so and they also used heartless to slay inocint hearts they were evil and undeserving of getting there hearts back the only memeber that show the true means to get them back was axel and roxas but roxas had a heart so yeah.......if they were less evil ya they should have gotten them but they were very naughty!
  17. Well they also might make all new clothes for them sence so many non_fans think its a remake but if i have to play the same levels any more i might scream.....no more Argaba music for all that is holy remix the world theme song!
  18. Well if u look back at kh2 u will see that for almost ever world he had a diiferent look an to me that was super nice but come on kh1 sora and riku need a major over hall they keep recycling the look an the games seem bland because of this square_enix had the right idea but what happend they need to use kh2 sora more he was freaking awsome and riku too but the choice is up to the developers, but there is talk that we will see kh2 sora in part of kh3D ill be crossing my fingers
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