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Everything posted by swordsaintscoot

  1. Actually they're written in notepad as .txt =P when it comes to materials I've almost exclusively used other guides, I wouldn't call myself particularly knowledgeble on that subject hence why I link to mikey_r's faq on gamefaqs, though i realise it's incomplete atm. if you want to contribute though (and seeing as how it sounds like you want to do it anyway =P) you could go through and make a list of commands/abilities and who has it. I'm not sure about adding material locations as of yet though, especially when theres still way more to do lol.
  2. Dchiuch here did that for all the stat, support and spirit abilities, but not for the commands, if it's something you really want I'm sure I could add it, but a quick ctrl+F search finds everything you're looking for. http://kh13.com/guid...-ability-guide/ also im about to update it (though idk how long it'll take for gfaqs to edit) with a cleaner dispositions section, more in the recipes section (random recipes now included!) and a general maxing affinity guide. Unfortunately theres no shortcut, but hopefully whats there will still help out.
  3. Haha theres quite a number of japanese information out there. (lets be fair they've had the game longer) but I, and im sure others have no luck udnerstanding it (even in its poorly translated form) which is why I'm compiling as much as possible!
  4. in the mean time, you can actually check a dream eaters battle skills in the menu unfortunately the manual, nor the game even tells you that you can do it. go in to stats > and tap the bottom screen on the dream eater you want to check.
  5. hey rodolfo, I have all of those coming in my next update. (the skelter recipes missing are random chance ones I hadn't added yet) the 2 x wild and 2 x noble is a rank F skelter hahaha. in the next update, the disposition section will be cleaned up, and I'm working on a list of all battle skills every dream eater uses for each disposition
  6. I'd also like to point out their tables similarity to the poorly translated japanese wiki of cera terror. http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://wikiwiki.jp/kh_3d/%3F%25A5%25C9%25A5%25EA%25A1%25BC%25A5%25E0%25A5%25A4%25A1%25BC%25A5%25BF%25A1%25BC%252F%25A5%25C4%25A5%25CE%25A5%25B1%25A5%25E9%25A5%25C8%25A5%25D7%25A5%25B9&usg=ALkJrhhRZAHlcOWQOWU1KcowOdDQXT4ZiQ
  7. evil people with the same power to connect hearts as sora im sure they could come up with something like that.
  8. to be clear - this isnt igns fault. the wikispace is a user edited guide, i just dont know who did it. they had permission to use it elsewhere in the site under the condition i was told of any changes being made to my work. this didnt happen, nor did they credit me on the changed/moved information.
  9. a lot of it will be down soon they took a lot from my stuff without crediting, even leaving ni the same typo idiots.... take note of this page in particular http://www.ign.com/w...nce/Cera_Terror look at the typing error next to hp boost in the ability list (its hp boostx3 instead of hp boost x3) heres a link to the ability list with the exact same error (and format) http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/997779-kingdom-hearts-3d-dream-drop-distance/63638748 just saiyan.
  10. doing it each world at a time is also more time consuming.
  11. pick two dream eaters with the megaflare ability, and one with elixir for reloading and healing (megaflare hits their whole team btw) spam defense when you SEE them attack with all 4 cards using your highest card first for the better x2. wenever you're defending, charge your decks. now use megaflare. rinse and repeat until you start to run low on cards. (swapping to your second megaflare user first) then use your elixir DE to recharge. Switch back to a megaflare user. notes - defending doesnt use the card gauge, using more defense means they'll get less high cards because they arent levelling up. swap to dodge star attack if you can. s ranks primarily come from your attack success rate, so using megaflare with 4 cards, pretty much guarantees 99% of attacks will land. (they have stars so...) elixirs recover your hp some so you usually wont have to worry about it. the fact you get moer blocks may also contribute to a higher rank.
  12. http://www.gamefaqs.com/3ds/997779-kingdom-hearts-3d-dream-drop-distance/faqs/64749 there is a simple 'formula' if you will about boosting spirit ranks +1 rank = 150% materals (or risky winds) = so any A rank recipe can be boosted to S + 2 ranks = 200% materials (or 150% + risky winds) = so any B rank recipe can be ranked S + 3 ranks = 300% materials (or 200% + risky winds) = so any C rank recipe can be ranked S + 4 ranks = 500% materials (or 300% + risky winds) = so any D rank recipe can be ranked S + 5 ranks = 500% + risky winds = so any E ranked recipe can be ranked S F rank recipes can never be S rank. E rank requires x5 materials + risky winds. So forth following the above.
  13. feel free to quote me, i edited my post to include the risky winds business for all of them.
  14. you are incorrect about risky winds, S-ranks can not only be made in risky winds (it is easier though) risky winds MERELY increases the created dream eater rank by 1. there is a simple 'formula' if you will about boosting spirit ranks +1 rank = 150% materals (or risky winds) = so any A rank recipe can be boosted to S + 2 ranks = 200% materials (or 150% + risky winds) = so any B rank recipe can be ranked S + 3 ranks = 300% materials (or 200% + risky winds) = so any C rank recipe can be ranked S + 4 ranks = 500% materials (or 300% + risky winds) = so any D rank recipe can be ranked S + 5 ranks = 500% + risky winds = so any E ranked recipe can be ranked S F rank recipes can never be S rank. E rank requires x5 materials + risky winds. So forth following the above.
  15. each dream eater comes with 16 commands/abilities 3 x 16 is 48 (and thats assuming all 16 are stat abilities which no dream eater has) there are about 82 stat abilities
  16. get two dream eaters with megaflare and one with an elixir if you arent good at charging your decks during attack/defense, it will also help heal basically the plan is this, megaflare hits their entire team dont attack openly, defend with all 4 cards (use your highest first) and charge your deck while defending. use megaflare (and buff with all 4 unless u get a star to add to it. repeat. switch dream eaters to dodge attacks, use elixirs to charge your decks when you get low/want to heal s-rank is generally based off successful attacks, so the more you ensure you're successful (due to their absurd numbers in later cups) the easier it will be.
  17. Balloonga spam is effective on julius. He's actually pretty easy with that. They do massive damage, and stun him. Coupled with rikus dark roll and dark barrier + maybe about 3 cure/ra/ga spells & once more/second chance (sora has it slightly harder due to not having a 360 block, and a worse dodge) he goes down pretty much without a fight you can also add water boosts to your ability by equipping the appropriate dream eaters to bump up its power.
  18. Hey there, I've never really been a regular here, but I stopped by to share a couple of useful links (imo) with you guys since I know the Dream Eaters are fidgety and the Brady Games guide is kind of lacking. I am dozingdevil on gamefaqs and have started what will hopefully be one of the most comprehensive Dream Eater guides out there. There's still some work to do, and there are updates on the way (including the exact numbers of each and every recipe, how many you need to s-rank, and the base rank of EVERY recipe in the game.) the faq - GameFAQs: Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance (3DS) Dream Eater FAQ by dozingdevil If you have any suggestions, be sure to share. I'm happy to respond here if you'd like, because the more complete this faq can be the better if this has been posted in the wrong section I apologise and urge that any moderators just move it to the correct section, as far as I can tell this is correct as I'm not writing a guide or anything here on this site to include it in the guides section.
  19. As long as it has Riku your vote is ok by me. If it does not, you may or may not have to check under your bed when you go to sleep tonight.
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