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Everything posted by dancinmoonlight

  1. I mean i support homosexuals allot like over 100 percent like over a millon you get the point but i have three gays friends and ones a girl who is biosexual,ones a ay guy, and one is biosexual and likes me in real life does anyone know a way i can get hm to not think of me even though all the girls go for him cause isee him in real life and the girls are talking about him one time i heard a girl said ohhhh i really wanna date him and crap like that please somebody help me D:
  2. hmmmmmmm *pinches myself* yup this is a dream *wakes up* oh am in the castle and wow its huge maybe somebody must be here hopfully i hope so or else that would be frightening *looks around the castle and ends up in the living room* look who final woke up axel says. Hi? says sky. hey dont worry your safe here and its fun here but *whispers* with you see a girl named Texsera tell us ok. ok said sky
  3. *walks up to the girl in brown hair* hi...... wy are you so sad???? or are ou happy crying and i dont know why am wearing this black coat do you know why but its really comfty and not itchy or anything but yea still can you tell me where i am cause am really really really confused and with i tell you this your gonna think am crazy but i woke up in this bed in this castle the hallways where endless and this voice said pick a power and weapon and i got memories and the weapon to become one i dont know whats going on can you please help me?
  4. just sits in the endless hallway alone until light shows *feels like i gotta walk into it* walks into the light* *lands on a plain black field and then white doves fly off and shows a picture of myself and a few people that i didnt kno until the time was right* Voice says: pick the power you want Illsioun,Dreams, Or memories choose now for your fate. *looks at memories memories and walks up to memories and touches it* You've choosen memories now to your weapon of choice. *stairs apper but they go straight up walks striaight up and then is on another platform and shows a picture of a girl with brown hair* Voice: now choose your weapon... Staff of life, shield of break, or two become one thats a powerful magic that makes stuff come alive. Sky chooses two become one. good says the voice *the whole place breaks and i fall down and wake up* wow that was odd hmmm and wow am on an island so pretty!! *hears crys and follows and sneaks* hmmm that girl seems odd maybe i should go talk to her?
  5. ( am sooo sry ) sky thinks he had a werid dream he wakes up. woah woah woah i just saw a red haired spiked guy and a girl crying hmmmmmmmmm i think i outta goto somewhere and am i in a castle and whats up with this black coat o.o AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *screams loud* i gotta get out of here * runs and the hallways get endless* AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! somebody h help me a am so s scared *shakes and sits on the ground* am never gonna get out of here *tries to think of happy stuff but cant* oh man oh man am am never gonna get out of here *screams* IS SOMEONE HERE I REALLY NEED HELP OF GETTING OUT OF HERE! *voice echos and echos*
  6. ...... where am i? am i in a place unknown or something just dark? *wakes up from the bed* O.o hmmm i dont know this place maybe am having a dream *pinchs myself three times* O.o this is real! *screams* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *Axel comes in ahd check on me* hey kid your a new recrut your new here so dont be scared you have extrondairy powers so no worries with you need anything tell me ok said axel ok said sky. sky goes to this lady crying why are you crying said sky and she says.....
  7. name:Sky number: 16 gender:Male weapon:Two Become One bio:Use to live in radit garden, but until Xemnas came and told me i didnt have no heart i was frightend but he put out his hand and i grabbed his hand and he RTC ( return to the castle) with me adn then thats how it always started the adventure who u got discover by:Xemnas element:Space
  8. Name:Sky Age:14 Gender: Trade of weapon: broad swords and loads of first aid kits. Homeland: Cleo Background:A kid wanting to save people and animals Personality: a nice teen but when killing hes a dam monster
  9. lalala *hums* wow i think that i might be real. *10 black ravens form and a black hooded man comes into my cage roomed* you are the one. one of what said sky. the one of the memories,fate,and the world. O.O........ now rest child your work will begin tommorow *sky falls down slow motion onto the bed and sleeps* oh yeaaa i just double posted and thts ok with u and and ok u will have 2 use Cotalohomora spell ok fyi later on ok?
  10. as travis and dumbledore head out travis sees sky all around in mirros pictures and etx. HELP ME HELP ME HELP ME! *sky disappers* hmm i guess i am stuck here forever and wat r those bars o.o hmmmm werid oh well ill just stay here i guess hey am gonna draw *draws pictures* hmm i draw good
  11. oh where am i *sky looks around but it looks like the room like aqua is at the ending* oh i guess am stuck here for a long time i hope he got the letter before i maybe died i think i died because i cant get to the other places ill try to send dumbledore a message *while dumbledore and travis are talking a note appers* Am not alive am really nobody am cursed possed signed unknown * oh i know who that was sai dumbledore who said travis sky said dumbledore and travis says.....
  12. TRAVIS! *sky comes out of light and looks likehimself but glowing like light ish* as travis looks shocked and doesnt know wats going on sky goes back and forth attacking the werewolf fast. the werewolf bites sky and snaps him in half. t t travis *lays straight flat on the ground and disappers slowly like how xion died * ill c come b b back y you w will see me in dreams and r real life n no worries *totally disappers* goodbye... *voice faints away* NO!!!!!!!!!!!! says travis and he....
  13. run away run away *its sky voice bbut in creepyish way* go travis run away or fate may choose your life hurry run away *a bottle is on the table and the effctes say* May bring a life who got stuck by darnkess and traped or cursed they may bring back to life only works on the pure good so with you try this please doo not kill yourself. and travis decides to....
  14. the man in the black coat shot the spell at sky *sky falls down like head on bottom and feet on top* but lucky he disappers into 100 black ravens and disapers. NO!!!!!!! said travis YOU MONSTER WHY DONT YOU GOTO HELL! STUIDFPY STUIDFPY STUDFIPY! *hes blasts allot of times* he misses and the man in the black coat disappers. am sorry young sir says the teacher. travis gets sad but he knows maybe their is a way hes alive! *he goes to the libary and researchs* travis finds something about disappering the book says When a person disappers into items it can mean good or bad with they disapper into light or light orbs thats good their still here for another example with he/or she disappers into black ravens lets say 100 their may be signs of him/her needing help only some item may help luck,friendship, love, or all mix together to bring back him/her. travis says.........
  15. hmph i hope he happy now. *sky walks slowly and walks but notices somebody behind him* LUMOS! *light shines on travis* O.O...... *sky runs really fast away from travis* STUIPDFY *sky hits travis feet and he falls on the ground and sky runs real fast* sky wait!! sky goes behind and a thing and hes gone then the speaker goes on. ALL STUDENTS MUST GOTO THEIR ROOMS RIGHT AWAY PLEASE. *travis looks at the board of missing students* a picture of sky comes up Missing student Name:Sky Goodlove Gender:Male Age:11 Reward: higer extreme classes of magic. travis tries to find sky but a teacher says please goto your room and....
  16. as sky walks slowy into the halls he goes through a wall and travis look suprised he tries to follow him but then he gets lost in teh halls* sky peeks out from his eyes out of a hall then he walks into the hufflepuff room and hides behind the walls* (cause am in the wall ) he heres them gossip about travis and luke. sky get fuirous so he casts a dark magic from the stricted libary section and all huffepufff is doomed in their lifes. sky walks out of the walls back into the hall way then into a picture and travles into the pictures to get to the libary again and goes into the stricted section and gets another black magic book. sky walks around travis see's him and skys eye changes for a few seconds from green to dark red. travis follows him and......
  17. * sky and travis both have fainted and then sky cant even move hes litterally frozen* travis tries to move but its so hard he cant. Hmmm i dont think their going to be alright we will have to get the most medical people we can find *dumble dor goes to places to try to get help*
  18. Rebel side Name:Sky Goodlove Age:12 Why did you join:sick getting treated of slavery so ran away from that evil place Appearence:oranged hair,pleasnt clothes (like slave clothes for right now) and no shoes, Bio:A very nice kid searching for a long lost sister/ or brother Weapon: two become one ( an illsioun that brings peace and may hurt)
  19. *skys begins to bleed hard and blood flows over to the guys who hurted us* ah what the says daniel *the blood begins to turn to horror and things that shall be unknown* RUN!!!! says the fat boys *that r helping danile* they run and travis wakes up and says....
  20. as sky and travis head further into into the dungeon they see the fireflies on a table. O: travis look ill go get it!!! NOO ITS A TRAP SKY!!! *sky falls into a cage while loads of gnomes come out and greed creepy* mee heehehehehehhehe travis watch out!!!! *luke puts the tip of his wand out of the cage so he can help a little bit* STUIDFY!!1 WINDGARDMAM LEVISOA!! * wacks some of the gnomes 2 the wall and they get hit hard *
  21. Awwww its comes out in 2015 and i looked at the numbers so strangely cause of the year
  22. * ok i am back and wow u guys went far wat did i miss O.o* as sky fels like he got hit in the head and parazlied he soon realizes he was alseep for a very long time. hey guys what happend O.o how lon gwas i asleep for i last remeber it aws a sunny day O.o guys what wnet on O.o
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